Author Topic: Vent Thread  (Read 42166 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: Vent Thread
« Reply #60: December 29, 2012, 07:24:51 PM »
Do mind that alot of peace also comes due to large alliance blocks bullying single realms.
Most nobles in Melhed are actually quite the warmonger, but if your about to march to war and hear that three realms with all individualy more nobles in them will be waiting on the other side of the river, you chicken out nor would that be a war to last.

Nor would the 170k pop relatively unscathed realm vs the 50k pop genocided and bankrupt realm war have lasted long. :)
Sure we could've not pushed your buttons like we did considering our weakness but then we'd have a nice and stable neighbourly relationship... who wants that?