Author Topic: vice marshal/second in command - questions on formation settings  (Read 4123 times)


  • Peasant
  • Posts: 5
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Thanks for the help in advance.

I played BM for a few years several years ago but, well the game has changed a lot in that time.  I feel I grew bored of it too soon and should have waited it out for all of these new (to me) exciting changes...but I digress.

The wiki has this to say about XOs

Vice Marshal/Second in Command (SiC)

The Vice-Marshal (generally referred to as SiC) is responsible for issuing orders when the marshal is incapacitated. He can also use the "Orders" message type when sending to members of the army.

I'm afraid I can't find the source at the moment (making me now think I may have been on an out of date page), but I also read that the XO will take command in the battle if the marshal is absent.  I assume this allows for formations to be used even if the marshal doesn't make it to the battle.

My question is - well I suppose now the first is if my understanding is how it works currently - but if that is a yes, then how the vice-marshal can control if the formation settings are used?

For example if the marshal has 'infantry wall' set for a defensive battle against a cavalry heavy attack from an enemy realm and meanwhile the vice-marshal (absent from that engagement) is attempting to deal with a few monsters/undead with a few other stragglers in the army and wants to use independent archer front openings.  Or if the marshal is wounded with a certain formation settings, will these persist at each encounter that the SiC takes command in?

Perhaps I am mistaken and vice-marshal is purely an organization leadership position and they won't take command or use formation settings in battle.  I'm just not seeing anywhere whether they will, nor the option for a SiC to toggle "use marshal's settings" nor the option for a SiC to set their own formation settings.



Here is the forum thread I saw before.,1277.msg25847.html#msg25847

Can Vice-Marshals actually do anything mechanic-wise? I could have sworn I had seen some Vice-Marshal atleast command the formation in battle sometime but now I have two of my chars as vice-marshals and no new options seem to be available.

They will implement the formation the marshal selected when the marshal is not present, but they can't select the formations themselves. Mechanics wise no, they get nothing new to play with.

So yeah what if there are two separate encounters or the marshal is injured and the formation settings need to be at least turned off?
« Last Edit: November 13, 2012, 10:23:44 PM by johnjacob »