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Oritolon internal politics =Warning, OOC=

Started by Ketchum, December 19, 2012, 06:55:08 AM

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Oritolon always seems to have internal strife. If there is no outsider common enemy to focus on, there will be its own nobles fighting their own. How they managed to overcome their neighboring realms, 2 fallen realms of Alebad, Alowca is truly a mystery.
Werewolf Games: Villager (6) Wolf (4) Seer (3); Lynched as Villager(1). Lost as Villager(1), Lost as Wolf(1) due to Parity. Hunted as Villager(1). Lynched as Seer(2).
Won as Villager(3). Won as Seer(1). Won as Wolf(3).
BM Characters: East Continent(Brock), Colonies(Ash), Dwilight(Gary)


A mystery? It's no mystery to me.

Oritolon survives because Lukon helps them do everything. Minas Thalion would still have Alebad (and possibly Alowca) if Lukon hadn't attacked.


Indeed.  Lukon was the real force against all 3 realms fought in the south.  In fact, Minas Thalion was STEAMROLLING over you until Lukon got involved.

The biggest problem with Oritolon is the attitude of the Old Guard.  Any time any changing force comes along it is automatically denounced, and immediately the old and the new begin plotting against each other.  The new usually comes up with new nobles in numbers, and the Old Guard comes up with Lukon.

As much as I love the Colonies, and I've even always been fond of Oritolon,  the few old characters who are attached to the tits of Lukon prevent the realm from ever doing or being anything big and exciting.  As a result, it usually has a low noble count until the above "new vs. old" starts to build up and is squashed by Lukon or threats of Lukon.  It is only fun for a short while when a power TRIES to surface; otherwise, it is entirely boring.  They even invented a nonreligious religion simply to exclude any chance of an actual faith of taking route. 

A whole realm thats only mission is stability.... these guys do NOT know how to party.


Psyche has the truth of it... sort of... and dripping with distaste.

Everyone knows by now why Lukon and Oritolon became close.  Oppressive gang bang multi realm vs one wars can really bring people together.  BUT that was real world time about 8 years ago...

So that had Lukon and Oritolon standing side by side.  Then came the internal issues.  It started with an OOC clan and then another and then fear of others combined with actual individuals taking actions...

The end result was a culture of fear... and the culture I refer to is Lukon fear.  Imagine if any one faction was able to take over in Oritolon... as time went on as it has and the two realms became more distant.  If anyone of anything but pro Lukon politics were to gain power while any Lukon enemy was still alive then Lukon security would be shot.  Trying to fight a war from two polar opposite directions would have been devastating.

So instead I consistently used what ever I could to make sure the "good guys" from Lukon's point of view were on top.  After all the old school Lukon and old school Oritolon warriors are friends still from the time of the fall of Portion.  My character in Lukon even calls Spearhead, Uncle Spearhead.

But this is all going to come to an end sort of.  Because the Empire is going to happen.

Empire of the Unified Colonies (or what ever we vote to call it)...

It will begin with Valakyrie leading it (mostly just so my family can have a feather in its hat) and then free elections will take place with every realm casting one vote as to who will be Emperor for 3 months.

Each city will become its own nation... and the Empire will enforce only one law at first.  That law is the prevention of genocide.  In other words, if one realm tries to destroy another (without having gained the proper political support im sure) then the empire will rally to stop them.

This will allow for realms to be more brazen and to have smaller wars over gold food and pride, without it always ending in the total destruction of a nation.

Some people will not like this idea I know... but it is going to happen.  Lukon has the ability to make it happen through war, but I would rather see it done through peace.


I say bring back Prime Minister Antonine. He knew how to keep things in check. I mean, he was running a secret society which had been infiltrated by a multi, and he knowingly let the Chancellor embezzle hundreds of gold but that was just part of his charm ;)


Oritolon's biggest issue is lack of turnover.  It's plain stagnant.   Even when they do get new leaders they pretty much keep the status quo, or secretly plan on other things that never come to fruition.

What it needs is somebody to aggressively campaign whatever crazy policy to get support, but stay in line enough to avoid being a total pariah.  Even then, two of their duchies are headed by the Old Guard. 
Best way to do it would be to oust the old timers as traitors, after having some skilled assassins do some work.  Just stab repeatedly.


