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Barony Prisoners

Started by Eirikr, December 13, 2012, 07:33:25 AM

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Prison Grapevine   (just in)
A fellow prisoner has yelled the following words through the dungeon:
Let it be known that Lind HidCoi shall be removing bricks not from the walls, but from the floor. I will then leave my... leavings in the hole and then replace the brick. I will do this at least once a day in a random place in my cell until I am released. You have my terms. Your move, C.E.

Can someone convince the CE judge to post the rest on the forums? I'm considering not even trying to escape so I can keep hearing more.


Yes, I can do that. Sadly, I'm rather busy IRL till the 17th, but I'm glad the Prisoners can entertain themselves when I can't talk to them that much (Also, way too many people for that!). I'll get you the messages as soon as I have some time :)


I don't see how that will make the smell any worse than it already is.  ;D
qui audet vincit


Quote from: GoldPanda on December 14, 2012, 08:07:15 AM
I don't see how that will make the smell any worse than it already is.  ;D

*Looks around for the "like" button, but comes away disappointed*


Life is a dance, it is only fitting that death sing the tune.


Here is the whole show....Normally Lara would have meddled into this and told the Prisoners to behave or else, but I sadly didn't have the time. I do normally try to talk to all my Prisoners at least once during their stay, depending on their reactions. You're all invited back into my Dungeons again so I can make up for my silence :)

QuotePrisoner Talk   (6 days, 19 hours ago)
Your guards report that a prisoner in your dungeon has been heard yelling these words:

The whole Barony is here! Guard, bring us ale to cheer!!!

Prisoner Talk   (6 days, 8 hours ago)
Your guards report that a prisoner in your dungeon has been heard yelling these words:

Roll out the barrel!!

Letter from Enri Kinsey   (6 days, 6 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (64 recipients)
Judge Lara,

Please make more room in the dungeons, ma'am. Ideally these Makarians need to be placed in every other cell. Otherwise I fear that the smell is too much for the guards.

I hear that we had a few escapes because the guards passed out from the stench.

Sir Enri Kinsey
General of Cagilan Empire
Knight of Ravening

Prisoner Talk   (6 days, 1 hour ago)
Your guards report that a prisoner in your dungeon has been heard yelling these words:

So, are these whores gonna take much longer to arrive?

Prisoner Talk   (6 days ago)
Your guards report that a prisoner in your dungeon has been heard yelling these words:

I don't want her. You can have her. She's too fat for me!

Prisoner Talk   (5 days, 23 hours ago)
Your guards report that a prisoner in your dungeon has been heard yelling these words:

Cagilan Empire couldn't lead a wet whore to bed, and of course their whores would be wet at the sight of a proper Viking man. Or in my case, woman.

Jailer, on with the whores and mead unless you want me to clip you round the ears again!

Prisoner Talk   (5 days, 22 hours ago)
Your guards report that a prisoner in your dungeon has been heard yelling these words:

The Caligans couldn't appreciate a woman if she dragged them to bed!By the way, are we moving the Barony government over here? It is a bit damper than the usual installation, but at least the looting is closer.

Prisoner Talk   (5 days, 22 hours ago)
Your guards report that a prisoner in your dungeon has been heard yelling these words:

I'd make a joke like "I've shoved all the gold I took up me bum!", but knowing this realms' nobles I'd be afraid they'd be too eager to go looking for it! So in that case...I've shoved all the gold I took up your King's horses' bum!Actually now I think I've just enticed them more...

Letter from Lara Telrunya   (5 days, 20 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (64 recipients)
Yes, while the Guards are doing a fine job, I've tried to keep our Prisoners separated a bit, but it does not stop them from yelling through the Dungeon. You'd think I'm the one getting punishment here having to listen to all this. I'm afraid I'll have to pay Guards extra wages for having to suffer through these obscenities.

Sadly, their actions against our Empire are still part of warfare, as despicable as they may be, so I cannot banish them from our lands. All I can do is make sure they stay in the Dungeons, and only receive the minimal of respect required of us as Nobility.

Lady Lara Telrunya
Judge of Cagilan Empire
Dame of Eagle's Glen

Prisoner Talk   (5 days, 17 hours ago)
Your guards report that a prisoner in your dungeon has been heard yelling these words:

Looting is closer, AND half of the Barony is here already.

Prisoner Talk   (5 days, 15 hours ago)
Your guards report that a prisoner in your dungeon has been heard yelling these words:

The government of the Barony is just on holiday is all, and where better to have a holiday than luxury accomodation paid for by the Cagilan tax payer?

Prisoner Talk   (5 days, 11 hours ago)
Your guards report that a prisoner in your dungeon has been heard yelling these words:

I hope they can afford all the visitors... I would hate for them to fall off a fiscal cliff!

Prisoner Talk   (5 days, 11 hours ago)
Your guards report that a prisoner in your dungeon has been heard yelling these words:

Hey, they serve ....water. Oh, the humanity! What vile uncouth bastards these people are.

Prisoner Talk   (5 days, 7 hours ago)
Your guards report that a prisoner in your dungeon has been heard yelling these words:

Damn! I don't think I've been in this prison before! I'll have to dig a hole for my mead keg here, too!Hey lads, this is Marshal Maduin... Can you check the third brick from the left?

Prisoner Talk   (5 days, 7 hours ago)
Your guards report that a prisoner in your dungeon has been heard yelling these words:

Let it be known that Lind HidCoi shall be removing bricks not from the walls, but from the floor. I will then leave my... leavings in the hole and then replace the brick. I will do this at least once a day in a random place in my cell until I am released. You have my terms. Your move, C.E.

Prisoner Talk   (5 days, 2 hours ago)
Your guards report that a prisoner in your dungeon has been heard yelling these words:

Greetings friends! I seem to have gate crashed your holiday

Prisoner Talk   (5 days ago)
Your guards report that a prisoner in your dungeon has been heard yelling these words:

Now its truly a party! I'm betting 3/4 of the Barony is here. Did anyone manage to smuggle some mead in???

Prisoner Talk   (4 days, 20 hours ago)
Your guards report that a prisoner in your dungeon has been heard yelling these words:

Anyone else a bit amused that the judge hasn't come to see us yet? I don't know a lot about this "trial" thing they have here, but it sounded like fun to me! They made it seem that you got a nice public setting to boast about your battles and looting. I want my trial!

Prisoner Talk   (4 days, 20 hours ago)
Your guards report that a prisoner in your dungeon has been heard yelling these words:

Ooooooooooooooone shiny gold Caglian coin in my pocket, twooooooooooo on me eyes. Three tucked in me beeeeeeeeeard... Four more! Four more! The Viking jeered!Fiiiiiiiiiiiive shiny gold Caglian coins in my pocket, siiiiiiiiiiiix lining my knuckles. Seven stuck in me teeeeeeeeeeth... Eight more! Eight more! I'll put them in me sheath!

Prisoner writes home   (3 days, 15 hours ago)
Sigmund, one of your prisoners, has sent a letter home to his ruler, Sordnaz Dagger, Dictator of Barony of Makar, Duke of Sale, Margrave of Sale. Of course your guards have copied the letter:

Huzzah Diktator!

I am on holiday in a CE pleasure dome. I vill be back soon. Ze vord ist that  you are looking to replace me. Please hold off on zat. I vill be home soon.


Thanks! I got a chuckle from the ones I missed. :P


That is fantastic. I used to love all the dungeon chatting that you could get done with a good lot of Vikings behind bars. Makes me proud to see the spirit is there.

Thanks for sharing!