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[Forum Game] Werewolf III: A Perilous Voyage

Started by Barek (jerm), August 24, 2012, 10:06:04 PM

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Quote from: D'Espana on September 02, 2012, 10:47:49 PM
Aaaaaaaaand there you have a surprise ending! My bad, I thougt there was just one more daimon worshipper. Well played, Fury and Velax!

There was, up until Night 4. Before that I was a Sailor and had no idea I was Cursed. Only got told about it after Fury hunted me on Night 4.


Me then:

So Cren was my daimon worshipper pack mate and I'm quite sure it was by luck he was targetted by the mutineers first. That put everything into perspective. My primary goal now was to take out the mutineers because they were the ones who could target me directly and whom I had no influence on. It was also by luck the sage was taken out first now there was no way I could be identified. Taking out the mutineer recruiter was also partly luck - I had no idea who it was. I only knew Telrunya changed his vote too suddenly and too unconvincingly.

With 2 recruiters taken out back to back I hoped it caused a little confusion among the sailors and maybe fear in the other remaining mutineer that we were targetting each other directly. So while I was never voted on, it was still an uneasy night as I could be targetted by the remaining mutineer but I had hoped there were other more convincing targets.

When the fracas between Slapsticks and Indirik started it provided the necessary distraction. Indirik was definitely suspicious along with Telrunya and would be my next target but it seemed the sailors were going to do my job for me. My plan was to stick to one reason and one vote and vote early - as the bad guys generally vote late and change their votes too.

When we lost our Mortician, the sailors were really losing their advantage (don't know if they ever used their abilities) and the hunt was just becoming safer. With Indirik just a sleeper I still had to find the remaining mutineer and Velax - with his many side questions was top on the list.

So, another fracas started between Ross and Lefanis. I had no reason to suspect Lefanis at all and Ross completely fooled me  ;D. I was sure Velax was the remaining mutineer and my hunt would take him out. Lynching Ross and/or Lefanis would simply thin out the sailors. I totally believed Ross' bluff that Lefanis was a sleeper and if the only remaining sleeper was gone then I would be totally alone. Lefanis even PMed me telling me that he was a sleeper and would help me but there was no way I was going to give up my identity and I wondered if there was some way to recruit him without having to let him know who I was.

So, I had to reread the sleeper role several times before finally taking a safe gamble and PMing Barek asking to add Lefanis to my pack. I had hoped that if Lefanis was really a sleeper (and if I was in his position) I would simply PM Barek asking to be added to the daimon pack as well as the mutineer pack and assume that the bad guys had already asked for him to be added too. This also seems to be a loophole as the bad guys can simply ask by name for all the sailors to be added to their pack without even PMing or using recruiters to find the sleepers and if the sleepers were smart they would also PM and ask to be added to the bad guys pack to get attached early and get support.

Unfortunately, Lefanis was already on the chopping block and it seemed better to cut my losses and use him as a sacrifice (how daimon like  ;D) to gain standing by voting together with the other sailors. I still believed that Velax was the only remaining mutineer and with him gone and all the sleepers gone I had to take out all the rest of the sailors by myself. Counting the remaining sailors, I could count on Ross to be a target for lynching - with all he said some reason could surely be used - as well as Penchant whose silence was surely suspect. So, I really only needed to hunt one or two more sailors to reach parity. Of course, I still feared that one of them might be a fighter and after I hunted the most likely suspects I would have to be more careful. Actually, I forgot that Slapsticks who had already been taken out was the fighter.

However, to my surprise, Velax was not the remaining mutineer - Ross was! With the other pack now completely wiped out and I unexpectedly gained an ally (who was cursed to join whoever hunted him) the sailors would never see what was coming. When the Hunter's role was questioned Velax was cool and cunning and very convincingly state as a matter of fact that he was a sailor. So, there was a hunt that night. I couldn't skip hunting and lay the suspicion on Penchant because I needed to use my hunt to try and take out the remaining mutineer.

Then with everyone assuming that there was no hunt because someone was 'in hiding' and with the noble hunter leading the way, it was simply smooth sailing to the end.


I have many thing due to IRL situation I have no time atm.

Cren death was a lucky shot yes.
Atamara:    Dwilight:


I was searching the last daimon, quite surprise it was you. I would have hunt Velax, Perth, penchant before suspecting you. Well played.
Atamara:    Dwilight:


It was really a luck game, got taken out even before using my ability. Thanks to Fury, he played cool and got really lucky at many places, even getting Velax as a packmate. Luck played a huge part.
Just stay alive and kicking, raise your voice when its needed. Through reason you can show the mistakes of others, something violence can't do.

I don't break rules, I bend them- a lot.


I used the Guardian Angel ability once or twice, didn't really get it's usefulness since I had no clue what anybody was lol.  :P
"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)


Perth, better than me. I shouted I am Sage the moment Indirik and Perth vote me and I saw I have more people voting me. I managed to convince Slapstick to change his vote from vote me to not vote me. I reveal to him via PM that I am Sage and he should trust me.

I suspect Indirik, Perth and Velax but I have no time to scan as I died on Day 1. Funny noone believe the Sage who shouted he was a Sage, noone dare counterclaim the Sage with false Sage claim and he wish become a lure to bait the bad guys out.

Next game I will not talk much. Talk much and putting too much attention will cause early death :P
Werewolf Games: Villager (6) Wolf (4) Seer (3); Lynched as Villager(1). Lost as Villager(1), Lost as Wolf(1) due to Parity. Hunted as Villager(1). Lynched as Seer(2).
Won as Villager(3). Won as Seer(1). Won as Wolf(3).
BM Characters: East Continent(Brock), Colonies(Ash), Dwilight(Gary)


In my case I was a poor sailor playing his first forum game of this sort with you guys, so I mainly tried to see who lied better *looks at Ross* and who gets inactive when and why. All for nothing, I ended being even more wrong than at the begining  ;D

So pretty much what I did was random and a failed attempt to use logic. Didn't get to use the burocrat trait, although I was close to it when I was going to get voted the first day.

See? A pretty less impresive story than the one of everyone else...
D'Espana Family


What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell


I was mostly clueless for the most part until "Evil Ross" contacted me about Slasptick, so there i thought we had a chance, but in the end i was used.



Well, I was saving up my witness ability and then I had things going on so I couldn't get on to defend myself and Ehndras already told me he was kinda busy so he'd do what he could to sub.
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton


Telrunya contacted me after the first night, knowing I was a sleeper. He was going to recruit me when slapsticks started hammering me. I knew slapsticks was shoveling it deep with his story, because it made no sense. I told Terunya that if he worked and helped me survive the night that I would join his team. I survived, but he got hunted. I had no contact to join a team. I contacted Velax, thinking he was on Telrunya's team. And then I got lunched before I could attach.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Since you didn't join the pack right away (Once joined, you're on our team, so we had no reason to not protect you), I got suspicious of you as a Sleeper, thinking you may have already been attached at the start of the game and just wanted to make sure you got saved by us. I told Ross (my pack-mate) that if I got hunted that night, you must have been already attached and he should make sure you got killed the following day. Even if you had survived the lynching, Ross would have probably hunted you. While he wasn't as suspicious as me about you, I guess he was convinced I was right when I died that night, and therefore didn't reveal himself to you. All funny coincidence, it seems :)


Very quickly, from my side:

Night 1:

I told Telrunya that i had a feeling Cren and Lefanis or Indirik and Perth was the opposite assassin team. We decided to hunt Cren ( got an assassin and recruiter) and we scanned Indirik just to see if he was a sleeper. He is a sleeper ! Opposite recruiter is dead and night 1 we have a sleeper !!! i was amazed.

Day 2:

We supported the lynch of Zaki, for no obvious reason, except he voted against Telrunya, so why not vote with the masses and remove a possible threat.

Telrunya feels suspicious about Indirik, he said he has the feeling he might be attached already and doesn't looks like he wants to join us. He told me then, if i die, he is attached, and you have to kill him.

Night 2:

Telrunya dies. It's clear for me Indirik betrayed him and told the opposite team Telrunya was a mutineer.

Day 3:

My first plan then was to PM few ppls, enough to get him lynch, and gain trust, so i claimed a secret third party  player scanned him. People asked me if it was not the seer, which role that person is ? I was trying to find something when i received a PM from Sonya, saying: Oh well whatever, i prefer to vote slapsticks. Seer is dead and i'm a mortician and it's useless, i can't use my power, it's hard to use it on a victim before he dies... Bingo! found it, i'm in contact with the mortician.

So my plan was then to convince people the mortician saw it, and i will be the spokesman for him. Velax and Slapsticks was asking too much questions, i didn't feel i should trust them... So the plan was:

Try the double-lynch, ( I prefer my Slapsticks dead. )
Claim Indirik was one of the assassin of last night
Claim i know who is the mortician, and he is putting his power on me since i am exposed.
Murder Sonya, like this no one would be able to confirm my story by asking her after.
Pretend there's a leak and someone was able to find the identity of the mortician, and create fear someone close of us is an assassin and we have to be more secretive.

Night 3:

I murdered Sonya.

Surprise, mistake 1, Indirik is not attached, my story doesn't work, it was impossible for the mortician to know Indirik was an assassin. Night 4 i wont be able to hunt, i NEED to find the other assassin, i exposed myself too much. And i lost the mortician for nothing, i can't use her to fake another story without a risk people realize my story wasn't working, at least, no one really told me anything regarding that tho.

Since i assumed Lefanis and Cren was possily 1 pack earlier, and Cren was one. I decided to follow my instinct and claimed i had seer power to scan Lefanis. To avoid it turns against me, like indirik- slapsticks and to be more credible i called it in public i would do it.

Day 4:

I didn't have seer power and i didn't want to risk revealing i was a baddie bc, if Lefanis is a sailor and i said i scanned him and he's not a bad guy, i would be in trouble... but at a certain point i'm willing to try it, Lefanis needs to be that last daimon... But finally The risk is to big, so i just try to scare Lefanis by telling him, i scanned him, and the sailors won't like what i saw, unless he could tell me if he knows the other assassin, then i might have a way to work with him ( implying i might be sleeper/cursed w/e, and trying to see if he has anything against me by looking at his reaction ). I'm just trying to make him do mistake and stress him, i think it worked ok, but i talked too much, and i guess i started to reach the final point: People would see me as either as a bull!@#$er and bad guy or they would be totally convinced i'm loyal.

I had to tell D'espana, Fury, Velax (hoping i would finally get his trust) and Perth in PM, that it was fake, i made it to make Lefanis overreact and for him to make some mistakes... if he was clean, he would simply accuse me and tell i'm lying. But then D'espana and Fury told me he PMed them saying he was a sleeper and looking to join a pack. I had my confirmation he was the other assassin i was looking for, possibly the last Daimon. With Velax that wasn't believing me more, I asked Barek what happens if the other pack is all dead, he told me i could hunt during their night too (even). So i told him, if Lefanis is the last daimon and you allow me to hunt on night 4, i want to murder Velax.

Night 4:

Lefanis is not the daimon.

D'espana and fury appears to trust me, especially D'Espana ( sorry :P )

Velax kills me ! like a BAM in your face noob ! F U with your bull!@#$ !

Velax was next on my list... i cried... but hey, i deserved it :P !

I only wanted to kill the last daimon.

But i never ever suspected Fury, he was in the last in my list.
Atamara:    Dwilight: