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Started by Azerax, October 06, 2012, 03:37:09 AM

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I'm not sure if people stray into the other forums so I'm posting in all the islands.

Please post interesting items (spice them up) to go onto the Battlemaster Facebook page.



Kojiro Hinamoto - New Consul of Melhed!

The former Praetor and Duke of Agyr became now the new Consul of Melhed replacing Soren. After a close margin 45 to 30 votes the experienced Melite will be now in charge of the diplomacy in a realm struck by some hard political times, disputing with his "ally" Thalmarkin the claims over 5 regions.
"A leader leads by example, not by force" .- Sun Tzu


I don't know all the details, but Old Grehk just had a religious schism that resulted in two duchies joining Sint instead. The political ramifications are still being determined.

Draco Tanos

Religious schism is not how I would describe it.  At all.  However, as there was so much OOC temper tantrums involved (one of those who removed their duchy deleted their characters 16 days or so after they said they were quitting the game.), I am confused how to word it ICly...

Best I could do?  Angry over loss of power, crazed duke began persecuting a religion by closing its temples, switching with kin and strongarming those in his duchy to switch regions so he could continue breaking the law.  The judge, his friend and another duchess, refused to do anything to punish him. After a series of protests to remove these ineffective members of the Imperial Council, and the judge refusing to punish her kinswoman when she attempted to summon hordes of monsters into Old Grehk, realized their days were numbered and to do as much damage and spawn chaos, pledged their duchies to Sint.  Immediately afterwards, the Duchess and her kinswoman apparently ended their own lives.

In my phone or I would try to go into a little more depth.


Yeah, we're not getting the full picture in Sint yet. But pretty good shot at an IC description, I'd say.


Quote from: Draco Tanos on October 16, 2012, 10:39:22 PM
judge refusing to punish her kinswoman when she attempted to summon hordes of monsters into Old Grehk

So it wasn't successful? Damn, I would've loved to hear how those scrolls work. :D

Anyway, some sort of religious conflict was to be expected after the fast rise to power of CoH in OG.

Draco Tanos

I noticed a few reports of monsters in other regions the same time the report of magic on the air popped up.  Can't tell if it was linked or coincidence as they were rogue regions anyway.

Nidor (the banker/duke that seemingly went nuts) helped found the Church on BT as he was a follower on the EC.  Apparently he thinks that in a Church with a visible hierarchy and rank system, everyone should be equal.  So he threw a fit when things that have been established for two years didn't mesh with how he thought things should be, especially when it  in fact diminished his own perception perception of power.

Ah well.  This all makes my character proven right. 


Quote from: Draco Tanos on October 16, 2012, 10:39:22 PM
Religious schism is not how I would describe it.  At all.  However, as there was so much OOC temper tantrums involved (one of those who removed their duchy deleted their characters 16 days or so after they said they were quitting the game.), I am confused how to word it ICly...

Best I could do?  Angry over loss of power, crazed duke began persecuting a religion by closing its temples, switching with kin and strongarming those in his duchy to switch regions so he could continue breaking the law.  The judge, his friend and another duchess, refused to do anything to punish him. After a series of protests to remove these ineffective members of the Imperial Council, and the judge refusing to punish her kinswoman when she attempted to summon hordes of monsters into Old Grehk, realized their days were numbered and to do as much damage and spawn chaos, pledged their duchies to Sint.  Immediately afterwards, the Duchess and her kinswoman apparently ended their own lives.

In my phone or I would try to go into a little more depth.

Thats pretty much what happened. Nidor tried to encourage the Lords that Michael's time on the throne had come to an end and it was time for new leadership, when that failed miserably, he started absuing his station as Duke to lead a personal vendetta against the Church, swapping lordships with other lords and his other character Aragorn whom also held a lordship, just to close down its temples. The Judge deemed he was doing nothing wrong then went silent after OOCly stating she was quitting the game. The Judge refused to reply to any personal letters sent to her or address the Lords of Old Grehk, so protests commenced against both of them. Most of the nobles in Old Grehk realised what was going on and against both of their actions so began voicing their disapproval and protests continued. Their last resort was to switch the regions in their duchies to Sint. The Judge deleted her character immediately after switching the Duchy of Vatrona to Sint, purely out of spite, for no IC reason whatsoever, just to protect and support her friend Nidor.

At the end of the day all this transpired because Nidor and Caitiri both have an OOC dislike of the player of Victus, who is the founder of the Church and whom Nidor was making an issue about because he was apart of the Church. When Nidor didnt get his way, he abused his position in Old Grehk to attack the Church.
Michael (BT) - Marcus (BT) - Antonious (EC) - Claudius (EC)



The funniest part of the whole thing is that the dukes were fleeing what they considered an overbearing/corrupt religion, wanting some form of religious freedom. And they fled to a theocracy that certainly will /not/ give them religious freedom, and will certainly be more religiously oppressive than their original realm.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.

Draco Tanos

If overbearing/corrupt religion means the government outlaws the destruction of temples for ALL faiths approved by the Crown (Daishi, OGF, CoH), sure.  That's what they were fleeing.  lol


If it doesn't allow Hemaism, the only true faith, then who cares? :)

I suspect that most of the lords will swap back on their own, as will most of the knights.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Indirik on October 17, 2012, 04:28:37 AM
The funniest part of the whole thing is that the dukes were fleeing what they considered an overbearing/corrupt religion, wanting some form of religious freedom. And they fled to a theocracy that certainly will /not/ give them religious freedom, and will certainly be more religiously oppressive than their original realm.

It's funny how many people do this...

Reminds me of the americans that threatened to go live in Canada if Obama-Care went into effect. Makes everyone up north laugh pretty hard.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


Quote from: Chénier on October 17, 2012, 11:37:25 PM
Reminds me of the americans that threatened to go live in Canada if Obama-Care went into effect. Makes everyone up north laugh pretty hard.

Uh. Do they not realize Canada has socialized medicine as well?


Quote from: Uzamaki on October 18, 2012, 04:42:41 AM
Uh. Do they not realize Canada has socialized medicine as well?

This is why we laugh at them pretty hard.
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