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Started by Azerax, October 06, 2012, 03:36:52 AM

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Quote from: Ender on March 13, 2013, 10:59:05 PM
In what many are saying is the worst plan that has ever been hatched in the Frozen North, Ender, Executioner of the Barony and Duke of Makar, has announced that he no longer gets along with Sordnaz and wants his own realm. He plans to accomplish this strange goal by halving the Barony to make one. Mick, General of the Barony, has offered to remove Ender's head for fear that he's either gone utterly mad or is entirely too sober to keep on living.

Early rune forecasts by the hermits in the woods near Sordnaz's palace are saying that if anything is to split in the next couple of days it will be Ender's skull and not the Barony.

Unbelievable... Looks like there is some sort of curse going?
~Violence is always an option!~


Quote from: GoldPanda on March 14, 2013, 06:56:01 AM
All the duchies I know of are spoken for.

If you can carve one out of BoM, it's all yours. 8)

Think about all the benefits of living in the Frozen North:
+ Free life-time supply of slushies and other icy treats!
+ Skiing! Snowboarding! Yeti wrestling!
+ The Vikings are drunk, pliable, and complacent. There would be no pesky nobles plotting your downfall from within your own realm.

And that's not all!

You get life-time immunity from CE! Seriously. It's too far away and too cold. The last time Enri marched up there half of his laser bears troops froze to death.

You forgot inappropriate goat actions!
And total lacks of bathing!
And extensive nudity made up for by ludicrously long beards!


posted: The duchy of Makar has seceded from Barony of Makar and formed a new realm called Heorot.


The Realm of Heorot was formally formed by secession from the Barony of Makar today. Dread Lord Ender Neill announced the realm's formation by shouting from atop a throne of skulls and empty kegs in his mead hall in Makar as a bunch of frightened peasants gathered below. Joining Heorot in the earliest hours are the regions of the Duchy of Makar who swore to follow Ender in his mad quest to reform the Baronies of old and live as Vikings once more.

Rumors from outside the city walls say that the streets run red and gold with celebratory mead and the severed heads of those who weren't celebrating to the Dread Lord's satisfaction.


In an attempt to reverse Dread Lord Ender Neill's creation of a new realm, former Barony of Makar General Mick the Slasher Mugurk challenged him to a duel. Mick the Slasher was slain and Ender was seriously wounded. Witnesses say the fight was quite the spectacle and enjoyed the copious amounts of blood. One passerby is said to have painted a new sign with the freeflowing blood. When asked, he was uncertain which noble's blood was on the sign, but he plans to claim both for marketing reasons.


Quote from: Eirikr on March 18, 2013, 05:38:57 AM
In an attempt to reverse Dread Lord Ender Neill's creation of a new realm, former Barony of Makar General Mick the Slasher Mugurk challenged him to a duel. Mick the Slasher was slain and Ender was seriously wounded. Witnesses say the fight was quite the spectacle and enjoyed the copious amounts of blood. One passerby is said to have painted a new sign with the freeflowing blood. When asked, he was uncertain which noble's blood was on the sign, but he plans to claim both for marketing reasons.

Fun fact: Dread Lord Ender is 92 years old, Mick the Slasher was 28 when he met his untimely death...


Ender put a whooping on that whippersnapper.
Life is a dance, it is only fitting that death sing the tune.


Quote from: Galle on March 18, 2013, 09:51:01 PM
Fun fact: Dread Lord Ender is 92 years old, Mick the Slasher was 28 when he met his untimely death...

Incidentally, this exact quote will be etched onto the back of this sign.


I was at least hoping to avoid being seriously wounded if I won, but alas.

And the game is cruel enough to keep teasing me with letters from the Ruler channel.


Quote from: Eirikr on March 18, 2013, 05:38:57 AM
In an attempt to reverse Dread Lord Ender Neill's creation of a new realm, former Barony of Makar General Mick the Slasher Mugurk challenged him to a duel. Mick the Slasher was slain and Ender was seriously wounded. Witnesses say the fight was quite the spectacle and enjoyed the copious amounts of blood. One passerby is said to have painted a new sign with the freeflowing blood. When asked, he was uncertain which noble's blood was on the sign, but he plans to claim both for marketing reasons.



Just wondering, what are everybody's thoughts on these as far as their IG application goes? Are they strictly OOC for FB (regardless of how they're written) or are the more IC sounding ones (that is, not the generated IG messages about a realm being formed, etc.) fair game for use IG?


Quote from: Eirikr on March 23, 2013, 02:11:53 AM
Just wondering, what are everybody's thoughts on these as far as their IG application goes? Are they strictly OOC for FB (regardless of how they're written) or are the more IC sounding ones (that is, not the generated IG messages about a realm being formed, etc.) fair game for use IG?

I would say anything that isn't actually IG shouldn't be used IG. (aside from the Wiki)
"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)

Dante Silverfire

Quote from: Eirikr on March 23, 2013, 02:11:53 AM
Just wondering, what are everybody's thoughts on these as far as their IG application goes? Are they strictly OOC for FB (regardless of how they're written) or are the more IC sounding ones (that is, not the generated IG messages about a realm being formed, etc.) fair game for use IG?

I've always considered these more to be kind of like public announcements.
"This is the face of the man who has worked long and hard for the good of the people without caring much for any of them."


Anything posted here for facebook posting, and anything else posted on the forums, too, is OOC information, and should not be used IG.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Indirik on March 23, 2013, 02:25:06 AM
Anything posted here for facebook posting, and anything else posted on the forums, too, is OOC information, and should not be used IG.

Excellent, thanks.