Author Topic: Madinan reunion?  (Read 14692 times)


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Re: Madinan reunion?
« Reply #15: November 02, 2012, 07:08:22 PM »
Ow now your totally cheniering by balls off pal.
madina was a place that seemed uncontroled but it was united once treatend as a whole, or in other cases when people shared intrest.

and btw, as a player i believe an enjoyable atmosphere to play in is a much greater value then military sucses or capabilities, or a strong realm policy oposed to strong indivudal characters and ambitions.
I also think Madina did fought a whole lot more serious warfare then D'hara and even terran all in all.
We fought many big battles against D'hara terran and Aurvendil.

In any case, being a "power", in my mind, implies the ability to project one's aspirations abroad. Thulsoma could also defend themselves quite well, but I'd never have qualified them as a power.

What Madina could achieve or not when cornered doesn't interest me as far as which realms are "powers", but rather what they can pull themselves to achieve purely on their own. And Madinians agreeing to getting anything done, without being forced by external factors, was quite a rare feat. As such, D'Hara has long regarded Madina as being a low threat, because the odds of them attacking were small, and the odds of them maintaining a long campaign were even smaller. If we worked on minimizing the odds of a conflict arising, it was mostly out of the now-proven-correct fear that the Lurias could and would attack us while at our weakest.
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