Author Topic: Sabotage I: CEC Imperial Splendour  (Read 96815 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: Sabotage I: CEC Imperial Splendour
« Reply #135: December 02, 2012, 05:26:20 PM »
(OOC: I suck at the minigame, but I'll nevertheless try to get something until the deadline. Btw, Fury, incredible idea you had there. I'll have to seacrh you IG to give you a RP medal  ;D)

D'Espana runs in the middle of the conversation once again, his fists clunched in rage.

- The asteroid field is nerfing my scan's distance, so I won't be able to give reliable indications until we get out of this hellhole. About the captives, I think the droid is very suspicious, so I VOTE TO CONFINE STABBITY. I don't think we should free Penchant yet, but as I don't tink he's guilty I'll propose something: let's hold always the two people we consider more suspicious, and see if the sabotages stop. This way, if by tomorrow no sabotages have happened, we free Penchant and continue with other one. I don't think we have more than two Rebel scum in here, it'd be weird if more have entered without us noticing.

He then heads into the cockpit, and HELPS DISTURBEDYANG to take the ship out of the field.
D'Espana Family