Author Topic: Madinan reunion?  (Read 14684 times)


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Re: Madinan reunion?
« Reply #15: November 03, 2012, 07:28:50 PM »
yeah Madina was indeed always very isolated.
It didnt care much about the rest of the world.

I am just trying to figure out kind of what purpose your discusion has.
If where to determine Madina beeing a fun place to play in, isolation, inner conflict and especialy a unique atmosphere in culture religion and goverment structure are more important for the individual fun in my opinion.
Personally what my realm achieves in foreign policy does not intrest me as much as a player.
I set up Madina on purpose to be a place where lords can rule like kings and could execute there plans what ever they are with there knights as they wished.
I dont really like large powers on continents as it ussualy pushes all players into playing in one direction, i believed a bit more room for chaos and complexity would create a fun dynamic game, which it did in my opinion.
For example, if Madina was a very influential power, D'hara would probaly not be there and Madina would endlesly recreate its colony in Paisly and raviel, and dwilight would baiscaly fare into two directions, Madina or SA with little room for diversity.
Now there was a fun war with plenty of battles for all and a new kind of realm on the tomb isles.
I think the moot even became a sucses thanks to this madinan treat back then.
It was the first time i remember a united military alliance was seen from terran D'hara and barca.

Someone qualified Madina as a power, a descriptor I did not agree with. A debate ensued.

I never implied that this made Madina any less fun to play in.
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