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Started by Zakilevo, September 20, 2012, 11:07:06 PM

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God... This game... too hard!


Quote from: Zakilevo on September 20, 2012, 11:07:06 PM
God... This game... too hard!

I breeze through it until the drone phase of the last ship, then I crumble to dust. I don't know how to fight drones.


"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton

Barek (jerm)

You should take everything I say with a grain of salt.  But I'm not a werewolf.  Really.


On easy, I usually get through to the boss. On normal, the AI wipes the floor with me. But I'm not giving up.


I always get to the drone form and get crushed. I've heard that the stealth cruiser is good for drone form but it just plain sucks while trying to get there.
"it was never wise for a ruler to eschew the trappings of power, for power itself flows in no small measure from such trappings."
- George R.R. Martin ; Melisandre


Bombs or missiles, and then take down the drone control room. Or teleporter over and take it with a boarding party, but that takes longer.


Wow... I just got raped by a stealth ship... how the hell do you deal with that?


The Drone phase is the hardest boss phase. I found the 3rd phase to be a fair bit easier. My tactic was to use a crack boarding squad to take out important rooms and generally reduce the crew members. One thing that helped me was that the weapon systems are separate to the rest of the ship, so if you can take out the crew there and damage the system, no one can repair it. Bombs were my weapon of choice against the boss, but you require a massive store of missiles to make it work. I should note that I had maxed out cloaking and the fire while cloaked upgrade. Careful use of the cloak really reduced the damage I took.

Stealth ships are annoying, especially if they have the upgrade so they can fire while cloaked. The best way I've found to beat them is to have cloaking yourself.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.


Yeah, my main problem is starting to become that I can't get the upgrades and weapons I want. Or not when I want them. I try to save money for the shops, but never get enough. It takes quite a while on normal until you can seriously consider boarding. Needs more crew members, an upgraded teleporter, etc. etc.


Quote from: Tom on September 20, 2012, 11:51:45 PM
On easy, I usually get through to the boss. On normal, the AI wipes the floor with me. But I'm not giving up.

I think the worst problem I keep having in normal is running out of fuel.  I can't beat the first phase on normal either, yet.


I only play on normal because DF has conditioned me that losing is fun. I got to the 5th sector on my last game but after an excrutiating fight where i ran out of missiles, im down to 5 hull points and about to die after my next warp


Just bought this after seeing it on a Quick Look on Giant Bomb. Looking forward to playing. :D


WOW! WTF the final boss is nuts!


I beat the boss last night on easy with the Engi ship. But I got MASSIVELY lucky. After 2/3 jumps into the game, I got an augment that boosted any scrap I got by 15% (can't remember the exact %). I also seemed to get exactly what I needed, when I needed it: 2 fuel left, found a guy trading fuel for missiles; trouble destroying ships, find 2 weapons in as many jumps; not perfect upgrades before final boss, kill someone and get over 150 scrap for it.

On attacking the boss I had a full crew (2 Engi, 2 Human, 1 Rockman, 1 Manta, 1 Zoltan), starting ion weapon, 3 shot blaster (Kestrel's starting weapon), a single shot blaster (with enough power for all 3), 2 attack drones Mk1 and 1 defence drone Mk1 (enough power for 2). No cloak/teleport.

---Possible spoilers for those who haven't faced the boss yet---

Against the weapons only, I just made sure I paused after each volley he shot, moved people around and aimed for his shields with everything. I probably should have switched my 1-shot blaster to taking his weapons out.

Against drones I took his shields first, then kept shooting my Ion at them to keep them down. Used other two weapons on the drone control - constant fire on this meant that he was taking crew damage too, so couldn't keep everyone in there at the same time to repair it.

Against the teleport, I got lucky. 1st group teleported into the air-lock area, so I opened that which helped when they reached my crew. Then the 2nd two went against my Manta/Rockman. 3rd two were difficult (mainly because of other damage) and almost destroyed my ship, but I survived with 3 hp left. Multiple hull breaches, fires in most rooms, everyone on low health (except the pilot who was oddly un-harmed).

---End possible spoilers---

My tip would be to make extensive use of pausing the game to take stock of what's going on and move crew around to where they're most needed. Also, have a mix of quick/long reload weapons. I didn't need missiles/bombs but it would no doubt have been much easier with a fire-bomb.

Now to try it on normal!