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Started by Azerax, October 06, 2012, 03:36:52 AM

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By corner, you mean, the rest of Atamara?....



Quote from: GoldPanda on February 14, 2013, 06:01:02 AM
Propaganda disguised as news is fine. That is just a blatant recruiting message that is unrelated to any events happening on Atamara.

If we allow that, what's to stop me from filling the news channel with gems like:

There has been realm recruitment messages before, though only one.   I'm fine with them as long as they are from different realms, and I'd space them out.  If all the suggested posts became only recruitment, I'd just stop posting them.  Just got to find a balance.


Quote from: Skiarxon on February 14, 2013, 02:14:23 PM
You ain't got a song. Now go back to your corner.

... Yeah... I don't think Darkans should make jokes about dunce corners, or corners in general. You leave yourself open to jokes like this:

CE does not have an official fight song, but this is a personal favorite:

And we are superior in the propagandaTRUTH posters department:
qui audet vincit

Quote from: GoldPanda on February 15, 2013, 10:12:51 AM
... Yeah... I don't think Darkans should make jokes about dunce corners, or corners in general. You leave yourself open to jokes like this:

CE does not have an official fight song, but this is a personal favorite:

And we are superior in the propagandaTRUTH posters department:

The only thing I see is that your humour is like your paint skills. Non existent.


Quote from: GoldPanda on February 15, 2013, 10:12:51 AM
... Yeah... I don't think Darkans should make jokes about dunce corners, or corners in general. You leave yourself open to jokes like this:

CE does not have an official fight song, but this is a personal favorite:

And we are superior in the propagandaTRUTH posters department:

failed humor attempt detected :D those pics are not funny to the slightest :P  they are ridiculous.

Also Darka has a song written by a player and performed by him as well.In fact it is so obvious because names of old Darkans and current ones are included...if we had to choose from songs written all over da planet i would certainly choose Korpiklaani..something like "Happy little boozer" or "Hide your riches" ( if you know what i mean ;) ) or "Rise"....yeah i think it would be Rise.

Out of the silent sea,
Came the holy men of war
Killers in the name of god, with bible,
Cross and book of law
Welcome to the land of ice,
Welcome to the land of snow..
Come in and meet our gods.
This is not your day

Rise from the ground, spirts of the earth,
Spirits of fire, spirits of war,
Flow of waters, rumble of thunder,
Above the heads of our enemies.

Rise now from the ground
Mighty spirits of the earth
Come down god of wind
Mighty spirit of the air

Rise now water of the seas
Drown all our enemies
Rise now god of fire
Burn and give back our land of dreams
Suck my socks! I kill for Darka! -KK-



Quote from: Skiarxon on February 15, 2013, 12:15:49 PM
The only thing I see is that your humour is like your paint skills. Non existent.

I spent 30 seconds in paint and got two Darkan players to respond. Mission accomplished.
qui audet vincit


Roleplay from Urhea Uuno Cosula
Message sent to everyone in the region Nazamroth (42 recipients)
*UU Prince of Darka arriwed to central parts of Nazamroth. Darkan armies beated some Cagilan Empires troops roaming there. After Battle lesser nobles and merchants and other freemen informed UU that they wish to join Darka. Help Darka to keep away those Imperialists who only play around with them.*

Hoi Empire people. Go home and tell your Emperor that his empire is shrinking fast as people get tired to their commands and bullying.

~Violence is always an option!~

Quote from: GoldPanda on February 17, 2013, 03:40:52 AM
I spent 30 seconds in paint and got two Darkan players to respond. Mission accomplished.

u so mad.

Dante Silverfire

For the Facebook Page:

His Grace, Duke Merlin Silverfire of Frekpotis marched down the central avenue of Barad Gardor, the capital of Coria. He was surrounded by the 72 most elite troops in the entire realm, his well-trained special forces, who would die to the man before allowing harm to their Duke. Behind the Duke's bodyguard strode 100 of the city's militia along with the captains of the city's militia and palace guards. Behind the capital's militia strode 500 personal retainers of the Duke each carrying a large bundle. This group was lit only by the flickering fire of hundreds of torches in the pre-dawn twilight.

When Merlin reached the forum of the Corian Ruler's palace, he stopped and surveyed the palace. He turned briefly to his men, and the captain of the city's militia and the captain of the palace guards were brought forward to flank the Duke. Striding forward, Merlin moved to the base of the podium in front of the palace and drew his sword. With a single slice, and a sharp crack, he cut down the flagpole of Coria, then moved and picked up the banner of the realm in his hands. Without a word spoken, he took a torch from his closest retainer and set the banner aflame and held the banner aloft.

Merlin turned to the two captains. "Burn them. Burn every banner of Coria within the city. My retainers will accompany you and supply you with the replacements." The captains turned and looked at each other for a brief moment. What could they do? Merlin was Duke of the city of Barad Gardor, and the highest authority currently in Coria. The only person who could possibly override his order would be Merlin's vassal the direct Lord of Barad Gardor and he wasn't in the city. Just as this was undoubtedly passing the minds of the captains, a messenger ran up to the gathering.

"My Lord Silverfire!" the messenger said. "The results of the election are in; you are now officially Ruler of Coria!"

Almost immediately after hearing the news, the two captains voiced their assent and set out with their men to begin. As they turned away, each had three of Merlin's bodyguard go with them to keep watch. Merlin then announced: "Someone find me a throne," before he turned his back on the crowd and entered the Palace proper.

Before long, red fires had sprouted up all across the city, and snakes of smoke reached out and shrouded the city in a sort of haze, as the sun breached the horizon. Before the hour was out, hundreds of pigeons had already left the city, carrying the same message to the four corners of Atamara. The details differed, but the central message was the same:

"The Republic of Coria has fallen! The Kingdom of Coria has begun!"

Also, perhaps a link to this forum thread:,3873.0.html
"This is the face of the man who has worked long and hard for the good of the people without caring much for any of them."


Kerwin Perth has stepped down from his position as ruler of Eston. He has given the following reason:
As per the Treaty of Hawthorne, I resign as the King of Eston and make way for a new Monarch to be chosen. For Eston!
"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)


A humorous news article:

Local banner maker Mana Aran of Barad Falas has retired following a sharp increase in production for the new Empire. The commission granted him a small fortune, enough to escape the life of peasantry and live out his days in peace wherever he chooses. On a rather related note, a new fashion has arisen that features the colors of green and gold and makes use of the few Corian banners that were not burned. Finally, crop production is expected to be exceptionally plentiful this season thanks to the banner ash that can now be mixed in with the soil. The extra nutrients will emphasize the flavors of the plants.



After many long weeks of brutal occupation and starvation, Minas Leon has successfully murdered the last bastions of loyalist forces in York and destroyed the realm of Minas Ithil.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron
