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Started by Eldargard, November 12, 2012, 10:09:03 AM

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Quote from: Penchant on November 16, 2012, 03:05:27 AM
Where does it officially state this? I am not saying its not true, I would merely like to know where that is officially stated.

In the Wiki page that has been posted about 173 times in the various threads on this subject.

(Down at the bottom, under "Policies.")
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


Quote from: Anaris on November 16, 2012, 03:26:49 AM
In the Wiki page that has been posted about 173 times in the various threads on this subject.

(Down at the bottom, under "Policies.")
Sorry, this happens to be another time when I should have clarified, I was referring to the, players are expected to read and know part of the quote.
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton


I agree. It is most certainly on the wiki. Front page and all. Still, I never knew it existed until I asked here in the forums. Besides, it seems that the definition of a friendly realm merger is much debated.

I guess this is my parental side asserting itself. Before I feel okay with disciplining one of my kids I need to feel that the rules were clear and understood. That there was no reasonable chance that the infraction was due to a misunderstanding. If I find myself wondering if the kid knew better of not, then I simply can not bring myself to discipline. Instead I teach. I do not just teach the child who broke the rules though. I teach all three of the boys and do everything I can to ensure they understand. Next time I will enforce the rule with no qualms. I take this approach with me everywhere. Family, friends and work.

I am not trying to be all high and mighty. I really think all of you guys are doing an amazing job. It was just a point of concern. I may be way off. Thanks and thanks again!


Quote from: Unwin on November 16, 2012, 07:40:39 PM
I agree. It is most certainly on the wiki. Front page and all. Still, I never knew it existed until I asked here in the forums. Besides, it seems that the definition of a friendly realm merger is much debated.

I guess this is my parental side asserting itself. Before I feel okay with disciplining one of my kids I need to feel that the rules were clear and understood. That there was no reasonable chance that the infraction was due to a misunderstanding. If I find myself wondering if the kid knew better of not, then I simply can not bring myself to discipline. Instead I teach. I do not just teach the child who broke the rules though. I teach all three of the boys and do everything I can to ensure they understand. Next time I will enforce the rule with no qualms. I take this approach with me everywhere. Family, friends and work.

I am not trying to be all high and mighty. I really think all of you guys are doing an amazing job. It was just a point of concern. I may be way off. Thanks and thanks again!

When dealing with people you know, you can afford to be soft. Sometimes people didn't know, and you know they didn't know, and understand that it's reasonable they didn't know.

However, when you get lots of people, you need clear rules. Rules you expect everyone to know. Rules you publish for easy reference. In law, there's the principle of "Ignorantia juris non excusat": ignorance of the law does not excuse.

Because when you get this many people in a system together, and you try to teach, then some people with less honest intent will take advantage of this, because they know they'll be able to get away with breaking the rule. Because if you open up ignorance of the rule as an excuse, then you end up with people using that to justify themselves all of the time, and having the impossible task of proving they did indeed know. Because if we want to be just, we need to apply the same rules to everyone, and apply them in the same way.
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I agree with all you say. I do not believe, however, that all of the rules are clear enough to be enforced in the way you describe...


Quote from: Unwin on November 26, 2012, 06:52:53 AM
I agree with all you say. I do not believe, however, that all of the rules are clear enough to be enforced in the way you describe...

Changes can be proposed to improve the situation. I don't think any of us, Tom included, wants to confuse people with obscure rules just to set up traps.
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