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Nice One, Tom

Started by DoctorHarte, April 01, 2011, 01:04:59 PM

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I thought I'd found the April Fools at 6am when the family link took me to the forum and etc.

Turns out it was just my phone playing up.

OK, so I spotted the store for what it was as soon as I saw it but it was beautifully executed and made me laugh out loud because I knew people would get pissed at it.

"There are 11 kinds of people in the world; those who do not understand binary, those who think they understand binary and those who understand endianness."


After seeing the message I initially got a sinking feeling in my stomach. There is nothing that I hate more than pay2win games.

But the fact that the shop is the exact opposite of everything that Tom and Battlemaster stand for gives away the joke if one considers it in that light ;)

But yes, I was taken in at first - date doesn't matter that much to me.


The shop got me big time.

I woke up this morning to check BM and there was an item shop.

I was like I thought Tom wasn't going to do this kind of !@#$!

God I love April fools :)


I didn't think the idea of people being able to cheat at the game was very funny at all.


Ahh, you missed the point.

The idea that people would believe that the devs would allow people to cheat for money is what is funny.. because it is so ridiculous if you know the devs (even if only by reputation).

The extra funny is the effort that went into the joke.. were those 3d created icons just for one day? Kudos if they were because I LOVE disproportionate effort in the pursuit of humour.
"There are 11 kinds of people in the world; those who do not understand binary, those who think they understand binary and those who understand endianness."


I fell for it for a split second.  Then I remembered : )
I got really really mad, because that is a dealbreaker for me on games.
No man is an island, unto himself.


Quote from: Igelfeld on April 01, 2011, 09:47:47 PM
My first thought was how much gold I could create by manipulating taxes and then doubling my tax production. 30,000 gold in one tax... not impossible.

Coria knows what I am talking about  ;)

Primarily me, but sure, I guess you could say Coria.



Quote from: wraith on April 02, 2011, 03:19:15 AM

The extra funny is the effort that went into the joke.. were those 3d created icons just for one day? Kudos if they were because I LOVE disproportionate effort in the pursuit of humour.

no, seems like they're the same icons as used on the wiki ...


The volunteer icons look like the elves soldiers from the beginning of the first Lord of the Rings movie.

Gustav Kuriga

I still remember last year when if you tried to go to the login page it went to a white page saying that the site was currently under investigation by some government agency (or something along those lines). That one got me at first.