Author Topic: Sabotage I: CEC Imperial Splendour  (Read 96991 times)


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Sabotage I: CEC Imperial Splendour
« Topic Start: November 12, 2012, 06:05:17 PM »

The CEC Imperial Splendour, a luxury light freighter is transporting several important VIPs to Sector N-Three. When a small explosion occurs in Engineering and the Captain is found dead in his quarters, it signals the presence of one or more saboteurs. Distrust immediately falls upon the passengers while they in turn eye the crew with uncertainty. What is certain is that no one is above suspicion.

The Rules

Sabotage is a game of paranoia, deception and betrayal. Hidden amongst the unknowing Imperial crew and passengers, is one or more Rebel Saboteurs looking to sabotage the ship and incapacitate everyone onboard. The Imperials outnumber the Rebel Saboteur(s), but they don't know who to trust. The Rebel Saboteur(s) want to sabotage enough of the ship to incapacitate the Imperials so that they can reach parity and overthrow the Imperials openly and take over the ship; the Imperials want to apprehend the Rebel Saboteurs and any accomplice and uncover their identit(ies).

Fortunately the Imperials have the aid of the Imperial Database that can be used to find information on everyone and of the Stormtroopers who can protect the Imperials and the ship, and even Force-sensitive Individuals who can tell if someone is lying or is hiding something. All crew and passengers are known to one another.

It may seem like a simple Imperial is powerless in this clash of good and evil, but they are not. Every day the Imperials get to choose one person to confine to quarters in their efforts to halt the sabotage and repair their ship. The Imperials may vote to confine the person they think most likely to be the Rebel Saboteur(s). With their vote, the Imperials can reveal much about the motives of others. But they must be cunning, or more than a little lucky, if they are to survive...

Standard Big Rules

Roles will be handed out before the game starts, with all players receiving a PM containing their roles.

The game is divided into two periods - night and day. For practical reasons these two periods are run concurrently, from one update till the next. Each update is 24 hours apart.

Each day, all players can vote to confine to quarters one of the players - the person they think is most likely to be the Rebel Saboteur or other baddie. Each night, the Rebel Saboteur(s) decides what to sabotage or who to attack (disable). In each 24 hour period, the Imperials will confine, and the Saboteur(s) will sabotage or attack. The Imperials can try to confine multiple people and the Rebel Saboteur(s) can also decide not to sabotage or attack anyone at all at night.

Standard Sabotage Rules

  • §1A. - You sign up to the game by requesting so in a post in this thread.
    §1B - New players CAN be admitted after the game has started through a RP Event.
    §1C - You may at any time be substituted out by requesting so in the thread.
    §1D - Failure to vote has NO consequence.
  • §2A – Players will vote or can decide not to. See Rule 1D.
    §2B – Votes are valid or invalid according to the situation.
    §2C – In the event of a tie NO ONE will be confined to quarters. Confinement also requires a minimum of 2 votes to confine someone to quarters.
    §2D - The player(s) with the majority of votes at deadline will be confined (subject to other player actions).
  • §3A - Orders and votes submitted after deadline are invalid.
    §3B - Orders (scans, hunts, et cetera) are sent to the Game Moderator via PM.
    §3C - Players are responsible for any Private Messages missed due to inbox being full.
    §3D - Orders take place in the DAY EVENTS and are determined in the NIGHT EVENTS (before confinement) except for sabotage/attacks/guard/defence which come after confinement in the NIGHT EVENTS.
  • §4A - Spectators may comment, but never suggest a course of action, reveal any new information, including vote counts, or discuss any details of their former character, in the case of ghosts. Preferably spectators will comment only in a manner tangential to the actual game.
    §4B - When doing spectator commentary, please use a non-default colour.
    §4C - Please don't use the same color of text (orange) as the GM is using.
  • §5. - Alliances and Feuds which aren't based on your characters or roles in the game between players are forbidden. Alliances and Feuds which continue from one game to another undermine the whole idea of the game.
  • §6A – The Game Moderator has the last word on all matters.
    §6B – If the Game Moderator makes a mistake (e.g. with the vote count, hunt/scan orders), if critical information has been revealed, the mistake will be corrected or kept depending on the situation.
  • §7A – Forging PMs is allowed. Screenshots of PMs is not.
    §7B – Posting or quoting of PMs from the GM is not allowed - real or forged with ONE exception only: Posting Imperial Database information is allowed (whether you know it or not, real or forged).
    §7C – Players may use PMs to coordinate their actions.  Players are reminded to use the public thread where possible.
  • §8A – Voting must be done in the following way. Write "VOTE" and the person you are voting for in bold text.
    §8B - If you wish to un-vote someone, write "UNVOTE" and their name in bold text.
    §8C - In case of re-voting without un-voting the original vote will be the counted vote.
    §8D - Do not edit votes after posting them. If you make a mistake, unvote and revote in a new post. ALL posts can't be edited (whether it's a vote or not) because of the truth or lie mechanics.
    §8E - Votes should be oversized or clear of other text to ensure they are not missed by the GM.
    §8F - We won't be super specific about how you must vote, but be a dear and hit at least two of these: bold, larger font, red / distinct colored text.
  • §9 - Players adversely affecting the game, for example through violation of the rules will find themselves with a BAD RP.  ;)
  • §10 - The game will start once an NPC dies. Orders can be sent by PM to the GM. Until then, life goes on as usual on board the ship.


The deadline of this game is BM Sunset Time (forum time will be used).
Votes and orders made on 17:59:59 will count, while those made on 18:00:00 WILL NOT.

The Roles

ALL Roles will partly depend on player choices. A SINGLE player may have MULTIPLE role combinations of green, red or white. Objectives and WIN for red roles OVERRIDE green roles.

  • Pilot: Flies the ship and operates ship's gun turret.
  • Navigation Officer: Operates ship sensors. Discovers new locations.
  • Communications Officer: Handles ship to ship communications. Controls access to the Imperial Database.
  • Medical Officer: Treats patients and deals with medical related issues.
  • Stormtrooper: Protects the ship and everyone on it.
  • VIP Passenger: Important traveller that expects to get to their destination.
  • Rebel Saboteur: Attempts to sabotage ship components and incapacitate other travellers to take over the ship.
  • Imperial Traitor: An Imperial sympathetic to the Rebel cause and will help Rebel Saboteur(s) by faking evidence or framing someone.
  • Force-sensitive Individual: Can examine someone's speech and determine if they (except Androids) are lying.
  • Android: Immune to human-related effects. No one can tell if they're lying or telling the truth.

Special Rules

Green roles win when ALL the red roles are caught and identified OR killed.
ONE crew or TWO VIP Passengers will take TWO days to repair ONE ship's vital component.
ONE non-related (not their own function) crew may take over ONE crew member's ship's function at reduced capability.
TWO VIP Passengers may take over ONE crew member's ship function at reduced capability.

Red roles win when they take over the ship. To attack (disable) ONE traveller, TWO vital ship components need to REMAIN sabotaged (not repaired), ie. attacks on travellers are only allowed as long as TWO vital ship components remain sabotaged. The ship can be taken over once Parity is reached. A call (to GM) must be made to the waiting Rebel Shuttle Hostile Acquisition. Any call made without parity leads to BAD RP.

Parity is functional red roles = functional everyone else. Those in medical bay or confined are NOT functional. Recovery from medical bay or release / escape from confinement RETURNS someone to functional status.

When voting to confine someone to quarters, the person will remain there until released, escapes or is freed. Release, escape or being freed can happen as an indirect event from a GM RP or as a direct event from a player RP. There will be a short window of opportunity (if GM PMs opportunity, reply within x hours; or some other method before deadline.) To prevent this, ONE Stormtrooper may be posted. TWO crew or TWO VIP Passengers may also be posted as guards or to protect someone.

Those who are disabled (attacked or other reasons) will end up in the medical bay. The Medical Officer will take TWO days to heal ONE person. ONE non-related crew or TWO VIP Passengers will take THREE days to heal ONE person. Anyone not attended to will be placed in stasis and will automatically heal after FOUR days.

ALL the following ship components (see ship picture) can be sabotaged and may need to be protected. VIPs can only be confined in their OWN pre-assigned Passenger Cabins. The crew can only be confined in the Cargo Bays (max 4 persons each bay). If the Passenger Cabins or Cargo Bays are sabotaged they need to be repaired first. Anything and anyone can be guarded or protected as many times as needed. Those in confinement can be attacked.

1 Cockpit
2 Navigation
3 Communications

6 Starboard Cargo Bay
7 Port Cargo Bay
8 Passenger Cabin (2 occupants)
9 Passenger Cabin (2 occupants)
10 Passenger Cabin (4 occupants)
11 Passenger Cabin (4 occupants)
12 Medical Bay
14 Engineering

c Food Storage

A summary of what is happening / remaining or what players need to do will be given every day.

Those in confinement or in the medical bay can STILL post! It's a small ship. They can shout out whatever they want from confinement. Those who speak while in the medical bay are considered speaking deliriously.

Repairing, healing, guarding, and defending are mutually exclusive - can only focus on one at a time. Remaining days needed to repair or heal someone will be posted in the daily summary.

ALL roles are permanently fixed at game start except for new players admitted after game start who will be assigned a role by the GM.

ANY player can start a vote for ANYTHING (ONE action only with GM approval, EXCEPT confinement votes) but it requires a majority decision of functional characters for the vote to go through. This is the ONLY way to KILL someone during the game. The full identity of the character will be made known. One action means can only vote on one thing at a time (before deadline). Confinement votes is part of the game mechanics so cannot be player started. Players can vote for example: to respond with a specific option for any GM RP. Majority would mean more than half available functional votes. If 10 people can vote (those confined and in the medical bay cannot vote) then 6 votes are needed. If only 2 people can vote then no majority can happen. If players vote to KILL someone successfully then that player is out of the game.

Every time a player posts a particularly good post, (in GM's opinion), good RP for that player will occur.

From time to time, RP Events (GM) will also occur that require player response. This will be for balancing and flavour. ALL roles are important and will have also have at least ONE RP Event (GM).

ALL players will also have ONE RP Event (personal) of their choice. This can only help and not win the game for them and will be in the form of small aids or hints. GM will have to agree and will suggest an alternative modification if necessary.

GM loves BAD RP.  Kidding. ;D Not.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2012, 05:55:32 PM by Fury »


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Re: Sabotage I: CEC Imperial Splendour
« Reply #1: November 12, 2012, 06:05:38 PM »


« Last Edit: November 24, 2012, 11:56:43 AM by Fury »


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: Sabotage I: CEC Imperial Splendour
« Reply #2: November 13, 2012, 05:12:00 PM »
It needs werewolf in the title, or I don't look at it when I log in  8)
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell


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Re: Sabotage I: CEC Imperial Splendour
« Reply #3: November 13, 2012, 05:50:58 PM »
Oh hey, well the previous Thing game ran its course with all possible win scenarios - didn't plan it but it turned out that way. So, I'm thinking new series title for new theme.

Had fun spending the last two days crafting out the rules. It's about done but don't want to post it yet until the other WW game is well under way. Don't want to distract myself or others.

But a few hints until then:

CEC stands for Corellian Engineering Corporation
No one dies during the game - they're confined or temporarily incapacitated
After game starts, new players can still join
If a player posts a good post (in GM's opinion), good RP for that player happens
RP Events (besides the usual Night Events) happen regularly and require player response
Besides the usual 'lynch' votes, players can start a vote for anything


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: Sabotage I: CEC Imperial Splendour
« Reply #4: November 14, 2012, 12:59:13 AM »
It seems interesting, but it may require a level of activity a little bit high for some. I'll keep an eye on this!
D'Espana Family


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Re: Sabotage I: CEC Imperial Splendour
« Reply #5: November 14, 2012, 01:46:09 AM »
That's the beauty of it. No one dies. So, you can come back to it anytime. You might find yourself in the medical bay or confined to your quarters but you'll get out of the medical bay eventually and can demand to be released from your quarters by yelling, pleading, etc. or you can escape or be set free by someone.


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Re: Sabotage I: CEC Imperial Splendour
« Reply #6: November 14, 2012, 02:11:47 AM »
I'll have to see that "no one dies" by myself. Because how and when does it end, if everyone is just temporarily disabled?
D'Espana Family


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Re: Sabotage I: CEC Imperial Splendour
« Reply #7: November 14, 2012, 02:54:18 AM »
I'll have to see that "no one dies" by myself. Because how and when does it end, if everyone is just temporarily disabled?
it seems this game is not bad guys kill good guys, but bad guys sabatoge something to win, and I have no idea how good guys win. We will see when Fury posts the rules I guess.
“The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.”
― G.K. Chesterton


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Re: Sabotage I: CEC Imperial Splendour
« Reply #8: November 14, 2012, 03:18:39 AM »
Those in medical bay or confined to quarters don't count towards parity unless and until they get out. So, they have to be taken out long enough to reach parity.

Bad guys need to cause some sabotage first as distraction before they can attack (disable) anyone. Sabotage can be repaired so it's a balance. Locations can be guarded. People can be defended.

Good guys win when they've caught and identified all the baddies.

Oh, and there's a deck plan.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2012, 03:22:34 AM by Fury »


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Re: Sabotage I: CEC Imperial Splendour
« Reply #9: November 15, 2012, 02:21:02 AM »
Mmmmmm, my interest is growing. I especially like the pro-RP rules. Can you give us some insight in the background? Pleeeeeease  :D
D'Espana Family


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Re: Sabotage I: CEC Imperial Splendour
« Reply #10: November 15, 2012, 05:54:40 AM »
Takes place on a ship in space. With crew and passengers. There's a saboteur. And an Imperial traitor. Maybe an android. And force-sensitive individuals (mind powers only).

There are GM RPs (at least one for each player) and player created RP (only one per player) with GM approval (can only aid or give small hints and not WIN the game).

Apart from 'lynch' votes, players can start a vote on anything but must have the votes of more than half the total possible votes for it to pass. This is the ONLY way to kill a character.  ;)


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Re: Sabotage I: CEC Imperial Splendour
« Reply #11: November 16, 2012, 03:36:50 AM »
Sweet  :)
D'Espana Family


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Re: Sabotage I: CEC Imperial Splendour
« Reply #12: November 19, 2012, 12:01:26 PM »
I am In, thanks a lot to your signature or else I might miss it :)

This sounds a fun theme. Bad guy with their goals, good guys with their own goals to get to a planet named Earth perhaps?
Werewolf Games: Villager (6) Wolf (4) Seer (3); Lynched as Villager(1). Lost as Villager(1), Lost as Wolf(1) due to Parity. Hunted as Villager(1). Lynched as Seer(2).
Won as Villager(3). Won as Seer(1). Won as Wolf(3).
BM Characters: East Continent(Brock), Colonies(Ash), Dwilight(Gary)


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Re: Sabotage I: CEC Imperial Splendour
« Reply #13: November 19, 2012, 06:27:19 PM »
Ship's mission will depend partly on roles that players choose and player direction that seems to be taking during the course of the game. Ex. one of the previous games, someone talked about hoping that the helicopter doesn't get blown up and it does. ;) RP Events can also change the mission if the ship is too damaged for instance or if it comes under attack by external forces...


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: Sabotage I: CEC Imperial Splendour
« Reply #14: November 20, 2012, 01:30:45 AM »
Sound like Cylons planning to sabotage the ship to me. But hey I am Up for it 8)

We going have a Medic Bay. How about a Holding Bay, namely Brig? To hold up any killer suspect if we do not want to kill people? And also election for the Prime Minister if we going for Cylons Colony theme?

Hehe, I just throw up a couple idea out there for consideration.

P/S: GM, make me Cylons please! :P

Note: Disclaimer, I am not a Cylons.

Werewolf Games: Villager (6) Wolf (4) Seer (3); Lynched as Villager(1). Lost as Villager(1), Lost as Wolf(1) due to Parity. Hunted as Villager(1). Lynched as Seer(2).
Won as Villager(3). Won as Seer(1). Won as Wolf(3).
BM Characters: East Continent(Brock), Colonies(Ash), Dwilight(Gary)