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Terran trials

Started by Uzamaki, August 17, 2012, 05:05:50 PM

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Quote from: Perth on August 20, 2012, 06:53:34 AM
You can't die from wounds. If you die, it'll be instant.

I know, I simply quoted the report. :-)

QuoteWounds Worsening   (39 minutes ago)
Unfortunately, the healers say your condition is deteriorating.
Your wounds have gotten infected, and they're going to have to operate soon or you could die.
Your wounds are still very serious, and you are slipping in and out of consciousness. The healers are doing their best, and say they think you will probably recover, but they cannot tell you how long it may be.
Old (Deleted) Aurea family= Alura (Ruler/Marshal-Terran); Alekhthaeos (Arcaea); Ehndras (Riombara); Vvaros (Arcaea); Magnus (Xerarch-Xavax); Alekhsandr (Marshal/Hero-Fissoa); Decimus (Warrior-Sandalak); Khets'aeïn(Assassin-Riombara)

This account is no longer in use. New account vaguely under wraps.


Quote from: DamnTaffer on August 20, 2012, 06:56:25 AM
My god... Can nobody fight a war on there own without some shAtamara style alliance gangbang

You try to make yourselves out to be the biggest military badasses around, then bitch when people take that seriously and ally against you? Take pride that it takes more than a single realm to defeat you, don't piss and moan about it.


Quote from: Perth on August 20, 2012, 06:52:21 AM
I ignored the first status quo comment, but I'll bite for this one.

How, in any way, is Terran leadership trying to "stick to the status quo"? We intend to take incorporate Barcan and D'Haran territory into Terran. Until the famine and long winter hit we intended to try to either end or severely damage Aurvandil, we broke off our friendship with Asylon, we eagerly began a potentially destructive war with Kabrinskia, we then won that war, ended it, and proceeded to repair relations with the Astrocracies. We were forging relations with the Lurias in what would have been the first large joint affair between two of the three big powerblocks in a joint 'Moot-Luria war on Aurvandil (though it backfired, of course).

I'm not seeing how the Terran leadership is "status quo" when they have done nothing but pursue ways to change things up. Just cause some of us are against not outright abandoning our only two allies on the continent doesn't mean we're "status quo."

Ah, but you want to keep yourselves in power, not hand it all over to newcomers!

That means you're The Man, and your reign is, by definition, the status quo!
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


Quote from: Perth on August 20, 2012, 06:52:21 AM
How, in any way, is Terran leadership trying to "stick to the status quo"? We intend to take incorporate Barcan and D'Haran territory into Terran. Until the famine and long winter hit we intended to try to either end or severely damage Aurvandil, we broke off our friendship with Asylon, we eagerly began a potentially destructive war with Kabrinskia, we then won that war, ended it, and proceeded to repair relations with the Astrocracies. We were forging relations with the Lurias in what would have been the first large joint affair between two of the three big powerblocks in a joint 'Moot-Luria war on Aurvandil (though it backfired, of course).

I'm not seeing how the Terran leadership is "status quo" when they have done nothing but pursue ways to change things up. Just cause some of us are against not outright abandoning our only two allies on the continent doesn't mean we're "status quo."

1. Taking incorporate Barca and D'Hara land was, in fact, Shino's idea. And, if it wasn't his idea, he was the first person to say it in the Senate(and often and loudly I might add). AND neither Kale nor Hireshmont seemed to like the idea as I recall. I believe one of them referred to Shino as a backstabber and lowly. Can't remember which.

2. We didn't try to severely damage Aurvandil, Aurvandil tried to beat the !@#$ out of Barca and then we decided to jump in(more like we had to given 'moot rules). You could make an argument that we didn't but we all knew that, in the long run, they were gonna keep pummeling their neighbors, and so we decided to band together.

3. We began a war over our own territory with Kabrinskia, and in that war we sought to take no land, just defend the land that was ours, in other words, keep a pre-war status quo. Whether I liked the war or not is besides the question, the Kabrinskian war literally reeks of status quo.

4. Reforged relationships with the Astrocracies to go back to the pre-war status quo.

5. The Luria thing was the one thing that can be said that was outside the realm of the normal. Claps and hearty congratulations for that.


Quote from: Velax on August 20, 2012, 10:59:16 AM
You try to make yourselves out to be the biggest military badasses around, then bitch when people take that seriously and ally against you? Take pride that it takes more than a single realm to defeat you, don't piss and moan about it.

We really have not put that much effort into it, we just have some selfless nobles, vaguely effective leadership and slightly better than mediocre regions. THe only real effort we put in is turning up everyday to follow orders. I really don't get how much the rest of Dwilight seems to think we do all this !@#$ to make ourselfs great because we really, really don't.

But my complaint was about how in battlemaster it is rare for any realm to declare war without finding a group of freinds to declare with it. Having diplomacy and allies is fine but christ... If we wern't such military badasses neither of us would be having any fun playing this game


Quote from: DamnTaffer on August 20, 2012, 05:12:14 PM
But my complaint was about how in battlemaster it is rare for any realm to declare war without finding a group of freinds to declare with it. Having diplomacy and allies is fine but christ... If we wern't such military badasses neither of us would be having any fun playing this game

You said it yourself: they're not friends, they're allies.

Finding and keeping allies is not something that is done on the side for powergaming purposes. It IS the game.
After all it's a roleplaying game.


Yup. Aurvandil could easily seek some allies as well. With such a charming ruler they must be piling up in eager anticipation already. ;)


Quote from: DamnTaffer on August 20, 2012, 05:12:14 PM
Aurvandil is the greatest realm in BM, everyone else sucks, and I don't know why you team up to destroy our awesome realm. Go back to your hovels from whence you came and bow!

What I read.  :P


Quote from: Ehndras on August 19, 2012, 08:00:37 PM
It was our understanding that D'hara and Aurvandil are now allies.

And yet a quick perusal of the Diplomacy page would show you that our status is currently "war".


Quote from: egamma on August 20, 2012, 06:45:34 PM
And yet a quick perusal of the Diplomacy page would show you that our status is currently "war".

Only a Machiavellic plot to deceive poor honest realms!  8)


Quote from: Poliorketes on August 20, 2012, 07:07:45 PM
Only a Machiavellic plot to deceive poor honest realms!  8)

He's no longer active in D'Hara. I need to exile him, actually. Still debating it.


Quote from: DamnTaffer on August 20, 2012, 05:12:14 PM
But my complaint was about how in battlemaster it is rare for any realm to declare war without finding a group of freinds to declare with it. Having diplomacy and allies is fine but christ... If we wern't such military badasses neither of us would be having any fun playing this game

It would be so great if it were possible to just have one on one wars in this game, but in truth having a one on one war and keeping it that way are both a lot of work. Even if you want to keep it mano a mano, you have to account for the other side's efforts to stack the odds in their favor, which means doing a lot of preparatory diplomacy to secure commitments from other realms to, at the very least, keep their noses out of it, and then convincing them to stick to those commitments which requires ongoing effort. And if you're going to go that far, why not go a bit further and just get them to help you in the first place?

Aurvandil and Mendicant choose to be iconoclastic. They choose to go their own way and not spend much effort cultivating friends and allies. That's fine, but the natural consequence of doing so is that you will very rarely ever find yourself fighting a one on one war, especially since there is no realm on Dwilight that can take Aurvandil one on one.

In the end, Battlemaster is about winning wars. You don't generally win wars if you aren't in the business of seeking every possible advantage over your enemy that you can find. That's why diplomacy and alliance building are such an important part of the game.


Quote from: Uzamaki on August 20, 2012, 01:39:51 PM
1. Taking incorporate Barca and D'Hara land was, in fact, Shino's idea. And, if it wasn't his idea, he was the first person to say it in the Senate(and often and loudly I might add). AND neither Kale nor Hireshmont seemed to like the idea as I recall. I believe one of them referred to Shino as a backstabber and lowly. Can't remember which.

2. We didn't try to severely damage Aurvandil, Aurvandil tried to beat the !@#$ out of Barca and then we decided to jump in(more like we had to given 'moot rules). You could make an argument that we didn't but we all knew that, in the long run, they were gonna keep pummeling their neighbors, and so we decided to band together.

3. We began a war over our own territory with Kabrinskia, and in that war we sought to take no land, just defend the land that was ours, in other words, keep a pre-war status quo. Whether I liked the war or not is besides the question, the Kabrinskian war literally reeks of status quo.

4. Reforged relationships with the Astrocracies to go back to the pre-war status quo.

5. The Luria thing was the one thing that can be said that was outside the realm of the normal. Claps and hearty congratulations for that.

1. Taking Thysan is not really a radical change on any meaningful timescale; Thysan was a long-time holding of Terran until we gave it to Barca. Paisland is fairly radical, but, still. Sure, Shino advocated it: and failed. If it happens, it won't be because he advocated it: it's because leaders in Barca and D'hara asked Hireshmont to do it. The correlation between your opinions and reality does not necessary mean you caused it.

2. You say this with your grand knowledge. Because obviously there was never any plan to attack Aurvandil. Surely not. Surely Hireshmont hadn't been trying to gradually win the respect and support of the entire continent. Surely Hireshmont didn't just make a highly politicized conversion under the auspices of the prophet himself. Surely Terran didn't just succeed in simultaneously being the first realm to ever launch aggression against Astrocracies and win. Surely that wasn't a ploy to win their respect and try to destabilize Allison, nullifying the northern threat. Surely solidifying the alliance with Asylon wasn't part of that plan (it was, obviously: but Glaumring and his Aurvandil-love-affair sabotaged that pretty well). Surely the next part of the plan wasn't to buff up relations with Astrum, Corsanctum, and Morek. Surely we weren't already getting friendlier with the Lurias. Surely Hireshmont hasn't been hawking against Aurvandil since long before the war with Kabrinskia.

Oh wait, all of that is actually the case. Aurvandil's attack hastened a war we all knew was coming. You are entirely ignorant of any of the history that's actually behind the present war and the diplomatic preparations for it; you cannot presume to be able to state what it's about. If it was about saving Barca, we'd be done: Barca was going to get terms. We pressured Barca into abandoning those negotiations because we believed we had Lurian support, and because none of us saw the Long Winter coming.

3. Again, you are entirely ignorant of why we fought Kabrinskia. Sure, the public cassus belli was about sovereignty and all that. But ultimately we did it to get some field training with Barca, flex some muscle, destabilize Kabrinskia and delegitimize Allison (though we didn't think we'd be able to remove her totally; that was a lucky break), and strengthen our ties to Asylon. The idea was that with the north stabilized and the Astroist realms respecting both our warmaking capabilities and our diplomacy, realms like Morek and Astrum would hop on board. Crucially, that's not an impossibility, even now. Unfortunately, Glaumring's catastrophic bungling sabotaged much of this plan, and Aurvandil's pre-emptive strike crippled us. Everything depended on Lurian involvement at that point... and then they betrayed us. It was a neatly stacked house of cards that was nearly complete... when it came tumbling down to the tune of moans of starvation.

4. Oh yeah, because, status quo, Astrocracies were offering us military aid in wars. Not. Again, you're exceptionally near-sighted in these assertions: Terran's relationships did not return to "status quo antebellum." Our war with Kabrinskia won us many new friends throughout Astroism and made those relationships arguably stronger than before.

5. Well thanks, but you're not quite imaginative enough if you think "the Luria thing" was an isolated incident.

Terran's golden oldies are where they are for a reason: we're all playing a long game. Before Aurvandil, the long-game was "Get the Moot big enough to bully Madina, contain the Zuma, and keep our periphery cowed." After Aurvandil got pesky, the long-game became "Get the Moot stable enough and with good enough allies to remove the Aurvandi threat."

Finally, in a realm where the majority of the lords are not only new characters but new players in BM, I think it's hard to make a case we're locked in some kind of "old guard" situation. Hireshmont is in his fourth term of office (I think). That's 12 months. There are scores of rulers in BM with longer tenures than that; at least a half-dozen in Dwilight alone.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


Quote from: Vellos on August 20, 2012, 09:13:17 PM
1. Taking Thysan is not really a radical change on any meaningful timescale; Thysan was a long-time holding of Terran until we gave it to Barca. Paisland is fairly radical, but, still. Sure, Shino advocated it: and failed. If it happens, it won't be because he advocated it: it's because leaders in Barca and D'hara asked Hireshmont to do it. The correlation between your opinions and reality does not necessary mean you caused it.

2. You say this with your grand knowledge. Because obviously there was never any plan to attack Aurvandil. Surely not. Surely Hireshmont hadn't been trying to gradually win the respect and support of the entire continent. Surely Hireshmont didn't just make a highly politicized conversion under the auspices of the prophet himself. Surely Terran didn't just succeed in simultaneously being the first realm to ever launch aggression against Astrocracies and win. Surely that wasn't a ploy to win their respect and try to destabilize Allison, nullifying the northern threat. Surely solidifying the alliance with Asylon wasn't part of that plan (it was, obviously: but Glaumring and his Aurvandil-love-affair sabotaged that pretty well). Surely the next part of the plan wasn't to buff up relations with Astrum, Corsanctum, and Morek. Surely we weren't already getting friendlier with the Lurias. Surely Hireshmont hasn't been hawking against Aurvandil since long before the war with Kabrinskia.

Oh wait, all of that is actually the case. Aurvandil's attack hastened a war we all knew was coming. You are entirely ignorant of any of the history that's actually behind the present war and the diplomatic preparations for it; you cannot presume to be able to state what it's about. If it was about saving Barca, we'd be done: Barca was going to get terms. We pressured Barca into abandoning those negotiations because we believed we had Lurian support, and because none of us saw the Long Winter coming.

3. Again, you are entirely ignorant of why we fought Kabrinskia. Sure, the public cassus belli was about sovereignty and all that. But ultimately we did it to get some field training with Barca, flex some muscle, destabilize Kabrinskia and delegitimize Allison (though we didn't think we'd be able to remove her totally; that was a lucky break), and strengthen our ties to Asylon. The idea was that with the north stabilized and the Astroist realms respecting both our warmaking capabilities and our diplomacy, realms like Morek and Astrum would hop on board. Crucially, that's not an impossibility, even now. Unfortunately, Glaumring's catastrophic bungling sabotaged much of this plan, and Aurvandil's pre-emptive strike crippled us. Everything depended on Lurian involvement at that point... and then they betrayed us. It was a neatly stacked house of cards that was nearly complete... when it came tumbling down to the tune of moans of starvation.

4. Oh yeah, because, status quo, Astrocracies were offering us military aid in wars. Not. Again, you're exceptionally near-sighted in these assertions: Terran's relationships did not return to "status quo antebellum." Our war with Kabrinskia won us many new friends throughout Astroism and made those relationships arguably stronger than before.

5. Well thanks, but you're not quite imaginative enough if you think "the Luria thing" was an isolated incident.

Terran's golden oldies are where they are for a reason: we're all playing a long game. Before Aurvandil, the long-game was "Get the Moot big enough to bully Madina, contain the Zuma, and keep our periphery cowed." After Aurvandil got pesky, the long-game became "Get the Moot stable enough and with good enough allies to remove the Aurvandi threat."

Finally, in a realm where the majority of the lords are not only new characters but new players in BM, I think it's hard to make a case we're locked in some kind of "old guard" situation. Hireshmont is in his fourth term of office (I think). That's 12 months. There are scores of rulers in BM with longer tenures than that; at least a half-dozen in Dwilight alone.

1. Failed because the administration wasn't willing to take the step, and in fact disparaged him for suggesting it. Not because it wasn't a good idea/logical. Hence, allies asking us to do it.

2. Astrocracies were always going to fight Aurvandil. Aurvandil hates the Astrocracies and vice versa. In my opinion, it was inevitable. We got Allison out of power, sure... Where she promptly came to Terran via the treaty and is probably plotting to use the Zuma and the Luria's as well as Kabrinskia et al to destroy the 'moot. Terran didn't launch an aggression against the Astrocracies, as Hireshmont never fails to point out. They launched an aggression against Kabrinskia. And we won not because we beat them, in fact, I recall losing a fairly big battle just before the treaty talk started. We won because they allowed us to, and because Allison probably has something up her sleeve. She always does.

3. Okay, I can see you logic behind going to war with Kabrinskia to gain the respect of the Astrocracies to use that against Aurvandil. Two big problems though: Terran's war making ability stinks in part because our RC's suck and our Senate keeps putting that off until some later date, and Barca didn't gain any noteworthy experience from the war. Second one isn't Hireshmont's fault, first one is(at least in part).

4. The only way you could call them our friends if you go with 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend'. If you do, then it is true, we are friends. But as I have said before, Aurvandil and the Astrocracies are bound to collide sooner or later. They are complete opposites and hate each other and sooner or later that is going to turn into a conflict.

5. Nor do I. But you built your house of cards on a windy day and hoped that it wouldn't fall down. But, due to a series of unfortunate events that weren't quite under your control, they did fall.


Quote from: Vellos on August 20, 2012, 09:13:17 PM
Finally, in a realm where the majority of the lords are not only new characters but new players in BM, I think it's hard to make a case we're locked in some kind of "old guard" situation. Hireshmont is in his fourth term of office (I think). That's 12 months. There are scores of rulers in BM with longer tenures than that; at least a half-dozen in Dwilight alone.

Not to mention Kale has only been Magistrate of War for not even ONE full term. Not to mention he supports young, new players into positions of power quite quickly ALL the time. He directly supported Alura into a Senatorship a month into her joining the game. Then made her Vice Marshal of the Pride, and then Marshal within two months. Hell, he did the same thing with Shino! Directly endorsed him into a Senatorship and into a Marshalship.

But yeah honestly of all the realms I've played in on BM, Terran has to be the least "old boys club" realm I've ever encountered.
"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)