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New War Predictions

Started by ShadySoulja, September 12, 2012, 03:53:12 PM

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Quote from: Indirik on February 14, 2013, 03:59:08 PM
Well, it's shaping up to be Perdan/Westmoor/Armonia v. Sirion/Nivemus. Not sure what Caligus plans on doing.

OI will pick a side.

EDIT: This is a prediction... You know... Since this is a prediction thread.


Quote from: Indirik on February 14, 2013, 03:59:08 PM
Well, it's shaping up to be Perdan/Westmoor/Armonia v. Sirion/Nivemus. Not sure what Caligus plans on doing.



3 hours Later



Where shall i send the Shipment? Westmoor? Sirion? Is war declared already?



Quote from: Uzamaki on February 14, 2013, 04:11:56 PM
OI will pick a side.
Oh crap, I forgot all about them....

(Seriously! I did!)
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.

Eduardo Almighty

I doubt Armonia can do something, but we will see. The Silver Legion have the same CS of OI, Armonia and maybe even Nivemus.
Now with the Skovgaard Family... and it's gone.
Serpentis again!


This war will see the recreation of Ibladesh. Have fear, infidels, for I am returning, rising from the ashes and going straight for Dobby's head!
Ardet nec consumitur.


Not trying to provoke a Continental Wide War here but.................... But this is the oportunity for Eponlyn and Armonia to smack Caligus around.

Come on! by logic in the most OOCly way, even if they have different flags are Ibladesh nobles, they should want revenge!

But one of the things that bothers me of BM, is that new realms brainwash Noble Ideals...... but o well...time to prepare some RP since it seems two of my characters will be fighting each other...


Look, I don't mind the letters claiming that Nivemus is a tyrannical regime that murders and drafts its citizens, that's all fine and fun. Words and letters can always be debated and contested. It's always important to demonize your enemy, I understand that and support that entirely from an RP perspective. It's propaganda, every nation has done it in history.

But writing a private RP that only your character saw that objectively "shows" that Nivemus is murdering, raping and ruling its inhabitants is god-modding. And then sharing it with all the rulers on the continent. Basically you are saying that Nivemus must be that way because you roleplayed it as factually so, we can't contest it because only you "saw it".

That would be like if I wrote an RP where I saw your character engaging in heinous acts of mass rape and torture when you had never RPed that yourself and never implied you did that. It's incredibly rude to the other players and is poor roleplay, and if you were in any tabletops games or other RP games that I have taken apart of, you would be kicked out immediately.

I hope always to keep any IG feelings away from my OOC thoughts, but after this my respect for the players of Nigel De La Fere and Atanamir of Umbar has dropped quite a lot.
Mithridates Family: Vessol (Nivemus), Samos (Farronite Republic)
The White Tree Times, Newspaper for the East Continent


I already expressed my OOC thoughts on the matter in the Ruler Channel and to the player who did the RP, so I am not going to continue harping here.

I just hope next time we can have a RP that isn't so... Dirty, I guess. Hopefully, we can put this behind us and have a good, fun war like all the players on the continent deserve.

Draco Tanos

I agree that the RP was in poor taste and godmoding.  Would have preferred seeing him over think this.  Or maybe seeing a traveling Sirionite merchant that had some slaves and assuming it was someone from Nivemus.  *shrug*. Sadly all realms don't have RP standards.


I'd rather see a bad RP start a war than ongoing peace or a random war. If you don't like what happened, RP back with "...but actually..." and whatever. It's a battle of propaganda and creativity. A random town has a bunch of cranky women and alot of dead bodies, eh, that was a bandit town or (like Draco said) a merchant caravan or just accept it as propaganda not adequately framed.

Good RP>Bad RP>No RP
Eoric the Dim (Perdan), Enoch the Bright (Asylon), Emeric the Dark (Obsidian Islands)

Orobos, The Insatiable Snake (Sandalak)


Quote from: Dishman on February 15, 2013, 12:05:22 AM
I'd rather see a bad RP start a war than ongoing peace or a random war. If you don't like what happened, RP back with "...but actually..." and whatever. It's a battle of propaganda and creativity. A random town has a bunch of cranky women and alot of dead bodies, eh, that was a bandit town or (like Draco said) a merchant caravan or just accept it as propaganda not adequately framed.

Good RP>Bad RP>No RP

No, war was already going to start. Otherwise, I might agree with you. And while there are certain ways to combat godmodding, it still hurts.

Once again, doesn't matter. Just put this behind us and start this damned war already.


Am I the only one having issue with other realm RolePlay they can recruit men from another realm region as their personal guard? >:(

His RolePlay of being able to recruit from another realm region is impossible in the game

Oh well. War coming. Bad RolePlay will serve as the motivation for me to do well to prove him wrong on battlefields 8)

QuoteRoleplay from Atanamir of Umbar   (8 hours, 6 minutes ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of East Continent (7 recipients)
"Let me see King Atanamir!", the old man shouted in the entrance hall of the palace.

The guards and the court counselor of the King were facing an angry old man with his followers, who wanted an audience with King Atanamir.

"The King does not interfere personally with commoners, you won't be granted an audience, no matter how loud you shout, old man!" the royal court counselor replied.

"Old man!? I am Fandor, elder of the tribe of the Haradrim from the plains of Pedrera amd Caqueta in Nivemus. I must insist that you allow us to speak to the King. We are not commoners to him, we are his people. He is the last in the line of Fuinur, our ethnic leader, with whom we came many decades ago to this continent from the Kingdom of Umbar. The House of Umbar is our leader, some of us have followed the House till Perdan, but the majority of us still lives in the plains in the north, now under the banner of Nivemus! I demand an audience with our master!" the old man insisted and spoke proudly towards the counselor.

The royal counselor, confused, left the room and hasted towards the office rooms, where also the office of King Atanamir was. He entered the room.

"My King, I am sorry to disturb, but there is a..."party" that wishes an audience with you. They call themselves Haradrim and claim that you would be their ethnic leader. Their speaker calls himself Fandor. Just tell me what to say and I will send them home again, I don't want to bother you any longer..." the counselor said to Atanamir.

"What?! Fandor!? The Haradrim?! Here, in the palace!? Send them to the Royal Hall at once. I will of course offer them an audience, you fool. These are the people with which my family sailed over to these lands many decades ago, under Fuinur, my father. They are bound to my family, since they of our ethnic origin." Atanamir shouted to the embarassed councelor.

So the Royal Hall got prepared and Atanamir greeted the Haradrim as they entered the hall.
The Haradrim came close to the throne and kneeled down before the King of Perdan.
Atanamir stood up and walked over to the old man in front of them.
"Good old Fandor, how the years have passed, but you still don't need to kneel in front of me. Tell me, servant of my father, what is it that has brought you all so far to the south?" Atanamir asked Fandor. Fandor had been the long time captain of King Fuinur. He was been there when Eleador died, and Kazakh and Avamar fell to Fuinur's troops.

"Sire, it's this...this new realm...Nivemus. They rule over the tribes of the plains, of the Old Rancagua, with an iron fist. They have enslaved many of us for their evil plans of world domination along with the new generation of rulers in Sirion. Everything has changed since you left. The realm that should have become Old Rancagua again has failed. Nivemus is the opposite, it has nothing of the old spirit. Sire, me and these 85 men here have left our homes in Pedrera and Caqueta to come here and ask you to help us. Our young boys get recruited before they can even hold a proper sword and put as auxiliary troops into their armies which they prepare to war Westmoor. They will use them as front line fodder and we fear that we never see them again. Oligarch City, the lands south of Ashforth and even the Omskian peninsula have filled the eyes of the Nivemus "nobility" - in truth mostly former nobles from Sirion who wanted to become something - with greed! Even the last sword carrier, Talius and the Sword of Wisdom, Nolemàcil, does not help us. We have not heard since long from him. Please, help us, great King, for Glinluin, the One Sword is needed again in the North to bring order into the chaos!" Fandor explained desperately to Atanamir.

"Fandor, these are heavy acusations you raise against Nivemus. But I have no reason not to believe you. I will enquire Kronogos Neji about this and demand an explanation. Nivemus was formed as successor state to Old Rancagua and to bring peace and freedom to the humans in the North. This was the pact made in Sirion, I was personally there. If that is the opposite, we will have to act. Also, Old Rancagua was a loyal ally to Perdan. Nivemus never tried to be this, they seem to follow other paths, and surely not the one of humanity. Too long we have been accepting this in the south. Too long. The human race in the North deserves to live in freedom and under their own rule." Atanamir replied. "I will take care of this good Fandor. Your men shall enter my personal guard and serve besides m
Werewolf Games: Villager (6) Wolf (4) Seer (3); Lynched as Villager(1). Lost as Villager(1), Lost as Wolf(1) due to Parity. Hunted as Villager(1). Lynched as Seer(2).
Won as Villager(3). Won as Seer(1). Won as Wolf(3).
BM Characters: East Continent(Brock), Colonies(Ash), Dwilight(Gary)


Does it really matter what he RPd? You can just RP your report that these refugees are highway bandits who barely escaped after a botched ambush on a caravan that was heavily defended. Obviously these liars and thieves are running to some gullible fool they can convince to believe their pack of lies. Good riddance to them!
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Indirik on February 15, 2013, 02:46:05 AM
Does it really matter what he RPd? You can just RP your report that these refugees are highway bandits who barely escaped after a botched ambush on a caravan that was heavily defended. Obviously these liars and thieves are running to some gullible fool they can convince to believe their pack of lies. Good riddance to them!

Eh, I kind of appreciated Atanamir's RP. It started a war and was creative in the way it did so.

The most recent RP... Not so much.