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food breakdown tool for lords/stewards

Started by fodder, December 30, 2012, 10:04:24 PM

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Title: food breakdown tool for lords/stewards

Summary: basically, give a version of what the banker/duke have to the lords/steward inside the game.

banker has some sort of tool that lists food consumption/production
duke has some sort of tool that lists food consumption/production
lord/steward has nothing. just a daily deficit/surplus, which is useless for long term planning without knowing actual consumption/production. yet they are the ones who have to deal with food 1st hand.

this is especially true for dwi/fei where there are season variations.

now.. i know wiki does mention the relationship between food produced and food number in regiondetails.php and that most people use 500 peasant = 1 food to do their calculation, it would be most helpful not to have to whip out the calculator to diy.

i suppose the basic thing to do is this.

take this statement in the daily report (eg.)
Todays harvest could not cover the consumption. 3 bushels were taken from the granary.

put something like it in the command menu.. say.. call it food report or whatever the equivalent duke/banker thing is called

but break it down and say:

today's food breakdown or some such
production - X bushels
consumed by peasant - Y bushels
consumed by militia/armies - Z bushels
net surplus/deficit - W bushels

anything else is a bonus. (but... do at least list out the variation % for different seasons, it's not a secret as it's in the wiki already: 25% for winter, etc)


You mean like:

"Background information: Your region is currently estimated to produce 5 bushels of food a day, while the peasants eat 7 bushels, resulting in a net deficit of 2 bushels per day, or 14 per week. "

That is already provided at the Market. Not sure if Army is included in that though, it was in the past for sure. Together with the summary on the Command page, this provides all the info Dukes and Bankers get as well.


As Telrunya says, you pretty much already get all the information. The Duke/banker just gets it put in a convenient table format. I do think it would be handy to have individuals lords have access to FoodReport.php for just their region. It puts the info all together in a convenient, easy to read table.
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... market? eh... what if you are not at the market? (didn't actually remember it gives that at the market)
there's also the business with militia/units in the region. which can skew things a lot.

eg.. it states avengmil produces 19 and consumes 21 = -2 a day
but because militia takes a minimum of 1, it's actually -3 a day... big difference for any long term tables.

or for that matter.. rots. avengmil has 2 rots a day compared to the 3 consumed! though i know the rot will stop when stock dwindles to around 300 odd (or a bit more) out of a warehouse of 2k..

similarly.. "winter ends in X days" appears in play-info.php but not anywhere in command.php


A question I am wondering also, in the food report for bankers, does that include consumption by militia or just peasants?
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton


double check with the numbers i sent you earlier
they are the correct numbers with and without militia.