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The Marrocidenian war

Started by Lanyon, October 07, 2012, 10:31:07 PM

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Quote from: Chénier on October 13, 2012, 05:05:37 PM
Malus Solari was one. I seem to recall at least one or two Luria Nova rulers being priests of SA. Then there's the dukes and other government members, over time. That today none of the rulers is SA doesn't mean that historically, SA faithful had quite a few positions with pull in the Lurias.

Luria Vesperi had a total of 0 Astroist rulers, dukes and lords.
Luria Nova idem.
Solaria had 1 Astroist ruler and 2 dukes (one of them the aforementioned ruler, the other ruling over the useless, cashless and foodless Divides).
Pian en Luries had 1 Astroist ruler, 0 dukes and 1 lord. And only when they were 1-region-large.

No, the 'moot is several times closer to SA than the Lurias are. Before Solaria there was never an Astroist temple in the Lurias.
d'Arricarrère Family: Torpius (All around Dwilight), Felicie (Riombara), Frederic (Riombara) and Luc (Eponllyn).


Before Solaria, Luria was the only blank spot on SA's religious spread map.


lol, Glaumring. For all your claims of being clever and strategic, you failed to note that storming Kabrinskia suddenly (less than a day after peace was declared) would bring in Astrum. Then you whine about how 'everyone is against you' when your actions really encourage nothing but.

Also, SA doesn't want to see Terran dead (anymore?).

Exciting times to be had, in any case. SA+Veinsormoot vs Aurvandil+Asylon+Lurias.


Considering the previous experiences regarding Asylon and its foreign policy, I'm sure we'd all be surprised.

Gustav Kuriga

either move on from this flame fest, or I'm going to request a mod come in here. This is getting ridiculous.


Quote from: Gustav Kuriga on October 14, 2012, 06:53:35 AM
either move on from this flame fest, or I'm going to request a mod come in here. This is getting ridiculous.
its definitely a heated discussion but I wouldn't call it a flame fest.
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton


Quote from: Gustav Kuriga on October 14, 2012, 06:53:35 AM
either move on from this flame fest, or I'm going to request a mod come in here. This is getting ridiculous.

Moderator here. I don't see anything worth editing. There are disagreements but other than a "paint factory" comment from someone who ought to know better, none of the attacks are getting personal.

Also, while I have my moderator hat on, should I split all the Lurian comments into their own thread? Or rename this thread "the wars of the Moot"?


Considering it's quickly becoming an island-wide war...!


I kinda agree with Glaumring. I have no IC knowledge of this stuff, but only from what's been said on the forums. Did Asylon !@#$ up by attacking Kabrinskia and bringing Astrum into the war? Sure. It was a stupid move. Does this mean its allies should abandon it? Tough call. Asylon seemed to be a stalwart, if sometimes unpredictable, ally to the Moot for quite some time. Asylon came to the aid of Terran when it was asked to, no questions asked. But when Asylon !@#$ed up and drew too much heat, Terran throws Asylon under the bus. Smart move? Maybe. Doesn't make you good allies, though.


Terran didn't throw Asylon under the bus. Terran didn't even abandon Asylon. Terran went out of their way to ensure that Asylon took as little damage as possible. In fact, Terran is the reason that Asylon still owns Itau, as opposed to Kabrinskia.

First of all, according to the treaty, Terran had no obligation whatsoever to defend Asylon. Asylon had started an aggressive war against Kabrinskia. Terran's treaty with Asylon mandated help only in case Asylon was attacked, as it was a mutual defense pact. By starting their own aggressive war against Kabrinskia, Asylon released Terran from their obligations.

Second, even though they didn't need to, Terran laid put conditions in which they would come to Asylon's aid. This included putting all Asylon cities, and the southern 2/3rds of Asylon regions off-limits to the Astrum/Kabrinskia. If Astrum or Kabrinskia attacked Via or Itau, or started looting further south into Asylon's farmlands, the Terran would re-enter the war by launching an attack on Kabrinskia.

And that, boys and girls, is how Terran saved Asylon's ass, even though they were not under any treaty-bound obligation to do so.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


If you want a treaty that will last, then you must make sure that no party can force war upon the other.

You also need communication. Which Glaumring was great for, at the beginning. Until he started doing things on his own without mentioning it to us first, and doing all kinds of crazy stuff we didn't want.

Indeed, we did ditch him, but only once he became a lousy ally, a liability. We wouldn't have ditched him if things were going bad for him but was not the result of his own actions. He wasn't worth the risks of escalation anymore.
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1) The thing about 'mutual defense pacts' is that it's defensive. Just as Terran didn't expect Asylon to march onto Kabrinskian lands itself (although it did, but at their own volition), Asylon shouldn't expect Terran to march with it into Kabrinskia.

2) I thought Asylon was not part of the 'moot?


Quote from: Feylonis on October 14, 2012, 06:47:42 PM
2) I thought Asylon was not part of the 'moot?

Certainly isn't.

Being a monarchy played a significant role. Then Glaumring went all crazy, and that got rid of all desire to integrate them under some form or another.
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The treaty between Terran and Kabrinskia gave Kabrinskia permission to take Itau.  They said that they would not defend any of Asylons regions north of Upper Via.
Kabrinski Family:  Nathaniel (EC), Franklin (BT), Aletha(DWI)


And Terran's working on signing alliances with SA, it would seem. Oh no, everyone's against Glaumring again.