Author Topic: Sabotage I: CEC Imperial Splendour  (Read 96311 times)


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Re: Sabotage I: CEC Imperial Splendour
« Reply #225: December 06, 2012, 06:28:19 PM »

Vote Confine Penchant - egamma #217, DK #225

Communications Officer Penchant had tried to heal Stormtrooper Elegant but he was already in stasis. Apparently, he hadn't done enough to escape suspicion and he was promptly brought back to the Starboard Cargo Bay for confinement by VIP Passenger Egamma and Medical Officer DK but what they didn't notice was that it was empty when they brought Penchant in...

Pilot Disturbedyang and Navigation Officer D'Espana went to the Medical Lab. Earlier, D'Espana had scanned the space and found the unknown shuttle even closer to their ship. Disturbedyang in particular wanted to protect DK but as he wasn't a Stormtrooper he couldn't do it alone and D'Espana was more interested in looking at the Stormtroopers recovering in stasis so Disturbedyang went to join him to confer.

Then it happened. The stasis chambers of Stormtroopers Tandaros and Ketchum started to malfunction and those in the lab tried to fix it but the damage was done and the stasis chambers had to be restarted again for the day. Before they could breathe a sigh of relief all the consoles in the lab started flashing and the medical computers came to a crashing halt and couldn't be restarted. It was sabotage! Those already in stasis won't be affected but any new patients cannot be treated until the Medical Lab is repaired.

Functional Voters

Lefanis (confined)
Penchant (confined)
Ketchum (stasis)
Elegant (stasis)
Tandaros (stasis)

Yesterday, people heard a voice from one of the Passenger Cabins shouting out for Parity and calling for the Rebel shuttle to pick them up but no one was fazed by it and someone must certainly be strong in the force to be able to distract people's minds so.


But it seemed the worse was not over. An hour later, a different voice than yesterday's was now heard in Communications saying:
"Rebel Shuttle Hostile Acquisition - we have Parity. It is the two of us, me and [muffled]". To everyone's horror they hear the shuttle replying over the Comms.:
"Imperial Traitor, identify yourself."
To which another voice replies, "I am [indistinct], the [indistinct] on board this ship." Then the two voices laugh for a bit and they talk about throwing [unintelligible] out the airlock after apologizing profusely first and they also laugh at someone else's brainless remark.

Suddenly, Stormtrooper Stabbity calls out as he approaches Communications after having escaped from confinement earlier saying, "Who's there?!"

A cry of horror rose up from Communications and the first voice screamed, "Hostile Acquisition! Break off! Break OFF! We do not have Parity!!!"

Current Situation

TWO (2) attempts at Parity
Passenger Cabin 9 - still sabotaged
Medical Lab - sabotaged

Stormtrooper Tandaros - healing stasis (1 day remaining)
Stormtrooper Ketchum - healing stasis (1 day remaining)
Stormtrooper Elegant - healing stasis (2 days remaining)
(can't vote but can moan partly incoherently)

VIP Passenger Lefanis - confined
Communications Officer Penchant - confined
(can't vote but can shout from confinement)


VOTE to confine (a suspect)
FRAME (person)
SABOTAGE / ATTACK (location) / (person)
GUARD (location) / (person)
SCAN (quote)
REPAIR Passenger Cabin 9, Medical Lab
Stasis (Stormtroopers Tandaros, Ketchum, & Elegant)

USE Imperial Database - for info on crew and passengers
USE Personal RP - for small advantage not covered by game mechanics
ACTIVATE Robot - identify all androids on board
DO 5th Character RP by GM - completely heal one person
« Last Edit: December 06, 2012, 06:54:34 PM by Fury »