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Looking for a new home

Started by Kellaine, September 25, 2012, 07:00:49 AM

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I have 2 characters on EC in Sirion that I am looking to move to a more active realm/island. 

I have been out of touch with most of BM lately as I lost internet and just got it back.  So I would like some suggestions.
Dexter - Principality of Zonasa, Telgar - Principality of Zonasa, Wil - Morek Empire, Crom- Adventurer - Kabrinskia-paused


Terran is very active and could always use new nobles. Plus there is a ton of room for very quick ascension in the hierarchy because 1) it is a Republic with regular gov't position elections and 2) because there seems to be an election for lordship position every couple weeks for you to throw your name into.

Also, we're fighting a war.
"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)


Quote from: Perth on September 25, 2012, 07:28:51 AM
Terran is very active and could always use new nobles. Plus there is a ton of room for very quick ascension in the hierarchy because 1) it is a Republic with regular gov't position elections and 2) because there seems to be an election for lordship position every couple weeks for you to throw your name into.

Also, we're fighting a war.

He already has a character in Morek. Unless he is willing to move that character or pause him, you won't see Kellaine joining Terran.

Is Sirion not active anymore? That is very unlike of Sirion to go quiet. If you don't want to emigrate to another continent, why not join Dunnera and see Aiden and Davis trying to fight each other for the second time? ;)


Quote from: Zakilevo on September 25, 2012, 07:46:51 AM
He already has a character in Morek. Unless he is willing to move that character or pause him, you won't see Kellaine joining Terran.

Is Sirion not active anymore? That is very unlike of Sirion to go quiet. If you don't want to emigrate to another continent, why not join Dunnera and see Aiden and Davis trying to fight each other for the second time? ;)

You are right about Terran. My character in Morek is lord of Aegirs Deep and I am not going to move him anywhere.

As far as moving to Dunnera, I am looking for a new continent to go to.

I am looking for lots of war. my characters need to earn more honor and prestige.
Dexter - Principality of Zonasa, Telgar - Principality of Zonasa, Wil - Morek Empire, Crom- Adventurer - Kabrinskia-paused


Anywhere on the FEI except Greater Aenilia.  Everyone except GA is at war, the frontlines are Zonasa/Kindara/Cathay, but Cathay's allies get to fight as well, they just have a bit of a hike in order to do so.

Obviously I think you should join Zonasa, since I'm ruler and all, but all of the realms except GA will give you plenty of fighting if that's what you want, with Kindara/Cathay/Zonasa probably giving the most.


Quote from: BardicNerd on September 25, 2012, 08:49:11 AM
Anywhere on the FEI except Greater Aenilia.  Everyone except GA is at war, the frontlines are Zonasa/Kindara/Cathay, but Cathay's allies get to fight as well, they just have a bit of a hike in order to do so.

Obviously I think you should join Zonasa, since I'm ruler and all, but all of the realms except GA will give you plenty of fighting if that's what you want, with Kindara/Cathay/Zonasa probably giving the most.

FEI it is then on my way will arrive next turn. 
Dexter - Principality of Zonasa, Telgar - Principality of Zonasa, Wil - Morek Empire, Crom- Adventurer - Kabrinskia-paused

Gustav Kuriga


Quote from: Kellaine on September 25, 2012, 09:21:00 AM
FEI it is then on my way will arrive next turn.

Arcaea is on the other side of the war, you could go there.


For Reference, the sides in the war are Kindara/Zonasa vs. Cathay/Arcaea/Sorraine/Ohnar West . . . the geography involved means that Kindara, Zonasa, and Cathay do most of the fighting, though Arcaea and Sorraine get to do a fair bit as well.  Ohnar West has a really long way to travel to get to the fight.  Arcaea I think is doing other things than just fighting, I believe they are also colonizing rogue regions that they plan to make into its own realm at some point.  I don't know how much of their army is devoted to which thing, but they certainly weren't bringing their full army south.


Quote from: BardicNerd on September 25, 2012, 07:57:52 PM
For Reference, the sides in the war are Kindara/Zonasa vs. Cathay/Arcaea/Sorraine/Ohnar West . . . the geography involved means that Kindara, Zonasa, and Cathay do most of the fighting, though Arcaea and Sorraine get to do a fair bit as well.  Ohnar West has a really long way to travel to get to the fight.  Arcaea I think is doing other things than just fighting, I believe they are also colonizing rogue regions that they plan to make into its own realm at some point.  I don't know how much of their army is devoted to which thing, but they certainly weren't bringing their full army south.

I'm one of the colonizers...I certainly felt like everyone else was in the south, while the army was away at war. I think at least 75% of our nobles were gone, possibly more, although I wasn't paying that much attention.


Huh.  Interesting.

Well, perhaps Arcaea's army is just not as powerful as it once was.  I remember other times they've come south, and I seem to recall their forces being much bigger then.


Quote from: BardicNerd on September 25, 2012, 09:27:36 PM
Huh.  Interesting.

Well, perhaps Arcaea's army is just not as powerful as it once was.  I remember other times they've come south, and I seem to recall their forces being much bigger then.

They seemed to do quite well for several battles, until damage got too high and they fell apart, finally. But they'll be ready to go again soon enough.


Quote from: BardicNerd on September 25, 2012, 09:27:36 PM
Huh.  Interesting.

Well, perhaps Arcaea's army is just not as powerful as it once was.  I remember other times they've come south, and I seem to recall their forces being much bigger then.

The last time Jenred led an army to make that nice raid on Zonasa, the armies prepped for a couple of months first.  That would not have been a sustainable force for that long a distance fighting.
"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"


Quote from: Kellaine on September 25, 2012, 07:00:49 AM
I have 2 characters on EC in Sirion that I am looking to move to a more active realm/island. 

I have been out of touch with most of BM lately as I lost internet and just got it back.  So I would like some suggestions.

Come join Arcaea! Out of all the realms on FEI, I'd say we fight the most wars. Promotion is usually pretty rapid, too, for those that are active and participate in the realm. The new Imperial Magistrate that just got elected has barely been here a month. He did pretty well out of four candidates.

Quote from: BardicNerd on September 25, 2012, 09:27:36 PM
Huh.  Interesting.

Well, perhaps Arcaea's army is just not as powerful as it once was.  I remember other times they've come south, and I seem to recall their forces being much bigger then.

About 60% of our nobles are in the field armies at the moment, although there are always stragglers. The rest are either inactives, dealing with monsters or prepping for the creation of the colony.