Author Topic: Accusations of abuse and general harassment  (Read 25077 times)


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Re: Accusations of abuse and general harassment
« Topic Start: December 22, 2012, 02:28:18 AM »
I'm here.

Aaron provided a pretty complete record of what happened from his perspective. However, I do have some clarifications to add:

1. Enri has perfectly valid IC reasons for his orders. He has IC knowledge of the fact that Thomas Solari was spying on CE for Carelia, in the form of letters Thomas Solari sent to the rest of the Order of the Raven, with Enri's recent orders attached. He was never 100% sure who the spy in CE was, but he knew for a fact that Thomas Solari was the spy's handler in Carelia. Malus Solari's exploits on Dwilight should also have reached his ears eventually, since House Solari is on his radar now. All of this did not paint a very flattering picture of House Solari to Enri.

So given that, I believe it is perfectly reasonable for him to send a younger (possibly expendable) family member of House Solari away from the front lines. This will prevent most efforts at spying, cut off any opportunities for sabotage, and just as importantly to Enri, prevent the young Remi from gaining any influence or building a power base in CE. Enri knows from experience that the Solaris usually end up causing more damage with their schemes to their own realm than to their enemies. He doesn't have any evidence to use against Remi, but that doesn't mean that he has to make Remi's stay in CE comfortable, fruitful, or beneficial to Remi's career. Considering the difference in rank between Enri and Remi, I also submit that Enri has been reasonably respectful to the young man.

You can call it an IC vendetta from House Kinsey against House Solari if you wish. I personally do not believe it's quite at that level yet. Enri was willing to give young Remi a chance to prove himself, provided that Remi jumped through some hoops to show that he was sincere, but Enri's latest orders sound exasperated, because the young man does not appear to be willing or able to follow basic instructions.

It wasn't even that bad of an assignment. I ask the same question that Enri asked ICly: Is asking a young noble to bodyguard his own liege too much to ask for? Is a mission that is good enough for a Duke too much "grunt work" for a vassal knight?

2. I have publicly, OOCly accused Aaron of spying in-game, yes, but spying is not against the rules, and I hope that people can see my original message to Aaron as the playful jab and welcome that it was meant to be, "dagger eyes" and all. My personal OOC opinions on the act of spying itself was made quite clear, but I was not accusing him of breaking any game rules. So I did not break that clause of the Social Contract: "Do not publicly accuse anyone of cheating, abuses or violations of this contract without proof or evidence." Spying using IC means is none of the above.

I also told him, in private, that I believed he was up to some shenanigans with new players, but this was in private, and I made it clear that I believed it wasn't against the rules either. I would have made a Titan or Magistrate complaint if I felt that Aaron had broken any rules.

3. I'm sorry if Aaron felt that I was harassing him with the few messages I sent to him from ~4 days ago. I made my OOC dislike for him quite clear, and perhaps that was a mistake on my part, but I believe I expressed myself in a calm and professional manner. I also made it clear to him that the discussion was over, at least from my end of it, and that I was not going to keep bothering him about it. And, indeed, I have not bothered him OOCly since then.

I would like to contrast that with his repeated IC and OOC demands for orders (even though Remi's previous orders were quite clear and had not been fulfilled yet), and Aaron OOCly telling me to "grow up", "put on your big boy pants", and publicly asking me "are you that stupid?" To be completely honest, I am a bit upset about all that. If one of my friends said that to me in person, we would not be friends for much longer, if there was no apology forthcoming.

I will be monitoring this thread as best as my schedule allows, and would be happy to answer any questions.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2012, 02:34:01 AM by GoldPanda »
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