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Family Name Origins

Started by Galvez, April 06, 2011, 01:34:42 AM

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When naming my family I wanted something that sound medieval and Europeanish. I used a random name generator I had made using python until something came up that was close. Pelgarad I think. I then twisted it a bit and ended up with Pelgart. In the past I have sometimes used bastardized Latin words for names. I also like googling for medieval European name lists and pulling from books I enjoy.


Erm.. so when family names were added to the game in 03? A lot of churn had already taken place.  I decided to take a name that made the family sound old and so bastardized Relic to Relak.  It's incidentally how I also came up with Arcaea, I simply dropped the h from the bacterial domain name, to imply the ancientness of the culture (if anyone recalls it was setup like a Chinese dynasty from the 1200s or so)


I wish I had an interesting story, but Hyral was shamelessly swiped from the original Final Fantasy Tactics. And no, it doesn't make a lot of sense with my characters' given names :p


Quote from: loren on April 06, 2011, 03:18:49 PMIt's incidentally how I also came up with Arcaea, I simply dropped the h from the bacterial domain name, to imply the ancientness of the culture

Hmm... maybe that's why so many people think of Arcaea as a disease that plagues the Far East.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


I copied Gellin Gellander over from my Baldur's Gate character, he was a gnome.

Ever since I've given all my characters names that start with G.



Quote from: loren on April 06, 2011, 03:18:49 PM
Erm.. so when family names were added to the game in 03? A lot of churn had already taken place.  I decided to take a name that made the family sound old and so bastardized Relic to Relak.  It's incidentally how I also came up with Arcaea, I simply dropped the h from the bacterial domain name, to imply the ancientness of the culture (if anyone recalls it was setup like a Chinese dynasty from the 1200s or so)

I always wondered if there was relation...Good to know.
"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"

Jhaelen Irsei

My family name is the surname of Corum, one of the Michael Moorcock characters, a dark fantasy author that I liked when I was teenager


The 'Da Hadez' Family..

The first time I had to pick a username (for compuserve) Hades was already taken. Back then it was still cool (bearing in mind this was over 20 years ago and I was, like, 16) to substitute  z for s. It kind of stuck and I've used it since for usernames, domain names, game characters and so on since because it was rarely used (sadly no longer the case).

The 'Da' was supposed to be 'Da' as in 'Da Vinci' so 'Da Hadez' means 'From (badly-spelt) Hell'. I hope BM players are highbrow enough not to assume it is 'Da' as in 'Da Man' or  'Da Bomb' but either way my meaning gave me inspiration for the starting point of my family history on the wiki.

First names are designed to be easy to pronounce, spell and remember and so scan nicely with the surname.
"There are 11 kinds of people in the world; those who do not understand binary, those who think they understand binary and those who understand endianness."


Quote from: wraith on April 06, 2011, 10:48:57 PM
First names are designed to be easy to pronounce, spell and remember and so scan nicely with the surname.
Oh, I know someone who makes it a sport to chose difficult names.. Peri around somewhere..?  ;D
"Men willingly believe what they wish." - Julius Caesar


the insperation for the Igelfeld family is drawn mostly from the work of Alexander McCall Smith and his unceasingly clever work. The name Igelfeld comes from the protagonist of Portuguese Irregular Verbs a Professor Dr Moritz-Maria von Igelfeld, who is a prideful and stoic character who is unable and unwilling to admit failure in his professional or personal life.
Moritz Von Igelfeld - King of Asylon
Moria Von Igelfeld - Viscountess of Lanston
Ulrich Von Igelfeld - Knight of Remton, Dark Isle Colonist


Hossenfeffer was simply too awesome a name for me not to use (was it really '03?). 

As for Mungo, my first BM character, well I went to school with a guy called Mungo who could fart at will.

Mungo was later joined in the game by Mary and Midge (possibly the worst infiltrator ever).  Anyone old and British enough would probably get that connection.  Since then there's been nothing but Ms in the family.


Quote from: Hossenfeffer on April 07, 2011, 06:31:54 PM
Hossenfeffer was simply too awesome a name for me not to use (was it really '03?). 

I remember it being initiated before Atamara, along with family homes.  It was kind of a big deal I got Al Arab as that's where I did start off as Duke with Gregor and later Boeth.

Here's an interesting fact, Gregor was NOT the first ruler of Ibladesh (he was the 2nd), but for the life of me I can't remember the guy who was.  I want to say it was one of James Marshall's characters.


Adriddae is a name I just remember making up to sound medievalish. My first character Vistuvis was made up as well and sounded pretty cool to match the family name. Vesuvis was partly a twist on Vistuvis and partly a username used by a guy on an old space fighter game(which in turn is the name of a volcano in Italy). My current character Zhoesya is merely Zoe with a few other letters thrown in to make it unique.


I used to use a certain moniker everywhere on the internet. Realising I couldn't go by a single name when I came here, I split it in half for my first character 'Sera Osha'. It was fairly uninspired.


Hello, I am slowly getting into this forum.

I got the last name from two sources; the awesome actor Michael Ironside (a Canadian, thank you  8)), and from Oliver Cromwell's infantry during the English Civil War. 

Armsrong was named after the authour Karen Armstrong (just a cool sounding name). And Bowie was named both for the knife and the singer David Bowie (go figure, eh).
Ironsides Family, mainly East Continent and Dwilight. I dip my toe into Atamara here and there