Author Topic: Southern War of Nobility (Civil war in Madina)  (Read 287174 times)


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Re: Civil war in Madina
« Reply #150: July 19, 2011, 11:33:22 PM »
My question is, why would Madinan nobles feel compelled to recognize a title that was bestowed by a realm that is on a whole other continent, with whom they have no diplomatic relations or other dealings? That's like a Chinese guy strolling into a pub in medieval London, loudly claiming he was the Grand Poobah of North China, and demanding to be treated like royalty. He would probably have been laughed out of the building, if not beaten senseless.

See, that's my RP interpretation. But which one of us is right? The answer: Neither. RP in this game is a collaborative process. You can't just pretend something works a certain way and then demand that everyone agree with your interpretation. Other people have a right to their own interpretations, thank you very much, and that doesn't make them wrong.