Author Topic: Infiltrator Help  (Read 12745 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Re: Infiltrator Help
« Reply #30: October 21, 2012, 11:35:25 AM »
2 and 3: The police/militia/dudley-do-rights noticed a man stabbing another man. What do you expect? Do you always establish your realm identity with all nearby people before conducting a stabbing? That wouldn't help your stealth now, would it?
Basicly you get arested by guards belonging to a realm that is on the other side of the continent
The priest of that realm, is in your capital, all alone. The realms are at war. So where are these guards coming from? Guards belonging to an enemy realm in your capital to be exact.
Now, if you have your unit with you you can just arrest the priest, adventurer , whatever with no risks of arrest. In fact you can even arrest them in their own lands. That priest could even be the enemy ruler and no guards appear to save him, yes there could be believers to complicate things, but no guards.

Poor ruler/priest can even get beaten almost to death by followers of rival religions, commoners, and no guards around to save him. And that is that is done in the open, in his own capital.

« Last Edit: October 21, 2012, 12:06:08 PM by mikm »