Author Topic: Rogue Judges  (Read 35843 times)

  • Noble Lord
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Re: Rogue Judges
« Reply #90: October 09, 2012, 07:38:37 AM »
None of this happened. None of it was RPed. He can't retroactively say, "Oh, yeah, I was totally doing all that. I was assassinating and bribing messengers and stuff, and totally RPed it all." Because he didn't. Everyone got the message where the King declared the Judge a traitor. Everyone got it. And if Seperoth managed to assassinate the King's messengers sent to the bureaucrats responsible for enacting bans, it certainly wasn't RPed.

So, sure. You can RP ways this might be vaguely realistic. You can come up with a bull!@#$ RP justification for anything if you stretch things far enough. But none of this was RPed.

Lets not forget that the reason given IC for the bans was that these nobles support the King, in other words, it would be obvious treason to carry them out. Even if the King wasn't present, the level and depth of corruption required to pull it off would be enormous, as would the bribes.