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New War Predictions

Started by ShadySoulja, September 12, 2012, 03:53:12 PM

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Quote from: Anaris on January 26, 2013, 04:00:03 PM
While this may be true to some extent, it is at best deeply incomplete.

I was involved in the founding of Westmoor, and this was certainly not even close to the main reason for it. Indeed, I don't recall it being mentioned in the discussions I was involved in.

Just because a realm happens to include the capital city of a former realm, and happens to land on the "same side" of a geopolitical divide as that former realm, doesn't mean it was founded to be the rebirth of that realm.


Everyone assumes Nivemus=New 'Old Rancagua'. I hope it has progressed beyond that point...


Quote from: Uzamaki on January 26, 2013, 07:49:33 PM
Rulers aren't responsible for monitoring OOC behavior. And I don't see how enjoying battle indicates he is going to 'schoolyard bully' you.

Of course you don't see it - you're his friend. You'll be joining in.

Frankly, this war won't be "playing with friends" and having a laugh. It'll be Sirion and Nivemus basically pulling down their trousers and thrusting their collective dicks in people's faces as an insult.


Quote from: Ravier on January 26, 2013, 08:45:05 PM
Of course you don't see it - you're his friend. You'll be joining in.

Frankly, this war won't be "playing with friends" and having a laugh. It'll be Sirion and Nivemus basically pulling down their trousers and thrusting their collective dicks in people's faces as an insult.

Let me lay it out in the open for you: You are making assumptions. Other than on the forums, you have never even TALKED to me OOC. So how would you know how I react in war, OOC or IC? You are being belligerent, biased, and nonsensical. Just because someone says, and I quote 'I enjoy the battle aspect of the game' does not mean they will be an ass when they win a battle. You have no idea how I will act, how Zakilevo will act, or even how our nobles will act. You can assume, insult, and complain all you want, but that does nothing. Because right now, the OOC dick here is you claiming I am going to do this offense and that offense with no proof and without even have ever faced my characters in battle before.

You said you wanted a war. Don't complain if it's a little lopsided. Frankly, nearly all wars are.


Quote from: Ravier on January 26, 2013, 07:14:06 PM
I do too. But what I don't enjoy is people like you who take a perverse pleasure in playing schoolyard bully OOC "for teh lulz". It's disgraceful. And I certainly don't enjoy your realmmates being pricks OOCly for no good reason. You, as a ruler, failed to prevent that kind of behaviour in the last war. I suspect you will do so again because you will be joining in with it if this post is anything to go by.

At least the Saxons won't be involved this time (I hope).

Are you serious dude? I am talking to a paranoid school kid or something? Also, I am not in a dev team so I can't track people's OoC letters. I can't control how people act OoCly even if I could track those letters. Losing is a part of this game. If you can't accept that fact, leave the game instead of insulting someone.


Quote from: Uzamaki on January 26, 2013, 09:24:13 PM
Let me lay it out in the open for you: You are making assumptions. Other than on the forums, you have never even TALKED to me OOC. So how would you know how I react in war, OOC or IC? You are being belligerent, biased, and nonsensical. Just because someone says, and I quote 'I enjoy the battle aspect of the game' does not mean they will be an ass when they win a battle. You have no idea how I will act, how Zakilevo will act, or even how our nobles will act. You can assume, insult, and complain all you want, but that does nothing. Because right now, the OOC dick here is you claiming I am going to do this offense and that offense with no proof and without even have ever faced my characters in battle before.

You said you wanted a war. Don't complain if it's a little lopsided. Frankly, nearly all wars are.

I never said I wanted a war - I said I didn't mind a good fight now and then. In fact if you bother to read, I've said recently that I wanted no part of a war with Sirion because of the drama and stress resulting from it. I remember very well what happened the last time there was a war - friends of mine wanted to leave EC and the game in its entirety because people were ruining it for them with their !@#$ty OOC attitudes and their "play to win" mentality. I am going on past experience at this point and I admit, I could easily be proved wrong.

I am voicing my concerns, which I am allowed to do however belligerent, biased, or nonsensical they may be, and I can do so until such time that one of the staff members of this board prohibits it in one way or another. If that also means I assume the worst-case scenario about all this, then so be it. I may well be pleasantly surprised and find it's the most fun I've had in this game in ages (bar the happenings in Caelum). But equally, I may be right.

Based on the letters I've seen, this war won't be "a little lopsided". It's going to be very much so. This is easily a war of annihilation or extinction, to quote our General purely because of the status of allies or potential allies. And from an IC perspective, that's exactly the kind of fight Ravier would want, the kind where he could attain glory and become a martyr. And that's great for me as a player, but I want to just leave the OOC crap like "lol Westmoor is run by a clan, Westmoor sux etc." at the door. That is my only concern at this juncture.

If you really think I'm being a dick for no other reason than because I can, then I suggest you take that to the relevant parties. I will also disagree with that point - I'm certainly being blunt, no doubt about it. But it's not out of malice.


Quote from: Zaki on January 26, 2013, 10:01:42 PM
Are you serious dude? I am talking to a paranoid school kid or something? Also, I am not in a dev team so I can't track people's OoC letters. I can't control how people act OoCly even if I could track those letters. Losing is a part of this game. If you can't accept that fact, leave the game instead of insulting someone.

I've made my point in my post above. If you want to be childish and insult me, fine. But you have no right to tell me what I can and cannot play. The only people that have that power as far as BM goes are Tom and the Titans.


Quote from: Ravier on January 26, 2013, 10:25:58 PM
I never said I wanted a war - I said I didn't mind a good fight now and then. In fact if you bother to read, I've said recently that I wanted no part of a war with Sirion because of the drama and stress resulting from it. I remember very well what happened the last time there was a war - friends of mine wanted to leave EC and the game in its entirety because people were ruining it for them with their !@#$ty OOC attitudes and their "play to win" mentality. I am going on past experience at this point and I admit, I could easily be proved wrong.

I am voicing my concerns, which I am allowed to do however belligerent, biased, or nonsensical they may be, and I can do so until such time that one of the staff members of this board prohibits it in one way or another. If that also means I assume the worst-case scenario about all this, then so be it. I may well be pleasantly surprised and find it's the most fun I've had in this game in ages (bar the happenings in Caelum). But equally, I may be right.

Based on the letters I've seen, this war won't be "a little lopsided". It's going to be very much so. This is easily a war of annihilation or extinction, to quote our General purely because of the status of allies or potential allies. And from an IC perspective, that's exactly the kind of fight Ravier would want, the kind where he could attain glory and become a martyr. And that's great for me as a player, but I want to just leave the OOC crap like "lol Westmoor is run by a clan, Westmoor sux etc." at the door. That is my only concern at this juncture.

If you really think I'm being a dick for no other reason than because I can, then I suggest you take that to the relevant parties. I will also disagree with that point - I'm certainly being blunt, no doubt about it. But it's not out of malice.

If you don't want part, that's your right. Just go play somewhere else!

Yes, it is your right to make assumed concerns. But you know what assumptions do...

I don't think Westmoor is run by a clan. I have no reason to think you 'suck' either. So, consider those left at the door by me.

I don't think you're being a dick just because. I think you are being a dick because you think I am being belligerent towards you and other Westmoorian players, when really I am just calling things as I see it, responding to your comments, and advertising a war that has been planned for months and that I have been working hard to bring about.


Quote from: Uzamaki on January 26, 2013, 10:31:24 PM
and advertising a war that has been planned for months and that I have been working hard to bring about.

Now, see - that I didn't know. First off, fair play to you - I wouldn't know where to start short of needing the political clout to stir something up of this magnitude. But secondly, if you've worked hard, then it should pay dividends for you, which is that everyone involved should have fun and it should be a war to remember for the right reasons.

I apologise for going OTT with my concerns. I just have bad memories of the last war which I don't want to see a repeat of, as I've said before.

And for the record - there's no way in hell I'm moving Ravier or having him flee. He's either going down with the ship, or he'll live to fight on somewhere else in EC. ;D


Quote from: Ravier on January 26, 2013, 10:51:36 PM
Now, see - that I didn't know. First off, fair play to you - I wouldn't know where to start short of needing the political clout to stir something up of this magnitude. But secondly, if you've worked hard, then it should pay dividends for you, which is that everyone involved should have fun and it should be a war to remember for the right reasons.

I apologise for going OTT with my concerns. I just have bad memories of the last war which I don't want to see a repeat of, as I've said before.

And for the record - there's no way in hell I'm moving Ravier or having him flee. He's either going down with the ship, or he'll live to fight on somewhere else in EC. ;D

Ravier, I too want both sides nobles to act appropriately. I will do what I can to see it be a fun war for everyone. I can only do so much though, as people decide for themselves what to do.

That's understandable. As I mentioned, I hope it won't happen again in this war.

As is your right! I can't wait for this to start!


Quote from: Zaki on January 26, 2013, 10:01:42 PMAlso, I am not in a dev team so I can't track people's OoC letters.
Just for the record, the dev team does *not* track people's OOC letters. Tim and Tom are the only ones who have access to the live server, and Tim only does things that Tom tells him to do, except under extreme circumstances. (Which, after all, is why a second person has access.)

Secondly, I barely have time to play my own characters. (Bedwyr doesn't have time to play all his characters, ^ban^ has school work out the yang, etc., etc.) I can't imagine how boring, or time consuming, it would be to go trolling through the limitless mass of random, meaningless messages looking for something about which to get offended.

Thirdly, the dev team is not responsible for searching out and reporting offenses. No one on the dev team or the Titans goes around looking for violations to punish. See above.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.

Eduardo Almighty

I really don't remember to see any OOC abuse in the last war, but I could be wrong. In fact, in Sirion we don't discuss our wars is this level. But I cannot speak for all the players.

IC it's different. In Game we don't like Westmoor and we have too much reasons, mainly after Jor transformed Westmoor in a "Theocracy" (this is the general vision in game, I'm not telling you're a real one), now we have reason to see the Church as something much more dangerous than the Flow.

If I remember well, Dürion was the only noble more exalted during the war, but this is completely justified by the stupidity of a Ruler saying to the people he's a kind of "self-mutilator".  But this is IC. I'm convinced that many of you in Westmoor were impressed enough, but this is a in game situation and OOC I have nothing against the "Westmoor's players".

Nobody goes into a war expecting to lose. The characters want to win and burn Westmoor to the ground. Dürion want to dance over the ashes. In game we have a LOT of good reason to do it and this is not something we decided to do in the last week. Sirion hates Westmoor since its foundation. Now much more than in the past... and now Sirion don't have another enemies to take care, then it's time to solve our differences with Westmoor. Finally. I just hope I don't have to see more whining in face of my most violent roleplays about the war and the battles. Or then I will have to describe the soldiers distributing flowers...

If you ask me, IC my characters wants to win the war. OOC, why not? I like to fight and win wars... but I don't want to win the game. I just wanted to win the "game" in my times of Ikalak, but that was the goal of the War Island.

Sometimes I find this Forum much more dangerous to the game than beneficial to in game policies. Too much OOC when we don't know how much the people mix the two things for their own benefit.
Now with the Skovgaard Family... and it's gone.
Serpentis again!


Take a chill pill guys and seriously just declare war already.  The whole continent knows its coming.  Heck plans have been flying around for at least 4 months.  It really doesnt matter who the aggressor is at this points everyone will have picked at side already.  Delaying it does nothing.


Quote from: Menethil on January 29, 2013, 07:35:02 PM
Take a chill pill guys and seriously just declare war already.  The whole continent knows its coming.  Heck plans have been flying around for at least 4 months.  It really doesnt matter who the aggressor is at this points everyone will have picked at side already.  Delaying it does nothing.

Right now, we aren't so much as gathering allies as working out the final logistical problems before the war starts... Which given Sirion bureaucracy could take longer than necessary. :'(


Quote from: Uzamaki on January 29, 2013, 07:39:42 PM
Right now, we aren't so much as gathering allies as working out the final logistical problems before the war starts...

This is what confuses me. Everyone has had plenty of time to prepare, is eager, and knows it's coming...but noone makes the move. If realms are having logistical problems (and IC people knew about it), I would think attacking before they can address their problems would throw them in disarray. This standoff is pointless for any realm that is ready.
Eoric the Dim (Perdan), Enoch the Bright (Asylon), Emeric the Dark (Obsidian Islands)

Orobos, The Insatiable Snake (Sandalak)


Quote from: Dishman on January 29, 2013, 07:52:35 PM
This is what confuses me. Everyone has had plenty of time to prepare, is eager, and knows it's coming...but noone makes the move. If realms are having logistical problems (and IC people knew about it), I would think attacking before they can address their problems would throw them in disarray. This standoff is pointless for any realm that is ready.

Our 'logistical issues' basically revolve around who gets what more than anything else, so, I wouldn't get too eager and think you are catching anyone off guard.