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Sabotage I: CEC Imperial Splendour

Started by Fury, November 12, 2012, 06:05:17 PM

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(occ: sorry guys, I was away and had given guard order long back yesterday)

Stormtrooper Elegant was infuriated to see the mess and walked up to Egamma and pointed his blaster (switched to critical sound mode) at his head and said , "Do you know boy what is this? This toy is my favorite truth-vomitter. Either you vomit the truth or you die vomiting. The choice is yours".

Egamma glared Elegant and fired back, "Don't you dare bring that thing near me. Do you know who I am and who are my friends? I can get you executed for this".

Elegant pushed him on his chair and said, "Well wouldn't be alive to see me getting executed". Elegant's tone changed to a more determined level, "I ask you just one question, did you sabotage the ship?", and then shouted, "ANSWER ME NOW".


"No, I did not sabotage Engineering, Communications, or my Cabin. Instead, you should vote Stabby. He's wearing my underwear, so he must have been the one to sabotage my room!"


The PA system is down due to the communications room being sabotaged so the only way to easily talk to all the crew at once is through the two way radio's that currently only the crew has. Penchant radio's in," The Pilot has not assigned any orders so I will. Stormtroopers should guard the Cockpit, Navigations Room, Medical Bay, and the engineering. I suggest, though you may work it out amongst yourselves, Tandaros guards Cockpit, Elegant guard the Navigations Room, Stabbity guards the Medical Bay, and lastly Ketchum guards the engineering." As Penchant is relaying this he is looking for Lefanis, finds him, and they go to Egamma's sabotaged room where he is trying to repair it alone. Penchant then speaks," Lefanis, I know you are our VIP but we need help around here. If you will I am sure Egamma would appreciate if you help repair his room as no offense to him, but alone he can't do much, and I doubt you could either, as you two are just not used to doing this kind of labor like the regular crew is."
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton


"I could sure use the help! I'm done picking up my stuff, I just need help with the door..."


Upon hearing the explosion, Ketchum the Stormtrooper rush out. Before he left Medical Bay with Medical Officer DK alone, he informs DK "I hear an explosion. Do you hear that? Not again this happening. I thought we Stormtroopers got those pesky Rebels on Hoth system. Seems there plenty of them still left around. Our VIP Lefanis is being himself, not helping with the ship repair. I know he not familiar with those repair stuff either, but 2 VIP can help get the repair done fast."

After reaching the Communications room, Ketchum shakes his head. "Our VIPs seem not familiar with what to do. As there is no order received, we may suggest them working on repairing their room or vital component of the ship.

Penchant, do you notice anything suspicious? Should we Stormtroopers stand guard beside someone suspicious room?
D'Espana, do you see somebody run out from the Communications room, beside Penchant?
Stabbity, what are you doing with Sith Lord underwear that belong to our VIP Egamma? For the sake of us Stormtroopers reputation, please do not get drunk on this ship.
Elegant and Tandaros, we are Stormtroopers. I think it is best we Stormtroopers discuss among ourselves who to guard confine, which room to guard and so on. We cannot work together if we all keep bump into each other."

Ketchum pulls all Stormtroopers Stabbity, Elegant and Tandaros to a corner and attempts to lead the discussion.
Werewolf Games: Villager (6) Wolf (4) Seer (3); Lynched as Villager(1). Lost as Villager(1), Lost as Wolf(1) due to Parity. Hunted as Villager(1). Lynched as Seer(2).
Won as Villager(3). Won as Seer(1). Won as Wolf(3).
BM Characters: East Continent(Brock), Colonies(Ash), Dwilight(Gary)


DK rushes behind Ketchum after being informed. Upon arriving the Communication Room, Ketchum was already in discussion with the other Stormtroopers. DK shooks his head and said to himself, "What a mess........."

He went to Ketchum and the group, tapped Ketchum's shoulder, before Ketchum could talked anything progressive with the group of Stormtroopers and said, "Ketchum....... I will begin repairing the the Communication Room....... Please get someone to cover my Medical Bay..... It needs to be protected at all times...... See to it that someone help repair the Cabin too", as the group hears DK and nod in reply.



OOC : Typo spelling error on my RP, you get the drill.


TK-421 glares at Egamma through his helmet.

"Boys, we have a Jedi  wannabe on our hands. This one used his force magic on me. I say we blast him. I blinked and woke up in the lijnge 15 minutes later wearing his underwear. I've seen this before." 


Life is a dance, it is only fitting that death sing the tune.


"Oh, so I point out how you were in my room, and you turn around and vote against me? Why in the world would I put my Sith Lord underwear on you? Also, why in the world would a Jedi possess Sith Lord underwear?"


Stunned at the sight of Stabbity in his Egamma's underwear, suddenly an explosion was heard again. Disturbedyang rushes out into the open and head to the front hall and he saw Penchant was coughing outside the Communications room with the heavy smoke coming out of the room. He then saw D'Espana went in and came out with a verdict that it was a live one this time instead of a remote detonation.

He turns to Penchant and asked, so what exactly you did in there? And then he turns to the commotion between Stabbity and Egamma where it has escalated into Stabbity threatening to kill Egamma, and said, "You do know that we need all the people we have here right?"

As Penchant has already assigned all the work, Disturbedyang monitors so that all the job are done properly while still looking out for Elegant. Perhaps he fell into the circuit breaker hole or something.



Current Voting

VOTE KILL EGAMMA - Stabbity #127


TK-421 takes a menacing step forward, towards egamma. "You Jedi are known for your perversions. Like when you attempted to overthrow the Republic you lot swore to defend. Furthermore, no self respecting Sith would ever wear Sith Lord underwear."
Life is a dance, it is only fitting that death sing the tune.


D'Espana negates at Ketchum's question.

- I'm afraid I did not see anyone besides Penchant. Perhaps it would be a good idea to guard him for tonight, so as to just set aside our possible suspicions? He can't use his communication equipment after all, as it is being repaired, so we do not lose anything trying, do we? For that reason, I VOTE TO CONFINE PENCHANT. I also have bad news, my fellows: we are charging directly into an asteroid field, and due to the sabotage in Engineering I think that it is too late to rectify. Thus, for the crew: launch the standard protocol for avoiding great damage in the ship; and for our VIP passengers, stay calm and do not interrupt the safety maneuvres.

He then returns again to his Navigation Room, and starts to SCAN THE SPACE once again to look for possible threats beyond the asteroid field.
D'Espana Family


(OOC: Bad colour choice for the vote. Oh well, you know what I mean. Damned Fury and his no-editing post restrictions  ;D)
D'Espana Family


All right, lets confine Penchant. I'd rather not kill anyone just yet.
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell