Author Topic: Accusations of abuse and general harassment  (Read 24401 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: Accusations of abuse and general harassment
« Reply #45: December 23, 2012, 08:02:06 AM »
I'm on the road, so pardon the brevity of my reply. In response to Yangfan's request, I'll clarify the comment on escalation. From my perspective, Yangfan was grinding a personal axe and privately making an ass of himself. I felt like my character was being put in a poorly constructed IC purgatory as a result. So, I endeavored to return the favor and make Enri's life as miserable as possible through protocol. Constantly requesting orders would just be the beginning. Next, I'd have started asking the marshals for orders and bringing in the rest of the chain of command. Then I'd change classes and wander to the front, just to cause some grief over my super secret spy plans. Stupid and childish? You bet. But warranted, IMHO, for someone who's awfully fond of accusing me of unsporting play—based entirely on an incorrect assumption of who I am or how I play—while dishing it out himself.

But I'd hardly enjoy it, and it would work against my own interets. I'd rather that this whole public spat result in a reboot, where I have a chance to play in a realm and with another player that I've rather liked from afar for awhile.

Aaron, I still don't see how this is going to make me "lose badly". In fact your escalation plan seems like a Christmas gift for Enri. Harassing the rest of the command chain would have just angered more powerful nobles, who would be mad at Remi, not Enri. And as soon as Remi was north of Eaglin, he would have been banned for flagrant disregard of orders.

And so far, Remi has done none of those things.

So what was I supposed to think? Was your threat to "escalate the matter" and make me "lose badly" a threat to deploy this convoluted scheme, or go straight to the magistrates? If you consider both threats as possible interpretations, which one have you actually carried out?
« Last Edit: December 23, 2012, 08:05:17 AM by GoldPanda »
qui audet vincit