Author Topic: Sabotage I: CEC Imperial Splendour  (Read 96776 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Re: Sabotage I: CEC Imperial Splendour
« Reply #150: December 02, 2012, 10:48:54 PM »
In the Medical Bay, a wounded Tandaros writhed about, bluttering nonsensically. The serious wound to his torso leaked a purple substance; maybe blood, maybe something else. The special modifications to his Stormtrooper armor seemed to activate, with a few blue lights blinking and small generators activating.

"AH-27 Protocol recovery system initiated." His babbling stopped and he sat silently for 10 minutes, as the generators hummed away. The purple substance stopped leaking, but he was not moving, and whatever clarity he had was apparently seriously compromised.

A purple light then shone in shoulder-component, and he spoke; "Energy supply limited, systems compromised. AH-27 crack situational analysis complete. Security doubtful."

"TK-421: Datapad decryption incomplete. Secure and decode the datapad through the Imperial database in communicati-zzz-tzzz-"
the babbling started again. "Jellyfish headwound alpha Rebel eg-tzzzzz-

The whirling generators embedded in his armor ceased, and he lay there silent and apparently lifeless, despite the sound of soft breathing and the cool glow of blue lights.