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Crown of Conquest

Started by Azerax, October 24, 2012, 08:28:20 PM

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I've been playing this browser game for about 6 months.  Simply mechanics, you can dungeon crawl and take over towns/become mayors/become a kingdom.  Very dead forums but decently active world.  Could use a few more players to cause more chaos.


um... i can't buy ammo?!  must be something to do with noscript..

odd.. works now.

how do you heal.. aside from the dead obvious healer/healing spell... what does camping do?


Camping just camps you.  If one of your party members has a healing skill it will be a bit better overnight, though it really becomes much faster to buy healing in a town once you can handle a dungeon.

What you want to do to start is just kill things around towns and go into the town sewers.  Monsters usually only attack you if you're close to the same level, which is nice, that way you don't get destroyed early on.

My characters are mainly on the bottom right hand corner (I'm the one turning the map green down there), where abouts are you?



doing some supposedly lvl 0 quest that has me travelling to a dungeon away from town. seems a bit weird to have to exit from dungeon, travelling all the way back to town to heal.. even if the quest is a 20 day one.

healing spell is a bit weird too. seems to heal only 1 hp outside of combat, 4 or 5 more inside.


It's a range based on your divinity.  If you buy scrolls your priest can make healing scrolls, but it does use a cast for the day.

You can get quests from inside towns to find certain jewels - these are great because you can buy them in the shops.  The quests to kill X number of monster groups around towns is good too and helps increase your reputation there.  There is a 3 square range around the town for the monster kill quest which makes them pretty easy.


Quote from: fodder on October 25, 2012, 06:21:17 PM

doing some supposedly lvl 0 quest that has me travelling to a dungeon away from town. seems a bit weird to have to exit from dungeon, travelling all the way back to town to heal.. even if the quest is a 20 day one.

healing spell is a bit weird too. seems to heal only 1 hp outside of combat, 4 or 5 more inside.

Let me know what time zone you're in and I'll go drop gear on the ground for you.  How many chars do you currently have? (you can have 8 in your party at once)


My party is in Firenymph (42,98), a town loyal to the kingdom of Staberinde.

I had a mage, but she just died from a trap.

My other characters all are named for my BM characters. That seems to be the magic touch.
Lokenth, Warrior of Arcaea, former Adventurer
Adamir, Lord of Luria Nova


probably in the evenings uk. 5 chars atm (2 melee, 1 ranged, 1 melee priest, 1 sling mage).  Town of Runlevy (17,12) Tardy Handful
don't worry about the gear though.. i'll just bumble around. can you cancel quests?

the healing thing.. it just looks a bit funny... divinity is 18.. the 2 times i tried it outside combat healed 1... the few times inside combat definitely healed more. (half of max at least... which could be a fair bit) maybe just the rng...

how many turns do you get a day?


you get about 400 turns per day plus you can get 120 more by voting.

i'm going to head up to 42,98 and put items up for sale for real cheap in the town market


ah neat i can put items up for you only - what's your party name?


Quote from: Daycryn on October 25, 2012, 08:31:49 PM
My party is in Firenymph (42,98), a town loyal to the kingdom of Staberinde.

I had a mage, but she just died from a trap.

My other characters all are named for my BM characters. That seems to be the magic touch.

equip your mage with 2 shields and put them on defensive.  You'll notice you have a line about half way down your characters, the one above the line are more likely to get hit in combat then below.


Quote from: Azerax on October 25, 2012, 08:57:19 PM
ah neat i can put items up for you only - what's your party name?

Deranged Wanderers.
Lokenth, Warrior of Arcaea, former Adventurer
Adamir, Lord of Luria Nova


hmm.. they sell arrows and bolts.. but not slingstones?

maybe i should get the mage into something else... or is 2 shields the way to go?


Quote from: fodder on October 26, 2012, 08:53:39 AM
hmm.. they sell arrows and bolts.. but not slingstones?

maybe i should get the mage into something else... or is 2 shields the way to go?

They do sell slingstones - each town has it's own individual economy (which when you become mayor you can improve) if you can't find something somewhere just go to another town.

The ideal party setup is: 2 warriors - get them full plate and upgrade it as much as you can.  Better blacksmiths will be in different towns so you have to search.
Give them halberds but do not upgrade them until you find indestructible ones. (make sure to check the enchanted portion of the shops)
3 archers - plate mail and long bows.  These will end up killing everything for you.  Upgrade their bows even if they are not magical
2 priests - plate mail and 2 shields
1 mage - plate mail and a shield

Your mage becomes the mayor, they outperform everything else this way.

When picking spells, if you click the box beside the spell you can have it auto cast.  I have my priests 100% online and 100% offline autocast only heals.  When you are playing you actually have to manually put your casters into autocast mode each combat, this lets you decide if they should be casting.

When you get to about level 8 and your casters have a defense factor of around 40+ give them spears.  You will notice that weapons have a 'back rank' penalty - basically its harder to hit from behind the line (the physical line you'll see in your party pictures on the right).  Since defense relies heavily on Agility also, it won't be long before nothing can hit them so you don't really have to worry about having them behind the line.

Once your characters hit about level 10 you can start to create garrisons and station characters there and then recruit lower level chars to level up.  When you become mayor, you can garrison 8 chars there that will get xp through the barracks, I always fill my towns up with as many low levels chars as I can and they level themselves.

If you let me know your party name I'll go to a town near the middle of the map and put some platemail for sale cheap.  My party is Sprawling so if you put some items up for sale for as expensive as you can, I'll buy it.  Steal helms you can sell for 2k i believe, and any indestructible weapon can be sold for about 5k (you can buy them for about 1k in towns)


Also, under Landmarks (bar at the top) look for level 1 dungeons.  Moving in the wilderness takes a lot of turns but dungeons don't.