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[Forum Game] Werewolf X: The Thing Returns

Started by Fury, September 27, 2012, 03:49:47 AM

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Quote from: Ketchum on October 05, 2012, 03:16:55 PM
Still I would like to challenge you for  the next coming Nobel prize :D

That's a good one.  ;D
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell


I don't know what has happened here, but every time I go on a research trip with you guys something life-threatening happens... I'm starting to think this is not a coincidence.
D'Espana Family


Why so few votes? Doesn't this turn end in a half hour?

Vote Lanyon. I have no specific reason - it is just a guess.


I will reserve myself to not give opinions...for now.



come on dude I'm obviously not the thing.


I have not seen anything suspicious in anyone so far - so I'll hold my vote for this time
D'Espana Family



VOTE LANYON - Slapsticks (#42), Velax (#48)
VOTE SLAPSTICKS - (Lanyon #50)

Lanyon and Lefanis, the two BIG L Scientists were not concerned at all about any Thing running loose. Lefanis, the hero of the original 'The Thing' had won the Nobel Prize for curing the infected and his grin was simply infectious. Lanyon followed him around like a love-sick puppy.

Unfortunately, Slapsticks and Velax saw the lovesickness as a sign of infection. They vote to have Lanyon lynched who naturally protested but no one backs him up. Slapsticks and Velax come up to Lanyon and Lefanis with a rope in their hands.

"Now wait just a minute", exclaimed Lefanis. "Do you know who you're dealing with?" he demands as he leans forward to show his Nobel Prize medal that he had tied around his head right in Velax' face.

"Deal with this!" retorted Velax as he blows an even bigger hole in the medal with his Desert Eagle. The bullet glances off Lefanis' skull who starts bleeding copiously, still very much alive but screaming like a little girl.

They then drag Lanyon and string him up till he was deader than dead. They then wait for him to change form or something but no change happens. They pick up a card that fell out of his pockets. It says: "Lanyon, MRCPsych."

"Oops", said Slapsticks.
"Shift happens", grumbled Velax.

Lanyon the Psychologist / Scientist is strung like a chicken.
Lefanis the Scientist is shot.

The other scientists start appearing and make clucking noises at what the two had done. "Where did you get that gun, Velax?" someone demands. Then someone says, "Anyone seen Barek around?"

A hasty search makes a gruesome discovery. Apparently, Barek had taken the threat of the Thing seriously and had hid in the one place he felt most secure - the other Big L. The Loo. They find him after having to kick in a stall door. He is just sitting there with most of his blood outside his body but there were signs that he was trying to escape the installation by going through the septic pipes.

The scientists have a hasty conference and they all agree that if they had to and only if they really really had to... to now use the loos on the second floor instead.

Barek the Escape Artist / Scientist was killed.


And that gun, Velax? What is it for? Why do you have it? I don't know if I feel very much at ease with someone with a gun shooting random scientists for no reason...

Even so, quite a bit ironic that the Escape Artist died first...
D'Espana Family


Well, he was boasting about that medal a bit too much. And if I have to use a gun to kill people, it's probably safe to say I'm not the Thing.


-.- I what is it about me that says "the thing" ?


Quote from: Velax on October 06, 2012, 07:44:28 PM
Well, he was boasting about that medal a bit too much. And if I have to use a gun to kill people, it's probably safe to say I'm not the Thing.

Hm, I guess so. But it's kind of harsh to be grateful to someone who has shot at you. (OOC note: perhaps something to improve for next werewolf game? I don't imagine a bunch of scientists accepting someone who is going to shoot one of them every day...)
D'Espana Family



I say we either kill Velax of Slapsticks.

They seem to be little to eager to kill people!



Scientists don't have to take getting shot if they don't want to but bear in mind that getting shot won't kill you.

Also: Research(er) is a scan option (order).