Author Topic: [Forum Game] Werewolf III: A Perilous Voyage  (Read 82633 times)


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Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf III: A Perilous Voyage
« Reply #285: September 05, 2012, 07:36:25 AM »
Very quickly, from my side:

Night 1:

I told Telrunya that i had a feeling Cren and Lefanis or Indirik and Perth was the opposite assassin team. We decided to hunt Cren ( got an assassin and recruiter) and we scanned Indirik just to see if he was a sleeper. He is a sleeper ! Opposite recruiter is dead and night 1 we have a sleeper !!! i was amazed.

Day 2:

We supported the lynch of Zaki, for no obvious reason, except he voted against Telrunya, so why not vote with the masses and remove a possible threat.

Telrunya feels suspicious about Indirik, he said he has the feeling he might be attached already and doesn't looks like he wants to join us. He told me then, if i die, he is attached, and you have to kill him.

Night 2:

Telrunya dies. It's clear for me Indirik betrayed him and told the opposite team Telrunya was a mutineer.

Day 3:

My first plan then was to PM few ppls, enough to get him lynch, and gain trust, so i claimed a secret third party  player scanned him. People asked me if it was not the seer, which role that person is ? I was trying to find something when i received a PM from Sonya, saying: Oh well whatever, i prefer to vote slapsticks. Seer is dead and i'm a mortician and it's useless, i can't use my power, it's hard to use it on a victim before he dies... Bingo! found it, i'm in contact with the mortician.

So my plan was then to convince people the mortician saw it, and i will be the spokesman for him. Velax and Slapsticks was asking too much questions, i didn't feel i should trust them... So the plan was:
Try the double-lynch, ( I prefer my Slapsticks dead. )
Claim Indirik was one of the assassin of last night
Claim i know who is the mortician, and he is putting his power on me since i am exposed.
Murder Sonya, like this no one would be able to confirm my story by asking her after.
Pretend there's a leak and someone was able to find the identity of the mortician, and create fear someone close of us is an assassin and we have to be more secretive.

Night 3:

I murdered Sonya.

Surprise, mistake 1, Indirik is not attached, my story doesn't work, it was impossible for the mortician to know Indirik was an assassin. Night 4 i wont be able to hunt, i NEED to find the other assassin, i exposed myself too much. And i lost the mortician for nothing, i can't use her to fake another story without a risk people realize my story wasn't working, at least, no one really told me anything regarding that tho.

Since i assumed Lefanis and Cren was possily 1 pack earlier, and Cren was one. I decided to follow my instinct and claimed i had seer power to scan Lefanis. To avoid it turns against me, like indirik- slapsticks and to be more credible i called it in public i would do it.

Day 4:

I didn't have seer power and i didn't want to risk revealing i was a baddie bc, if Lefanis is a sailor and i said i scanned him and he's not a bad guy, i would be in trouble... but at a certain point i'm willing to try it, Lefanis needs to be that last daimon... But finally The risk is to big, so i just try to scare Lefanis by telling him, i scanned him, and the sailors won't like what i saw, unless he could tell me if he knows the other assassin, then i might have a way to work with him ( implying i might be sleeper/cursed w/e, and trying to see if he has anything against me by looking at his reaction ). I'm just trying to make him do mistake and stress him, i think it worked ok, but i talked too much, and i guess i started to reach the final point: People would see me as either as a bull!@#$er and bad guy or they would be totally convinced i'm loyal.

I had to tell D'espana, Fury, Velax (hoping i would finally get his trust) and Perth in PM, that it was fake, i made it to make Lefanis overreact and for him to make some mistakes... if he was clean, he would simply accuse me and tell i'm lying. But then D'espana and Fury told me he PMed them saying he was a sleeper and looking to join a pack. I had my confirmation he was the other assassin i was looking for, possibly the last Daimon. With Velax that wasn't believing me more, I asked Barek what happens if the other pack is all dead, he told me i could hunt during their night too (even). So i told him, if Lefanis is the last daimon and you allow me to hunt on night 4, i want to murder Velax.

Night 4:

Lefanis is not the daimon.

D'espana and fury appears to trust me, especially D'Espana ( sorry :P )

Velax kills me ! like a BAM in your face noob ! F U with your bull!@#$ !

Velax was next on my list... i cried... but hey, i deserved it :P !

I only wanted to kill the last daimon.

But i never ever suspected Fury, he was in the last in my list.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2012, 07:43:53 AM by Ross »
Atamara:    Dwilight: