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Fronen: The unluckiest realm ever.

Started by Geronus, August 08, 2012, 06:46:00 PM

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Nothoi will find little support in Thalmarkin in this case. Without Fronen's generosity there'd be no Nothoi after all, no matter how undiplomatic Fronen's current ruler has been about it.


I know, and I really don't expect much support from Thalmarkin, and Dyomoque will be returned soon too.

There is no problem on that subject
Stryfe Family: Tristan - Heorot/ Scherzer - Nothoi / Finan - Caelum / Arya - Farronite Republic



At least I left a legacy of good relations with Thalmarkin...


I say now is a good time to return to the throne
Stryfe Family: Tristan - Heorot/ Scherzer - Nothoi / Finan - Caelum / Arya - Farronite Republic

Draco Tanos

Thalmarkin doing anything beyond providing moral support to Fronen would be immensely foolish as they would be weakening their most steadfast allies and those willing to defend them.

Not to mention the comparisons that will undoubtedly be drawn between the Nothoi-Fronen situation and the Thalmarkin-Melhed one.

...and yet Thalmarkin would be defending Nothoi's Melhed.  I guess Melhed could push for their territories back as, if Thalmarkin supports Fronen, Old Grehk, Sint and Nothoi won't be heading to aid that northern Kingdom as they may be preoccupied.


At this point Fronen is pretty done for I think. Should just abandon Fronen and join Thalmarkin :D


Not enough time... That's why I went inactive in the first place.

Fronen would be suicidally stupid to attack anything in the state I left it in, even Nothoi. The realm should really just shut up, play nice, lick its wounds, work hard to improve its infrastructure, and then sit back and see what happens. I'm sure that opportunities of all kinds will arise given time.


I'd run for ruler in Fronen, but I like being our sole duke better. Less stress.

I would say Fronen is in better shape than when you paused Geronus.


Don't worry, Enweil's got your back.  8)
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Quote from: Chénier on December 17, 2012, 09:34:17 PM
Don't worry, Enweil's got your back.  8)

So both Enweil and Fronen will go down together huh


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Quote from: Chénier on December 17, 2012, 09:34:17 PM
Don't worry, Enweil's got your back.  8)

Which, really, is more of a liability than an asset. Being allied with what is probably the single most disliked/distrusted realm on the continent was ok when Enweil was a powerhouse. Now it's much less so. To be fair, I always liked Enweil. I think there is at least one other realm on BT that is far more deserving of the kind of hate directed at Enweil. I'll let you all speculate as to who I think that might be  ;D

Quote from: Sypher on December 17, 2012, 09:26:04 PM
I'd run for ruler in Fronen, but I like being our sole duke better. Less stress.

I would say Fronen is in better shape than when you paused Geronus.

That's good. It would be hard for things to be worse. Problem number one was food production and keeping Wudenkin in the black. Problem number two? Awful, awful recruitment centers. We had some decent infantry centers in the townslands, but they weren't exactly world-beating. And all of our heavy hitters went down with Vur Hagin. We miss those 80/80 cavalry. When I left we had no decent archers or cavalry, and most of our RCs were perpetually empty because of the effects of lowered population, hunger, and underdeveloped RCs.


They all hate Enweil for "siding with the daimons" (i.e. being utterly crushed by the daimons and accepting a ceasefire that would give some time to rebuild some forces, no different than Rio did the invasion before) while being perfectly fine allying a theocracy that worshipped them as god and giving government positions to those who helped the monsters kill and blight other human realms.

Enweil was screwed by failing to maintain its friendships prior to my arrival (with Creasur and Mesh, notably) and then the deal was sealed with the blighting of Avalon.
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Quote from: Chénier on December 26, 2012, 08:00:41 PM
They all hate Enweil for "siding with the daimons"

If you think that's the only reason people hate Enweil, you're seriously deluding yourself.

Years and years of belligerent, imperialistic behaviour (kicked off by insisting that all realms on the continent adopt a democratic form of government, at sword's point), followed by, at best, behaviour that was too easy to misconstrue as siding with daimons, has not left Enweil with a great reputation.

Having a Chénier in charge, frankly, shoves that reputation solidly into the "junk bond" status.
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


Quote from: Anaris on December 26, 2012, 09:34:25 PM
If you think that's the only reason people hate Enweil, you're seriously deluding yourself.

Years and years of belligerent, imperialistic behaviour (kicked off by insisting that all realms on the continent adopt a democratic form of government, at sword's point), followed by, at best, behaviour that was too easy to misconstrue as siding with daimons, has not left Enweil with a great reputation.

Having a Chénier in charge, frankly, shoves that reputation solidly into the "junk bond" status.

I'm convinced that most players on BT not only don't remember the days of Enweilian imperialism, I'd say that most don't even know that Enweil used to march off against others to impose democracy.

The wars that left everyone hating Enweil are the wars that it didn't start itself.
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