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Adventurer Starting Region

Started by, April 03, 2011, 03:04:13 PM

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From the wiki:

Your adventurer character will be created in a random region on the island of your choice, and belong to whatever realm rules that region. You can not choose which realm he belongs to.

However, I have noticed that adventurers do not start in rogue or NPC regions, which makes sense. So, "random region owned by a realm"?


Quote from: Artemesia on April 03, 2011, 03:04:13 PM
From the wiki:

Your adventurer character will be created in a random region on the island of your choice, and belong to whatever realm rules that region. You can not choose which realm he belongs to.

However, I have noticed that adventurers do not start in rogue or NPC regions, which makes sense. So, "random region owned by a realm"?

Well, I suppose it could be considered redundant, strictly speaking. "Rogue" is not a realm, so the wiki statement is factually correct. However, clarification without redundancy is always good.


"Your adventurer character will be created in a random region on the island of your choice, and belong to whatever realm rules that region. You can not choose which realm he belongs to, and he will not start in a rogue region."?


I think you should be able to spawn in a rogue region.. ?

Quote from: Skyndarbau on April 03, 2011, 07:39:33 PM
I think you should be able to spawn in a rogue region.. ?


It has been reiterated several times that the least desirable status to have is that of a rogue. Strangely enough, some (possibly even a lot) of players actually want to be rogues. But the thing about rogues is that they can be executed immediately, no matter what their status. They also can't do, well, anything except move around and try not to die. It is also possible that they age faster (Maybe not, but I'm not against saying so if it means less people will want to be rogues. The point is to actually work as part of some realm against other realms, not to be some outcast doing nothing worthwhile except occasionally throw in a message or two.)


Quote from: Artemesia on April 03, 2011, 08:09:34 PM

It has been reiterated several times that the least desirable status to have is that of a rogue. Strangely enough, some (possibly even a lot) of players actually want to be rogues. But the thing about rogues is that they can be executed immediately, no matter what their status. They also can't do, well, anything except move around and try not to die. It is also possible that they age faster (Maybe not, but I'm not against saying so if it means less people will want to be rogues. The point is to actually work as part of some realm against other realms, not to be some outcast doing nothing worthwhile except occasionally throw in a message or two.)

And yet, your final sentence basically describes adventurers.

Argue with Tom, not me. I'm not the one who first said rogues are undesirable.


I'm not arguing wether rogue is undesirable, I'm saying that adventurers are basically rogues. No family, no place in society, sleeping in hay bales...


Quote from: egamma on April 05, 2011, 06:03:38 PM
And yet, your final sentence basically describes adventurers.

Not everywhere. Many realms have discovered that adventurers are useful assets, especially in preventing monster and undead showing up.


Or, more importantly, dressing up the nobles with fancy items.