Author Topic: Sea Zones  (Read 79611 times)


  • Honourable King
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Re: Sea Zones
« Reply #15: September 24, 2012, 11:17:53 PM »
Regarding lakes, I would vote that they be treated like ocean right from the start. The interior lakes of BT and AT are certainly large enough to encompass 2 or three distinct zones. There is nothing I can think of that would make me treat lake travel any differently than ocean travel, honestly, so the only extra consideration is the extra work of adding additional sea zones to the DB.

Some more points for consideration:

4. Travel options. What will happen to, set next destination, field camp and delay travel? Will it be possible to manage arrival times by spending hours while traveling at sea? This is currently a very common method of coordinating arrival times with large groups.

5. Will sea travel time be affected by unit size and/or your current number of wounded, or any other factors that currently affect travel times by land? Will there be factors specific to sea travel?

6. How will priests/adventurers travel by sea? Same way? Will they even be able to?

7. Landings. Assuming you travel to and then arrive in a sea zone, would only the available landing points then appear on your travel page? I.e., if a region cannot be landed in due to enemy forces, will it not appear on the list, or will you simply get an error when you try to land there? This is somewhat important since the presence or absence alone provides information on the potential location of enemy forces.

Without having read everything, the proposal that units can only offload where there are few enemy troops means that D'Hara, and other isles, would be pracitally invincible.

...Excellent point. There are a few areas in the larger BM world that would have similar considerations. The Dark Isle on FEI. Obsidian Islands on EC. The Isle of Madina on Dwilight. Whatever is done, we have to make sure that the game's few true islands cannot simply make themselves invulnerable to attack with enough well placed militia.

Another consideration would be a region like Chaos Temple. If the new enhancement makes it impossible to carry siege engines with you when you travel there, how could you ever possibly attack that place? Or any city/stronghold on an island for that matter? You could land in a rural, sure, but good luck taking down a fortress with no siege engines, I don't care how big your army is.