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Sabotage I: CEC Imperial Splendour

Started by Fury, November 12, 2012, 06:05:17 PM

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Life is a dance, it is only fitting that death sing the tune.


I'd call it an Open-ended Extended Strategy RP Werewolf in Space.

It's Werewolf because characters can still be voted to be killed off but it has to be through a player-generated majority vote. Nobody likes to get killed off early so the power to do so now lies in the hands of players themselves.

It's Open-ended because players have their own personal RP choice to help them (do you use it early to gain an advantage or use it at a crucial moment?)

It's Extended because the confinement mechanics doesn't kill anyone and it'll take longer for the game to finish.

It's RP to bring more RP to a Werewolf game.

It's Strategy to bring some strategy to a Werewolf game.

VIPs can't be forced to do any duties (except through a player majority vote). GM RPs for VIPs will depend on what kind of VIP the players are role-playing (smuggler, Imperial Agent, etc.)

Secrets or not will depend a lot on how players use their personal RP choice. GM RPs are for rewarding players with good posts, and balancing and/or extending the game or bringing it to a close depending on player actions and/or fatigue (GM :P or players).


Quote§2C – In the event of a tie NO ONE will be confined to quarters. Confinement also requires a minimum of 2 votes to confine someone to quarters.
How long a player will be confined to quarters? They miss out 1 or 2 days of lynching?

Quote§3D - Orders take place in the DAY EVENTS and are determined in the NIGHT EVENTS (before confinement) except for sabotage/attacks/guard/defence which come after confinement in the NIGHT EVENTS.
Which will be the first priority over the others?

Guard/Defence before sabotage/attacks?
So that guard/defence can defend against the sabotage/attacks.

Quote§10 - The game will start once an NPC dies.
What is the NPC name? So that we can do a RolePlay. *Looking at Lefanis and his beloved Jasmine*
Werewolf Games: Villager (6) Wolf (4) Seer (3); Lynched as Villager(1). Lost as Villager(1), Lost as Wolf(1) due to Parity. Hunted as Villager(1). Lynched as Seer(2).
Won as Villager(3). Won as Seer(1). Won as Wolf(3).
BM Characters: East Continent(Brock), Colonies(Ash), Dwilight(Gary)


Sorry  for being late, I'm in =D

Quite epic this game! Kudos!


Quote from: Ketchum on November 24, 2012, 09:06:06 AM
How long a player will be confined to quarters? They miss out 1 or 2 days of lynching?
QuoteWhen voting to confine someone to quarters, the person will remain there until released, escapes or is freed. To prevent this, ONE Stormtrooper may be posted. TWO crew or TWO VIP Passengers may also be posted as guards or to protect someone.
Release, escape or being freed can happen as an indirect event from a GM RP or as a direct event from a player RP. There will be a short window of opportunity (if GM PMs opportunity, reply within x hours; or some other method before deadline.)

Quote from: Ketchum on November 24, 2012, 09:06:06 AM
Which will be the first priority over the others?

Guard/Defence before sabotage/attacks?
So that guard/defence can defend against the sabotage/attacks.
Sabotage/attacks/guard/defence all take place together after confinement.

Quote from: Ketchum on November 24, 2012, 09:06:06 AM
What is the NPC name? So that we can do a RolePlay. *Looking at Lefanis and his beloved Jasmine*
Hmm, Captain Kate?


QuoteGreen roles win when ALL the red roles are caught and identified.

Defined caught and identified? If they are confined, does that mean they are identified? Or do we need to positively do that?

QuoteANY player can start a vote for ANYTHING (ONE action only with GM approval, EXCEPT confinement votes) but it requires a majority decision of functional characters for the vote to go through. This is the ONLY way to KILL someone during the game. The full identity of the character will be made known.

I don't quite understand this part. So anyone one can start a vote. And what do you mean by one action only with GM approval, Except confinement votes? You mean only one vote is needed to confine someone? And define majority decision to KILL someone.

QuoteALL players will also have ONE RP Event (personal) of their choice. This can only help and not win the game for them and will be in the form of small aids or hints. GM will have to agree and will suggest an alternative modification if necessary.

So, one time use only? And we have to specifically say that in public i suppose?

QuoteGM loves BAD RP.  Kidding. ;D Not.

I am good with this, definitely :p

Anyway, very detailed and good set up. Thanks for all the preparations! :)

QuoteRelease, escape or being freed can happen as an indirect event from a GM RP or as a direct event from a player RP. There will be a short window of opportunity (if GM PMs opportunity, reply within x hours; or some other method before deadline.)

That would mean we have to be online quite frequent which i think wont be good for some of us that won't online as often, unless say a minimum of maybe 18-24 hours?


Quote from: Disturbedyang on November 24, 2012, 12:15:15 PM
Defined caught and identified? If they are confined, does that mean they are identified? Or do we need to positively do that?
I'm adding caught and identified or killed. When they are killed they are automatically identified. Other than that clues to their identity can happen through GM RP or player RP. RPs cannot reveal identities outright.

Quote from: Disturbedyang on November 24, 2012, 12:15:15 PM
I don't quite understand this part. So anyone one can start a vote. And what do you mean by one action only with GM approval, Except confinement votes? You mean only one vote is needed to confine someone? And define majority decision to KILL someone.
One action means can only vote on one thing at a time (before deadline). Confinement votes is part of the game mechanics so cannot be player started. Players can vote for example: to respond with a specific option for any GM RP. Majority would mean more than half available functional votes. If 10 people can vote (those confined and in the medical bay cannot vote) then 6 votes are needed. If only 2 people can vote then no majority can happen. If players vote to KILL someone successfully then that player is out of the game.

Quote from: Disturbedyang on November 24, 2012, 12:15:15 PM
So, one time use only? And we have to specifically say that in public i suppose?
If this is about player RP event, yes can only use one time. PM to GM. No need to say anything in public but there will be a message in the Night Event (but no identity of who used it).

Quote from: Disturbedyang on November 24, 2012, 12:15:15 PM
That would mean we have to be online quite frequent which i think wont be good for some of us that won't online as often, unless say a minimum of maybe 18-24 hours?
X hours would probably start with before deadline then the hours (window) of opportunity will get shorter the next time. Other methods may include some mini internet game to complete successfully. The time when you are able to respond or not is to simulate a random chance of escape for instance.


Damn. I have a love hate relationship with that bad RP  ;D
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell


Quote from: Fury on November 24, 2012, 01:05:07 PM
I'm adding caught and identified or killed. When they are killed they are automatically identified. Other than that clues to their identity can happen through GM RP or player RP. RPs cannot reveal identities outright.

So technically we have to keep those we identified in the confinement or kill them to win the game as a good guy? Because if we were to confine them, then it seems that not everyone is convinced that he is the bad guy, hence does that counts as identified? As we need to identify all bad guys to win the game.

If we would like to repair or heal someone, does it need to be the same person that does all the repair? Or can two or more take turns? And when repairing or healing etc, can they still use their other functions? Ie, if i have all 3 roles, can i use it all in the same day?

And since the bad guys can only disable the good guys and not kill them, does that mean the only way for them to win is to make the good guys kill someone good and confine the rest to reach parity?


Quote from: Disturbedyang on November 24, 2012, 01:21:00 PM
So technically we have to keep those we identified in the confinement or kill them to win the game as a good guy? Because if we were to confine them, then it seems that not everyone is convinced that he is the bad guy, hence does that counts as identified? As we need to identify all bad guys to win the game.
If you confine some people and if no sabotage happens in a few days then you might have caught the bad guys. If people agree then vote to have them killed. Then either they or someone else will use their personal RP to help them / escape. Once they're out, they can be voted to be confined again. Or the baddies may just lie low and let people think they've caught the saboteurs.

Those in confinement or in the medical bay can STILL post! It's a small ship. They can shout out whatever they want from confinement. Those who speak while in the medical bay are considered speaking deliriously.

Quote from: Disturbedyang on November 24, 2012, 01:21:00 PM
If we would like to repair or heal someone, does it need to be the same person that does all the repair? Or can two or more take turns? And when repairing or healing etc, can they still use their other functions? Ie, if i have all 3 roles, can i use it all in the same day?
Repairing, healing, guarding, and defending are mutually exclusive - can only focus on one at a time. Remaining days needed to repair or heal someone will be posted in the daily summary.

Quote from: Disturbedyang on November 24, 2012, 01:21:00 PM
And since the bad guys can only disable the good guys and not kill them, does that mean the only way for them to win is to make the good guys kill someone good and confine the rest to reach parity?
Bad guys can also start a vote to kill someone. Other than that, sabotage enough of the ship to keep them occupied, attack them to disable them long enough to reach functional parity. For balancing, the time needed to repair or heal may be extended or reduced as the game progresses and also depending on how many want to be Saboteurs and the total number of players.



ALL the following ship components (see ship picture) can be sabotaged and may need to be protected. VIPs can only be confined in their OWN pre-assigned Passenger Cabins. The crew can only be confined in the Cargo Bays (max 4 persons each bay). If the Passenger Cabins or Cargo Bays are sabotaged they need to be repaired first. Anything and anyone can be guarded or protected as many times as needed. Those in confinement can be attacked.

1 Cockpit
2 Navigation
3 Communications

6 Starboard Cargo Bay
7 Port Cargo Bay
8 Passenger Cabin (2 occupants)
9 Passenger Cabin (2 occupants)
10 Passenger Cabin (4 occupants)
11 Passenger Cabin (4 occupants)
12 Medical Bay

14 Engineering

c Food Storage


Before choosing roles, I would like to ask something:

1. Force-sensitive Individual: Can examine someone's speech and determine if they (except Androids) are lying. What is meant by this? Suppose I am a force sensitive individual, then how do I scan? In werewolf game, I just said "scan Fury" and I got answer that "Angel". But, here, what "Lie" do I have to scan? (do you mean lie in forum post or something?)

2. Android: Immune to human-related effects. Requires 2 humans or 1 Android to be subdued. What is "subdued"? Is it vote confinement or hunt confinement or something else?

3. Navigation Officer: Operates ship sensors. Discovers new locations. . What is the significance of finding new locations?


Hmm, I can't choose. Hey GM Fury, can you pick for me?  :o


I've got to look thoroughly this one, it isn't as simple as choosing the roles in the Thing game. I'll possibly send my choice tomorrow, to have time to read it all twice.
D'Espana Family