Author Topic: Sabotage I: CEC Imperial Splendour  (Read 96525 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Re: Sabotage I: CEC Imperial Splendour
« Reply #180: December 04, 2012, 08:08:37 AM »
Actually, I grow tired of you directing others to guard the locations that you aren't sabotaging.

You are doing the attacks, but you are smart enough to frame Stabbity.

I directed you guys where to guard? Maybe i should quote my own posts.

I asked you guys to decide and not to post it here. Yeah, that will help me know where to attack...

Then, Lefanis and Egamma, both of you should seriously discuss with each other where to repair or what to do. As of now, i felt it is best to repair the Communications as we will definitely need to call to HQ in the case of emergency. Egamma, i am sure you can cope with using the cabin 11 for now, right?

The stormtroopers, i will let all of you to decide by yourself what or who to defend. Posting here will only make the saboteur easier chance of aiming the target that wasn't guarded though it is not easy to defend the right one anyway, so it is all by luck.

On another note, we didn't managed to confine Egamma and havoc has never stopped. Stabbity on the other hand actually openly admitted due to a certain malfunction in his system and admitted he himself threw the mine. But i think Stabbity weird behaviour has certainly caused a lot of trouble including his vote to try to openly kill Egamma this early without any evidence.

Yeah right, this would help too, because now with 5 of us left, it was a better idea to release Penchant and stop the attack to frame Stabbity instead of attacking another guy and leave 4 of us where we can actually gain parity. And mind you, i INITIATED the SUGGESTION to release Penchant.

But make a decision because if anymore of us are confined, it is paramount that Stabbity and/or Penchant are released because otherwise, they can easily outnumber and take over the ship. I believe Penchant is safe but i still do not trust Stabbity. And neither do i Egamma.

And i hope Tandaros can tell us what he revealed or anything we can do to help him reveal it.

Yeah, of course healing DK(Despite my fail effort) was a good idea, and reminding Lefanis and Egamma on a single task helps greatly in my effort to win as a bad guy because then i have to sabotage or attack more people. And of course, suggesting that DK was our highest priority was also the best choice since none of you suggested anything of such.
Guys, I believe we need to put our priorities right now. Lets heal DK for now as he will in turn help in healing both the stormtroopers who are valuable in protecting DK and the rest. There are only 5 of us here hence i will VOTE TO RELEASE PENCHANT. I still do not trust Stabbity and i would like to listen to why Penchant suspects him that much. And we can only release one at a time anyway, so we will see what happens next.

As usual we need all the help we can get, and Lefanis and Egamma, please collaborate on a single task. I will HEAL DK as all the others have yet to do anything yet.

I can track back all my posts if you guys want me to but i think that's more than enough. Egamma, what do you have to claim your innocence?
Just an advice guys, there might be a traitor among the imperials that is doing all the framing. But do notice also some of it might be some truth or hint given by our god(GM Fury of course, lolz).
So we have to know which is truth and which is not.