Author Topic: Sabotage I: CEC Imperial Splendour  (Read 96426 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: Sabotage I: CEC Imperial Splendour
« Reply #120: December 01, 2012, 02:21:17 AM »
Upon hearing the explosion, Ketchum the Stormtrooper rush out. Before he left Medical Bay with Medical Officer DK alone, he informs DK "I hear an explosion. Do you hear that? Not again this happening. I thought we Stormtroopers got those pesky Rebels on Hoth system. Seems there plenty of them still left around. Our VIP Lefanis is being himself, not helping with the ship repair. I know he not familiar with those repair stuff either, but 2 VIP can help get the repair done fast."

After reaching the Communications room, Ketchum shakes his head. "Our VIPs seem not familiar with what to do. As there is no order received, we may suggest them working on repairing their room or vital component of the ship.

Penchant, do you notice anything suspicious? Should we Stormtroopers stand guard beside someone suspicious room?
D'Espana, do you see somebody run out from the Communications room, beside Penchant?
Stabbity, what are you doing with Sith Lord underwear that belong to our VIP Egamma? For the sake of us Stormtroopers reputation, please do not get drunk on this ship.
Elegant and Tandaros, we are Stormtroopers. I think it is best we Stormtroopers discuss among ourselves who to guard confine, which room to guard and so on. We cannot work together if we all keep bump into each other."

Ketchum pulls all Stormtroopers Stabbity, Elegant and Tandaros to a corner and attempts to lead the discussion.
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