Author Topic: Sabotage I: CEC Imperial Splendour  (Read 96834 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Re: Sabotage I: CEC Imperial Splendour
« Reply #135: December 02, 2012, 08:00:13 PM »
Disturbedyang tried maneuvering through the asteroids when the computer suddenly says, "The possibility of successfully navigating an asteroid field is 5270 to 1". Shrugged and pissed with tons of workload he said, "Never tell me the odds" (OOC: Sorry, had to :p) With the help of D'Espana, he turns the ship left and right, and when he is almost at the end of the field, suddenly the computer says, "Warning! Warning! Approaching asteroid on the right" and sure it is. At a high speed that is. He make a sharp turn to the left but it is all in vain as it was already too close. The asteroid !@#$s the rear of the ship and all lights and warning came off in the ship.

Recovering from the hit, Disturbedyang looks at D'Espana and said, "At least that was the last of it".

He quickly rushes to the back to check on the rest of the crew and as most of the crew were in the medical bay, that was his first destination. As he approaches the room, he suddenly heard someone screamed, "It's Disturbedyang! He's come back to finish of DK!!" from outside the room and saw a figure running away in the intermittent on and off lights. He quickly rushes into the room and saw Tandaros is already injured. He looks at Lefanis and Egamma and said, you guys can check me for any blaster gun or even confine me to see if the sabotage stops, if that means earning the trust of everyone else. Then they walked out together and saw the paint on the door of cabin 9. Seems to me i have a reason to suspect Egamma too, as like i said previously, the sabotage didn't stop since we didn't managed to confine him. Seems like he still hold grudges about the cabin changes.

But make a decision because if anymore of us are confined, it is paramount that Stabbity and/or Penchant are released because otherwise, they can easily outnumber and take over the ship. I believe Penchant is safe but i still do not trust Stabbity. And neither do i Egamma.

And i hope Tandaros can tell us what he revealed or anything we can do to help him reveal it.