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Provisions Tweak

Started by GoldPanda, August 17, 2012, 08:00:42 AM

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Make provisions an unit stat, like morale.


More importantly, allow us to increase provisions by hiring troops from regions with food surplus.

Make it work just like morale: If we recruit troops from regions with high morale, we get high morale recruits, which may increase the average morale of our unit if it originally had low morale.

So, if we recruit troops from an rural region that's brimming with food, give us recruits with 100% provision, which will increase the provisions value of our unit via a weighted average.


Let us boost our provisions quickly via recruiting, instead of waiting for 10 days inside an rural region. Waiting is boring.

Possible exploits:

None that I can think of.
qui audet vincit


Well, it could be a solution... but if the problem is the sloooow rate to get provisions, the obvious answer would be to make FASTER the replenishment of the provisions... I can understand one unit consume a 10% for day of his provisions. Buy WHY it must be the same rate to GET these provisions?

It has no sense!... if you want provisions for a week, you will spend one week getting them?  IMHO it would be 2 or 3 times faster to get the provisions than to eat them.  :P


Quote from: Poliorketes on August 17, 2012, 11:33:21 AM
Well, it could be a solution... but if the problem is the sloooow rate to get provisions, the obvious answer would be to make FASTER the replenishment of the provisions... I can understand one unit consume a 10% for day of his provisions. Buy WHY it must be the same rate to GET these provisions?

It has no sense!... if you want provisions for a week, you will spend one week getting them?  IMHO it would be 2 or 3 times faster to get the provisions than to eat them.  :P

Actually, you get 10% each day in regions with a surplus, and your men eat 20% in starving regions, not 10%.


Quote from: egamma on August 17, 2012, 02:50:52 PM
Actually, you get 10% each day in regions with a surplus, and your men eat 20% in starving regions, not 10%.

If you look at it from a realism standpoint, this means that your men manage to gather 30% of their food-carrying capacity in a day, they eat 2/3 of it and save 1/3. So it's not like these numbers should be equal or anything. If you accumulate something, then you are gathering provisions faster than you eat them.
After all it's a roleplaying game.


Quote from: vonGenf on August 17, 2012, 03:09:35 PM
If you look at it from a realism standpoint, this means that your men manage to gather 30% of their food-carrying capacity in a day, they eat 2/3 of it and save 1/3. So it's not like these numbers should be equal or anything. If you accumulate something, then you are gathering provisions faster than you eat them.

We don't want too much realism in the game. It doesn't fit the game too well if we have too much of it. For inactive players inconveniences like this are very annoying. If they have to sit in one region for 10 days just to fill the provisions, they might forget to login to check :p.


But wouldn't it benefit inactive players since they can just sit in a region and log in a few days later to find a decent amount of provisions?
The above is accurate 25% of the time, truthful 50% of the time, and facetious 100% of the time.


Quote from: Foundation on August 17, 2012, 06:06:14 PM
But wouldn't it benefit inactive players since they can just sit in a region and log in a few days later to find a decent amount of provisions?

:o ... you are right. another way to add more people to the inactive clan!


Quote from: Foundation on August 17, 2012, 06:06:14 PM
But wouldn't it benefit inactive players since they can just sit in a region and log in a few days later to find a decent amount of provisions?

Increasing how quickly provisions are collected benefits everyone, not just "inactives". Ten days is too long. Before I could buy a caravan, buy or steal 50 bushels and I'm set for 7 weeks. Now it takes two days to get one day's worth of provisions?


In my humble opinion, the process to get provisions must last 2 days aprox. ( 50% / day )... for free or bought with gold.

We are talking about the resupply of a unit. As it's now, is like stealing food from a buffet!  ;D


Maybe this wouldn't be here, but things like provisions, or siege engines, etc... I don't know, but maybe all this kind of things would be better in an 'army level' than put in the 'unit level'... something as the army war-chest!

Of course, this would take a lot of changes, so maybe not now, but it would be good to think about it for future updates?


Nothing forces you to stay in the same region for resupply. You just have to be in a region with a surplus. Doesn't matter if you travel or whatever. So in most realms, just heading back to the capital to resupply and recruit fresh troops should be enough to fill up your provisions. Maybe not to 100% but why is everyone so fixated on 100% anyways?


Useless feature request, btw. - I've already answered in several threads, that this is already on the drawing board.


Quote from: Tom on August 19, 2012, 03:06:43 PM
Nothing forces you to stay in the same region for resupply. You just have to be in a region with a surplus. Doesn't matter if you travel or whatever. So in most realms, just heading back to the capital to resupply and recruit fresh troops should be enough to fill up your provisions. Maybe not to 100% but why is everyone so fixated on 100% anyways?

Perhaps because even at 100%, you only get 5 days in a starving region?

In general, it may not make a huge difference.

Right now on Dwilight, however, the difference is staggering.
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


Quote from: Anaris on August 19, 2012, 03:15:09 PM
Perhaps because even at 100%, you only get 5 days in a starving region?

In general, it may not make a huge difference.

Right now on Dwilight, however, the difference is staggering.

5 days? In a starving region?... At best!... I waited two whole days to get 20% provisions (pretty boring), and when I come back to the Capital, (going trough two regions without surplus but NOT starving) I had 0% supplies again!  :'(


Quote from: Tom on August 19, 2012, 03:06:43 PM
So in most realms, just heading back to the capital to resupply and recruit fresh troops should be enough to fill up your provisions.

Not really...Arcaea's pretty big (second biggest realm in the game, I believe, region-wise), and travelling back to resupply and recruit gave me 20% provisions.

And can anyone tell me why the Provisions line in my Status keeps disappearing and reappearing?