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[Forum Game] Werewolf III: A Perilous Voyage

Started by Barek (jerm), August 24, 2012, 10:06:04 PM

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I've said exactly that in the other thread about the general werewolf thing, so I may as well VOTE PENCHANT. I can't help but feel a meta-gamer, but since earlier in this thread we were told that we should meta-game to win, then I'll have no remorse!
D'Espana Family


I will follow the noble hunter's lead and VOTE PENCHANT.
"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)


You can't draw a line between what's meta or not in that game.
Atamara:    Dwilight:


Looks like he is so dead.  ::)


Make sure you guys check out Werewolf IV (still unnamed) and V i.e, Supernatural: The Hunt.
Just stay alive and kicking, raise your voice when its needed. Through reason you can show the mistakes of others, something violence can't do.

I don't break rules, I bend them- a lot.

Barek (jerm)

You should take everything I say with a grain of salt.  But I'm not a werewolf.  Really.


So Ross was a villain as well.... no wonder i was killed mercilesly.


You cant trust anyone these days!


Quote from: Sonya on September 02, 2012, 04:32:49 PM
So Ross was a villain as well.... no wonder i was killed mercilesly.


You cant trust anyone these days!

You shouldn't have said you were the medic in your first post  :P
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell


I really think we're going to win!
Let's celebrate!  ;D


Fury went to his bunk and took out a quill and some parchment and started writing to his mother.

Dear Mama,

I know you didn't want me to go to sea. You said it was full of sea monsters and other nasty things. Well, you were right! Except that the nasty creatures are all on board the ship itself.

It has been such a frightening voyage. The Captain died a horrible death and I don't even know who's sailing the ship. There are mutineers on board who tried to take over the ship. Well, we didn't really find any proof but we strung them up and threw them overboard anyway.

Then there are daimon worshippers, imagine that! - I think we got the last one. He's been missing for a few days now, no one's seen him but we're searching the whole ship even as I write. It won't be long now. I'm so scared.

Yours truly,
Your beloved son


Quote from: Lefanis on September 02, 2012, 06:48:39 PM
You shouldn't have said you were the medic in your first post  :P

Actually the medic was a RP not a class, but i did trusted Ross when he PMed me for info.

Well i was bored on this game anyways i have to give a Big Ghost Hugh to Velax!

Barek (jerm)

Day 5 / Night 5

Penchant/Ehndras - Velax(269) D'Espana(270), Perth (271), Fury (273)

Not voted: Penchant/Ehndras

The remaining sailors gather to discuss the murders.  They all agree that they must act decisively to stop them, and they nearly all agree on who the guilty party must be.  Penchant/Ehndras puts up surprisingly little resistance.  In fact, he just kindof stands there staring off into space as they pick him up and shove him into an empty rum cask.  They nail the lid shut and heave it over the side.

They stand there and watch it bobbing in the ocean for a few moments.

Fury turns to Velax and says "So do you think just we two can sail this thing?"  Velax squints up at the mast and then shrugs.  "It'll be tough, but I think we can manage."

D'Espana and Perth look quizzical.  "What you do mean just the two of - oh no..."  Fury grins and then pulls a long curved dagger from its sheath.  The blade bears glyphs and sigils of Daimonic lords.  D'Espana goes for his own blade, but Velax is quicker and D'Espana gurgles and twitches in a pool of his own blood for almost a minute before lying still.

Fury spends a great deal of time with Perth though.  Daimon lords love tortured sacrifices.

Penchant/Ehndras the Blessed Witness was lynched.

Fury the Spiritually Attuned Daimon Worshipper and Velax the Cursed Hunter won the game, sailing the ship, along with its cargo, to the destination of their choosing.  Probably somewhere that needs a good Daimon Worship infestation.

D'Espana the Bureaucrat Sailor and Perth the Guardian Angel survived until the very end.
You should take everything I say with a grain of salt.  But I'm not a werewolf.  Really.


Aaaaaaaaand there you have a surprise ending! My bad, I thougt there was just one more daimon worshipper. Well played, Fury and Velax!
D'Espana Family


"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)


I think it will be interesting to know the behind-the-scenes story. I wasn't too sure about revealing strategies but if it makes us better players it can only be good for the game and we don't always have to use the same strategies. So who wants to go first?  ;D