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[Forum Game] Werewolf XI: The Thing Attacks

Started by Fury, October 16, 2012, 03:30:24 AM

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Quote from: Velax on October 30, 2012, 05:23:16 PM
But according to your list, there are four researchers.

Richard is cancelled off. Misidentify.


There are also three Escape Artists. Arundel was one too.



So far? DK and Ketchum. As DK has said, I am an Interrogator, and my interrogations thus far have shown they are not The Thing.


So what is your order role? Same goes to Richard...


VOTE Richard Leonecouer
If voting for him is pointless let's vote for him since he can escape. If we can buy one more day without lynching one of us by accident I think we can find the Thing.


Other role? Just Scientist. I asked to be an Interrogator as my main role, and Scientist was the secondary role I was given.


We have not voted for anyone good by accident. Sonya was an agent. Penchant survived the fall, and every other time nothing happened. Voting richard will help nothing if he is an escape artist. Both of you mentioned that we need to lynch someone in order to help this whole thing and yet you guys are slowing it down again. Once again it seems Zaki and Velax are helping each other out...

Richard Leonecoeur

Vote Zaki.

We have to do SOMETHING. I'm not going to let a turn go wasted.

We'll waste a turn anyway. But now it's 2 to 2. We need one more vote and we can break this tie and get something done. I will be getting interrogated tonight again, I imagine, though enough people will know the outcome of that. I fear for my safety, so I won't reveal what I'm doing... But my actions tonight might be key in unwrapping the Thing.

So. Do we waste two turns, one turn, or none?


Like what i said previously. Either Velax or Zaki.



Quote from: DK on October 30, 2012, 05:01:41 PM

Mercenaries - Ketchum, Disturbedyang, D'Espana
Researcher - Richard, DK, Zaki
Interrogator - Velax, Sonya, Lefanis

How did you came up upon Sonya as being interrogator?


I voted for Richard before I realised he was an Escape Artist. Missed Lefanis' earlier post, as did everyone else. I still think voting Richard is the way to go, because if he turns out to be an Agent or The Thing, we want to be able to lynch him then without his protection getting in the way.


We need this going!


What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell