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Picture Request

Started by Shizzle, November 08, 2012, 12:14:18 PM

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Hey guys. I have a somewhat unusual request, but because I know several members of this community are adept in digital arts and crafts I figured I'd give it a go. I posted this to yesterday, but to no avail. As I've seen beautiful work with coats of arms and such on the Wiki, I'm hoping someone will help out :) I don't think there's any precedent for it, but I'd even be willing to pay with in-game gold if that's possible (and allowed?)

QuoteSo here's the deal: I'm a leader in a local scouts group, and this year the kids will be presented with a giant puzzle/riddle/treasure hunt throughout the year (something in between Lost, Assassin's Creed puzzles and the Zodiac Killer). The idea is that they can gather clues on a weekly basis, where these hints regarding the location of the treasure (still to be decided what that is) will be seamlessly integrated in our other activities

For the kids it will be clear when a hint surfaces because it will always be accompagnied by a monogram  (a bit like the AC Logo is hidden in the AC puzzles. It is this monogram I would like to request.
The monogram should consist of the letters J and G in a composition like this ( As you can see I can only work with paint, hence this request. I'd like the logo to look clean (like an actual symbol), so not with too much textures or detail; but I also want it to look legit, so with not too straight edges etc so it remains interesting. Also in outline, so it can be coloured.
The monogram will be used for the clues, as a graphic on a sweater/T-shirt and (hopefully) a signet ring.

Influences we found interesting, apart from AC were and[


From scout to scout  ;)

Would it be something like this? I have tried something similar to the sample you posted. Tell me if you'd like something different and we can try to make it better.

My daily non-rewarded good action  ;D


Quote from: Lychaon on November 08, 2012, 10:24:23 PM
From scout to scout  ;)

Would it be something like this? I have tried something similar to the sample you posted. Tell me if you'd like something different and we can try to make it better.

My daily non-rewarded good action  ;D


That actually looks really cool, though it doesn't exactly suit my needs. It's hard to explain, though. I've downloaded Gimp so I'll try messing around myself.

If you're still willing to help though, I'd like to make a proposition. Firstly the image needs to be an outline only, so I can easily colour it. Secondly I would also like a simple variant, that I can easily draw by hand (like a tag) or cut out in stuff/craft/... But something like this would be suitable to use on a sweater we'll design, provided it's further worked out. Thanks for your effort and help!


How about this one? It's a simplified version of the other one, maybe suits better. I've tried also another version, quite similar to your sketch. If there's anything else I can do, just let me know!  :)



I like these better, mostly the bottom one. Could you try altering it with these guidelines? First to make the part sticking out on the right side (top of J or inward part G) symmetrical, now the inner side is longer than the outerside. Second, slightly increase the width in the horizontal curves at the top and two in the bottom.

When the basic shape is done, I'll try using a few filters or textures in different colours to create the graphic for the sweater.

Thanks a lot though, I hope you don't mistake my 'complaints' for being ungrateful.


No problem at all! There you have this ones. I've included a sample of a textured design, but it's just an average Photoshop layer effect, I'm sure you can do something much better.  ;)


That's starting to look like something. Next I'll try replacing the J top by various shapes in different sizes, to see what's working best. I'm thinking rectangular, triangular, rounded, arrow-shaped... If you have time you can of course have a go yourself (it will likely take you far less time :P) Thanks again!