Author Topic: Sabotage I: CEC Imperial Splendour  (Read 96550 times)


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Re: Sabotage I: CEC Imperial Splendour
« Reply #195: December 04, 2012, 06:13:56 PM »

VOTE CONFINE DISTURBEDYANG (failed) - egamma #175
VOTE CONFINE EGAMMA (failed) - Disturbedyang #178

VOTE (KILL) DISTURBEDYANG (failed) - Lefanis #198

Good Post RP #180
(PM GM for your small advantage)

It was clear that both VIP Passenger egamma and Pilot Disturbedyang weren't getting along and everyone else wisely stayed out of their way as alone, neither could do anything to each other. All except for VIP Passenger Lefanis who was out for blood.

Navigation Officer D'Espana who had found the space wreck wasn't too keen when he heard space walk was involved but Communications Officer Penchant took a giant leap and went through the wreck - twice. He battled strange creatures lurking in its depths and collected enough materials to fully repair Communications. The bonus was a huge Deactivated Robot that he brought back when the ship's unknown technology transported him and it back to the CEC Imperial Splendour in a swirl of lights and a blinding flash.

4th Character RP by GM

Now there was a question of what to do with the Deactivated Robot Penchant brought back. An examination showed that it would take an Android to activate the robot and the first thing most likely to happen was that it would link up all sentient machines in a glow of blue light (all androids on board the ship will be identified by everyone). So, which Android was going to activate it, if any? (PM to GM)

The moment Communications was restored an incoming UNTRACEABLE ENCRYPTED OUT-OF-SYSTEM MESSAGE was intercepted. Analysis indicated that the message was beamed at the ship and only those with the decoders could decode the message. Rebels!

Disturbedyang set about healing Medical Officer DK and made some progress. In truth, manual healing only needed to take place the first time, then stasis would automatically take care of everything provided nothing bad happened. Egamma set out to finish repairing Engineering but Lefanis was nowhere to be found and without his help the repairs came to a halt. Suddenly, Egamma noticed something strange about the repairs that he and Lefanis had done so far and he called others to come take a look. Apparently, he was working twice as hard as Lefanis to repair while Lefanis not only did half the work he also did it sloppily.

Before anyone could say anything, there was a scream and everyone rushed to the Small Refresher and they found Stormtrooper Elegant half beaten to death in it. He was literally caught with his pants down.

Current Situation

Passenger Cabin 9 - still sabotaged
Engineering - repairing (1 day remaining)

Medical Officer DK - healing stasis (1 day remaining)
Stormtrooper Tandaros - healing stasis (2 days remaining)
Stormtrooper Ketchum - healing stasis (2 days remaining)
Stormtrooper Elegant - injured
(can't vote but can moan partly incoherently)

Stormtrooper Stabbity - confined
(can't vote but can shout from confinement)


VOTE to confine (a suspect)
FRAME (person)
SABOTAGE / ATTACK (location) / (person)
GUARD (location) / (person)
SCAN (quote)
REPAIR Passenger Cabin 9 & Engineering
HEAL - Stormtrooper Elegant
Stasis (Medical Officer DK, Stormtroopers Tandaros &  Ketchum)

USE Imperial Database - for info on crew and passengers
USE Personal RP - for small advantage not covered by game mechanics