Author Topic: Head of Religion Titles in All Signatures  (Read 30878 times)

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Re: title in message.
« Topic Start: April 09, 2011, 11:49:16 AM »
Ok, I'll put it straight to you: At least come up with some actual argument as to why my line of reasoning is incorrect. Quoting things shows you know how to quote. Now show what you think, other than "Hah, u dont read either!!" because I can interpret Indirik's message as relative to how the game knows what is a religious message. It goes into mechanics territory, and when considering changes to mechanics we should consider all aspects that directly relate to the mechanic we seek to change. Alterations would not necessarily only affect message appearances. For example, right now there is a need to ask, or to invite. It engenders possible personal relations. Having the title out there, especially weird ones, when one might very well be disinterested in the entire religion can cause conflicts unnecessarily and affect first impressions.

For example if the Church of Living Light has as its elder the Priest of Fresh human Blood, at first glance many characters will withdraw in terror. Less will approach initially than if only the more neutral sounding religion name was given.

Now, I've given a little more of my reasoning. Point out the flaws and more importantly how and why they are flawed.