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Terran trials

Started by Uzamaki, August 17, 2012, 05:05:50 PM

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Quote from: Anaris on August 18, 2012, 03:10:10 AM
Sorry, I must have missed the first one.

I didn't know; it just seemed like the kind of depraved thing that such people would do. Now, though, I know ;D



Quote from: T-Rex Messiah on August 18, 2012, 03:12:25 AM

FWIW, Hireshmont believed Erasmus did that even before he knew about the Huntsmen.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


Quote from: Vellos on August 18, 2012, 03:50:36 AM
FWIW, Hireshmont believed Erasmus did that even before he knew about the Huntsmen.

Hahahaha, oh, Erasmus... He never fails to make my sides split.


Actually, I'm the one who outed Erasmus to the whole realm. I just happen to have awesome timing and did so right as we discovered he was the spymaster of the Hunstmen.

I sent letters to all the Lords of Terran outing Erasmus by the grace of his own words, and sent every letter between us three to Lord Vellos directly to clear Shino's name.

Erasmus never supported us... Maybe Alura, hoping to have her be General at his side, but Alura always suspected Erasmus' as a traitor. Shino and Alura discussed this after Erasmus stopped answering our letters after he went bat!@#$ and threatened to arrest Vellos and use supposed dirt to out Perth and all the Dukes, which we wanted absolutely nothing to do with.

Dafuq, lmao.

"Hey, would you help us make sure Vellos doesn't go bat!@#$ with senility and ruin Terran by voting for us to help rebuild Terran?"

"Vote? Elections? !@#$ that, I'm going to frame and imprison EEEEEEEVERYONE! Then, you can be Magistrate Shino because I don't have those ambitions, and you Alura would be a fine General."

</Shino-Alura> *blink blink* "...Uhhh... Not... Really... Umm... What we meant... Err..."

That's effectively what happened. :-P

Old (Deleted) Aurea family= Alura (Ruler/Marshal-Terran); Alekhthaeos (Arcaea); Ehndras (Riombara); Vvaros (Arcaea); Magnus (Xerarch-Xavax); Alekhsandr (Marshal/Hero-Fissoa); Decimus (Warrior-Sandalak); Khets'aeïn(Assassin-Riombara)

This account is no longer in use. New account vaguely under wraps.


Quote from: Ehndras on August 18, 2012, 07:03:36 AM
Actually, I'm the one who outed Erasmus to the whole realm. I just happen to have awesome timing and did so right as we discovered he was the spymaster of the Hunstmen.

I sent letters to all the Lords of Terran outing Erasmus by the grace of his own words, and sent every letter between us three to Lord Vellos directly to clear Shino's name.

Erasmus never supported us... Maybe Alura, hoping to have her be General at his side, but Alura always suspected Erasmus' as a traitor. Shino and Alura discussed this after Erasmus stopped answering our letters after he went bat!@#$ and threatened to arrest Vellos and use supposed dirt to out Perth and all the Dukes, which we wanted absolutely nothing to do with.

Dafuq, lmao.

"Hey, would you help us make sure Vellos doesn't go bat!@#$ with senility and ruin Terran by voting for us to help rebuild Terran?"

"Vote? Elections? !@#$ that, I'm going to frame and imprison EEEEEEEVERYONE! Then, you can be Magistrate Shino because I don't have those ambitions, and you Alura would be a fine General."

</Shino-Alura> *blink blink* "...Uhhh... Not... Really... Umm... What we meant... Err..."

That's effectively what happened. :-P

Yup. And one forged letter later, Shino has some serious stuff to explain...


I knew it was bull!@#$. It was way too sudden and too convenient for Erasmus... I KNEW he wanted to be CE, he stated it. Then to Shino he says "Oh despite all my power and ambition and greed and connections I'll just randomly and for no discernible reason bow to a young and foolish noble and let you take over a realm I've long-manipulated in order to control?"

...Yeah, not happening. I knew he would do something against Shino but I didn't realize he'd do it so soon o_O

Also, I only remembered he ever wrote that letter because I was drunk. I typed all that blitzed out of my mind so I apologize if I made little sense.
Old (Deleted) Aurea family= Alura (Ruler/Marshal-Terran); Alekhthaeos (Arcaea); Ehndras (Riombara); Vvaros (Arcaea); Magnus (Xerarch-Xavax); Alekhsandr (Marshal/Hero-Fissoa); Decimus (Warrior-Sandalak); Khets'aeïn(Assassin-Riombara)

This account is no longer in use. New account vaguely under wraps.


Quote from: Ehndras on August 18, 2012, 07:08:30 AM
I knew it was bull!@#$. It was way too sudden and too convenient for Erasmus... I KNEW he wanted to be CE, he stated it. Then to Shino he says "Oh despite all my power and ambition and greed and connections I'll just randomly and for no discernible reason bow to a young and foolish noble and let you take over a realm I've long-manipulated in order to control?"

...Yeah, not happening. I knew he would do something against Shino but I didn't realize he'd do it so soon o_O

Also, I only remembered he ever wrote that letter because I was drunk. I typed all that blitzed out of my mind so I apologize if I made little sense.

I don't think he forged it. I think someone else did. And not Vellos either.


Someone else?

Well, one this is certain: Erasmus accused me of treachery before Vellos ousted him so one of those I sent the letter to ousting him, all Dukes and Magistrates, might also be a traitor and Erasmus' agent...

!@#$, I just realized that. It just gets worse :-|
Old (Deleted) Aurea family= Alura (Ruler/Marshal-Terran); Alekhthaeos (Arcaea); Ehndras (Riombara); Vvaros (Arcaea); Magnus (Xerarch-Xavax); Alekhsandr (Marshal/Hero-Fissoa); Decimus (Warrior-Sandalak); Khets'aeïn(Assassin-Riombara)

This account is no longer in use. New account vaguely under wraps.


Quote from: Ehndras on August 18, 2012, 07:28:53 AM
Someone else?

Well, one this is certain: Erasmus accused me of treachery before Vellos ousted him so one of those I sent the letter to ousting him, all Dukes and Magistrates, might also be a traitor and Erasmus' agent...

!@#$, I just realized that. It just gets worse :-|

Oh yeah. I can feel a rebellion coming, after all of the people Erasmus banned are rogue.


God DAMN it.

We tried so hard to gain power peacefully and without rebellion and we end up rebelling anyway, LOL! !@#$ing ironic. At least this way we show ourselves to be honorable and fight for good reasons.

Whoever said honesty doesn't pay is probably a dishonest prick... Or a Judge. ;-)
Old (Deleted) Aurea family= Alura (Ruler/Marshal-Terran); Alekhthaeos (Arcaea); Ehndras (Riombara); Vvaros (Arcaea); Magnus (Xerarch-Xavax); Alekhsandr (Marshal/Hero-Fissoa); Decimus (Warrior-Sandalak); Khets'aeïn(Assassin-Riombara)

This account is no longer in use. New account vaguely under wraps.


Quote from: Ehndras on August 18, 2012, 07:33:28 AM
God DAMN it.

We tried so hard to gain power peacefully and without rebellion and we end up rebelling anyway, LOL! !@#$ing ironic. At least this way we show ourselves to be honorable and fight for good reasons.

Whoever said honesty doesn't pay is probably a dishonest prick... Or a Judge. ;-)

Maybe not though. There are few nobles in the vicinity of the capital, and those that are are on the loyalist side.


Quote from: Ehndras on August 18, 2012, 07:03:36 AM
Actually, I'm the one who outed Erasmus to the whole realm. I just happen to have awesome timing and did so right as we discovered he was the spymaster of the Hunstmen.

By "awesome timing" do you mean acting on IC propaganda posted here on the forums?

QuoteRe: Luria
« Reply #306 on: Yesterday at 12:48:48 AM »


Malus wades into Terran politics by sharing with the rulers of Dwilight what Hireshmont has already been told: that the Magistrate of Terran coordinated treason within Solaria in an attempt to discredit Hireshmont, assume his place, and unite all of the 'moot realms under a single empire. Oh, and that he has a network of goons that work with him to round up advies and serially torture them. THAT's pretty cool. Wish I'd thought of that idea myself.


That's nothing new, I've known that IC and OOC for ages now.
Old (Deleted) Aurea family= Alura (Ruler/Marshal-Terran); Alekhthaeos (Arcaea); Ehndras (Riombara); Vvaros (Arcaea); Magnus (Xerarch-Xavax); Alekhsandr (Marshal/Hero-Fissoa); Decimus (Warrior-Sandalak); Khets'aeïn(Assassin-Riombara)

This account is no longer in use. New account vaguely under wraps.


Quote from: Ehndras on August 18, 2012, 09:37:29 AM
That's nothing new, I've known that IC and OOC for ages now.

That's simply not possible. Considering that the propaganda was released AFTER my character confessed, giving Malus the evidence to incriminate Erasmus. How could you know for ages IC and OOC when it's only been available for 2 maybe 3 days at most? You must also consider the fact that some of it was manufactured propaganda, i.e. the moot empire. The moot empire propaganda was only recently created in the last few days.

So, you knew for ages? Then why did you wait until after Solari posted the propaganda on the forum to out Erasmus?

QuoteRe: Luria
« Reply #331 on: Yesterday at 07:13:08 AM »


I'm pretty sure I've effectively cleared the air of this big pile of bull!@#$ that's going on in Terran. I was trying to avoid bringing certain information to light but a certain douchey character gave me no choice when he tried to manipulate the !@#$ out of everyone.

I totally forgot about that letter until tonight when I was drunk. I was like, I KNOW who it is IC and OOC, but how the hell do I prove it? I'm pretty sure when he told me certain things it was in OOC and not I... Oh !@#$. Wait. SCORE.

I suspected from the start but thought it beneath him... Apparently not.

I see you talking about a letter, which in all fairness, was legit, but your perfect timing came after IC propaganda was posted here.



Quote from: T-Rex Messiah on August 18, 2012, 10:09:40 AM
That's simply not possible. Considering that the propaganda was released AFTER my character confessed, giving Malus the evidence to incriminate Erasmus. How could you know for ages IC and OOC when it's only been available for 2 maybe 3 days at most? You must also consider the fact that some of it was manufactured propaganda, i.e. the moot empire. The moot empire propaganda was only recently created in the last few days.

So, you knew for ages? Then why did you wait until after Solari posted the propaganda on the forum to out Erasmus?

I see you talking about a letter, which in all fairness, was legit, but your perfect timing came after IC propaganda was posted here.


She really did wait. We knew he had spies, and we knew he was a bad dude, we just didn't know how bad until we realized he was an evil mastermind.