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Atheism in the Dark Ages

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Henry VII?

Also, with that statement philosophy, then all religions should declare a crusade against Aurvandil. It's an abhorrence and an insult to all beliefs.


--- Quote from: Feylonis on October 24, 2012, 12:23:21 AM ---Henry VII?

Also, with that statement philosophy, then all religions should declare a crusade against Aurvandil. It's an abhorrence and an insult to all beliefs.

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No I don't think so, it was one of the earlier kings, post the Norman invasion.

Well, all religions could declare war on Aurvandil, but on what grounds? Believing their God's are either imaginary, impotent or irrelevant? By that logic all religions should declare war on each other, as they generally tend to disagree on who's God's actually exist or actually matter.


--- Quote from: NoblesseChevaleresque on October 24, 2012, 12:19:56 AM ---To the people arguing over Atheism yes there were atheists in the Medieval era, and there were quite famous and open atheists, including one particular English King who made it clear the religion was his bitch and not the other way around, though I forget the exact king right now.

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You're thinking of Henry VIII, who caused the Anglican church to be separated from the Roman Catholic Church. And he wasn't denying God in any way, shape or form: only the Pope.

He still believed in God, feared Him, and worshiped Him.


--- Quote from: Anaris on October 24, 2012, 01:24:02 AM ---He still believed in God, feared Him, and worshiped Him.

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And wrote a !@#$ ton of intensely theological tracts which put him much farther to the right than many modern fundamentalists.


--- Quote from: Anaris on October 24, 2012, 01:24:02 AM ---You're thinking of Henry VIII, who caused the Anglican church to be separated from the Roman Catholic Church. And he wasn't denying God in any way, shape or form: only the Pope.

He still believed in God, feared Him, and worshiped Him.

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He wanted to remarry that badly. What a guy.


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