Author Topic: [Forum Game] Werewolf XIII: The Heaven Falls Upon Us!  (Read 72300 times)


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Now, my questions are:
1. How much do people know in the beginning? Does everyone know who is what or is it a secret and revealed slowly?
The bad guys (in red) will probably know each other.

2. What has roleplay and voting to do with pretending and lies? If I am on one side, then people already know that I will vote against opposition.
RP is for flavour. A future game (after this one) will use RP for game mechanics.

3. If people vote and kill each other one by one, then where is the strategy part? It looks to me like mindless shooting (voting) where both sides shoot (vote) at each other till second last man is killed?
Look for voting patterns, like who are ganging up to vote on others all the time. Votesniping, voting at the last moment just before deadline to change the lynch is another bad guy giveaway. Look to see who's argument is weak or suspicious. Also, those who try not to say much and stay under the radar in the hopes of not getting voted. This are all bad guy signs (but not always).

4. What does it matter if I vote someone today or tomorrow? Suppose I don't like someone, then I will vote for him/her first. How will it affect the game for me?
It's against the rules (as stated) to bring in alliances or grudges from previous games or IRL.

In short, teach me play before Monday. You have whole Sunday to do this ;D
Done!  ;)