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anyone else having trouble?

Started by Augulus, November 01, 2012, 01:27:14 AM

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With the dynamic maps?  I haven't exactly checked the entirely of the forums, but dynamic maps seem to be broken for all 3 of my characters.

Draco Tanos


Yeah, me too. I haven't been able to see the dynamic maps or anything in the statistics for a few days on any characters. I'd held off on filing a bug report because I thought it might just be a problem with my computer or possibly Firefox. Maybe it isn't. I've been hoping to check it out on a different computer, but haven't had the time.


I cleared my cache, and that seemed to work.  Thanks!

Draco Tanos

Yeah, something with the cache messes up the dynamic map and the tables now and then.  Clearing it out fixed things.  Yay.